This is an archive of a course I taught at NC State, included here as a resource to students and colleagues. This material is from fall 2015.

CSC405: Introduction to Computer Security

Section 001, Fall 2015

1Thu 8/20Introduction, Syllabus, Course OverviewCarterChapter 0
2Tue 8/25Computer Security Overview, Standards and Standard-Setting OrganizationsCarterChapter 1
Appendix C
3Thu 8/27Computer Networking Overview: TCP/IP Protocol Architecture and the Domain Name SystemCarterAppendix F
Appendix I
4Tue 9/1Cryptographic Tools: Symmetric Encryption and Message ConfidentialityCarterChapter 2
Chapter 20
DES Calculator
5Thu 9/3Cryptographic Tools: Symmetric Encryption and Message ConfidentialityCarterChapter 2
Chapter 20
6Tue 9/8Cryptographic Tools: Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication, SHA-3CarterChapter 2
Chapter 21
Appendix K
7Thu 9/10Cryptographic Tools: Public-Key Cryptography and Message AuthenticationCarterChapter 2
Chapter 21
8Tue 9/15Cryptographic Tools: Public-Key Cryptography and Message AuthenticationCarterChapter 2
Chapter 21
9Thu 9/17User AuthenticationCarterChapter 3
10Tue 9/22Exam #1
11Thu 9/24Access ControlBletschChapter 4
12Tue 9/29Database and Cloud SecurityBletschChapter 5
13Thu 10/1Malicious SoftwareBletschChapter 6
14Tue 10/6Malicious Software II: Stuxnet, Malicious hardware, Rootkits, Windows tracing tools demoBletschChapter 6
Stuxnet analysis
Adore-ng rootkit demo
jellyfish: A gpu rootkit!
Thu 10/8Fall break
15Tue 10/13Denial-of-Service AttacksBletschChapter 7
16Thu 10/15Intrusion DetectionBletschChapter 8
Appendix J
17Tue 10/20Firewalls and Intrusion Prevention SystemsBletschChapter 9
18Thu 10/22Buffer OverflowsBletschChapter 10
19Tue 10/27Software SecurityBletschChapter 11
20Thu 10/29Exam #2
21Tue 11/3Operating Systems SecurityBletschChapter 12
22Thu 11/5Internet Security Protocols and Standards, Internet Authentication ApplicationsCarterChapter 22
Chapter 23
23Tue 11/10Wireless Network SecurityCarterChapter 24
24Thu 11/12Legal and Ethical Aspects, Security Auditing and ForensicsTim GurganusChapter 19
Chapter 18
25Tue 11/17Mobile SecurityTim Gurganus-
26Thu 11/19Reverse engineeringBletsch-
27Tue 11/24Course Review / Final Exam ReviewBletsch/Carter
Thu 11/26Thanksgiving holiday
28Tue 12/1Human factors and social engineeringBletschPoorly-spelled 1990s textfiles: social.txt, soceng.txt
29Thu 12/3 Show and Tell Day
John Boezeman: Error-message based SQL injection database slurping
John Boezeman: HW3 self-grader crack (live script modification)
Nicholas Shelton: Automatic SQL injection database slurper
Isaac Musick: HW3 self-grader crack (report-as-binary attack)
Isaac Musick: Software-defined radio
Nathan Shirley: Steganography (pptx version; code)
Tue 12/8(6pm) Final exam