This is an archive of a course I taught at NC State, included here as a resource to students and colleagues. This material is from fall 2015.

CSC405: Introduction to Computer Security

Section 001, Fall 2015

Course Description

Basic concepts and techniques in information security and management such as risks and vulnerabilities, applied cryptography, program security, malicious software, authentication, access control, operating systems security, multilevel security, trusted operating systems, database security, inference control, physical security, and system assurance and evaluation. Coverage of high-level concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability applied to hardware, software, and data.

Course Textbook (Required)

Computer Security: Principles and Practice, Third Edition
Author: William Stallings and Lawrie Brown
ISBN: 978-0133773927, Pearson Prentice Hall
Publication Date: July 18, 2014
Textbook Errata

Course Objectives

Throughout this course you will learn a variety of topics within the Computer Security realm.

Upon completion you should have gained the following conceptual skills:

Upon completion you should have gained the following technical skills:

Course Topics

Course Prerequisites

This course requires CSC246 (Operating Systems) as a prerequisite.


Homeworks (6)60% (10% each)
Exam 110%
Exam 210%
Final Exam20%


There will be 6 homework assignments. Each homework is worth 10% each, for a total of 60% of your final grade. The homework assignments are going to count for a significant portion of your grade because they will take the majority of your time in this class.

Homework assignments are roughly divided into 3 sections:
(1) General questions/problems, possibly from the book or other media
(2) Questions that have nothing to do with current topic but for general security knowledge
(3) Hands-on questions where students learn tools, concepts, and practical applications


There will be two interim exams and a final exam. All will be in-class and cumulative.  You will have 75 minutes to complete the interim exams and 3 hours for the final exam.  The interim and final exams are closed notes/closed book.  No study guides allowed.

Collaboration Policy

You are allowed to collaborate on the all homework's with other students. This means that you can work together to solve the problems but you MUST submit your own individual work that shows you completed the problems yourself. Any collaboration or assistance you receive from other students or EXTERNAL resources should be properly cited on your assignments.

In other words, you must generate your own artifacts (write-ups, screenshots, written responses, etc.) that demonstration completion of the assignment.

Each assignment builds on the next, so a "divide and conquer" strategy where you work on one subset of an assigment while a peer works on another will become disasterous when it comes time to do the assignment that follows!

Late and Makeup Policy

All assignments are due at the given time and date. If there are technical issues with the class servers, we will adjust deadlines accordingly.

If you anticipate a problem meeting a deadline, contact the instructors well in advance of the deadline. The teaching staff may make exceptions and allowances in advance of a deadline, but there's usually little we can do once one has passed.

Attendance Policy

The instructor expects good attendance by the students.  If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to make up.  For anticipated absences, it is professional courtesy to notify the instructor.  You should review the official university attendance regulations.

Attendance will be tracked using the form linked from the home page of this site.

Academic Integrity

The university, college, and department policies against academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. You may obtain copies of the NCSU Code of Student Conduct from the Office of Student Conduct, or from the following URL:

Any violation of the trust agreement below or University Computing regulations will be considered a violation of academic integrity.

Student Disability Policy

Please come see us during the first week of class and we will be happy to accommodate you with whatever is necessary.

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Service for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653.

For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see:

Trust Agreement

Throughout this course you will be introduced to many topics in the field of computer security.  There will be topics discussed and activities carried out in this course that will be sensitive in nature and must be treated as such.  You will be given access to machines with various security tools that if used for malicious purposes could create a lot of damage on the network.  Trust is very important in the computer security area because employers put a lot of responsibility in your hands and it is important that you do not abuse this trust.  Also, some of these topics and exercises have never been taught in this class before, so having trust between everyone is important for us to continue teaching these topics.

If you find any security issues with the class servers, please report it to the instructors.  DO NOT ATTEMPT to exploit the issue.  Unauthorized attacked will be considered a violation of academic integrity.  Any security issues you find may be rewarded with extra credit.

Class Servers and Computing Environment

Each of the homework assignments will include problems that require use of the class servers and computing environment.  Details about the class infrastructure count be found on the resources page.