1 Apr 20

IEEE Spectrum publishes our perspective on game theory for datacenter management. A great article for a high-level introduction.

30 Mar 20

Pengfei Zheng defends his PhD dissertation on machine learning for datacenter operations. Congratulations!

23 Mar 20

Calvin Ma presents his thesis, on time series analysis for straggler prediction, for graduation with distinction in computer science. Well done!

8 Mar 20

Our SOSP 2009 paper -- Better I/O through byte-addressable persistent memory -- receives the Persistent Impact Prize for its exceptional impact on non-volatile memory research.

5 Feb 20

The ASIC Center meets and starts year two. The SAIL group will work with Lenovo Research and Samsung Research on datacenter architectures.


13 Dec 19

Yuhao Li's paper on reinforcement learning for managing colocated workloads is accepted at TACO. Congrats!

9 Dec 19

Atefeh is awarded the Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship! Very well deserved!

9 Dec 19

Jake Chasan defends his undergraduate thesis jointly in Computer Science and Economics. Congratulations!

7 Nov 19

Atefeh and Aninda's paper on using Bayesian optimization to optimize high-level synthesis has been accepted to appear at Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). Congrats!

31 Oct 19

Ben Lee is elevated to ACM Senior Membership!

14 Oct 19

Ben Lee is presenting DynaSprint at MICRO in Columbus OH.

22 Sep 19

Ben Lee is at Wrightsville Beach attending the ECE program's graduate retreat.

19 Sep 19

Ben Lee is in Austin, presenting at the SRC System-Level Design review.

16 Sep 19

Ben Lee is in Austin for the Arm Research Summit and speaking about dynamic thermal and power management.

3 Sep 19

Ben Lee is at the University of Notre Dame, updating the ASIC research center with our research on machine learning for systems.

20 Aug 19

Ankita Nayak, MS alumna from our group, joins Draper Labs. Congrats and good luck!

15 Aug 19

Ben Lee is elevated to IEEE Senior Membership.

25 July 19

Our paper on dynamic cache sprints is accepted to MICRO-52. Congrats to Patrick Huang and our collaborators at ARM Research!

11 May 19

Tamara Lehman and Ziqiang Patrick Huang receive their doctorates. Tami will join the University of Colorado, Boulder. Patrick will join the University of Waterloo. Congratulations!

7 May 19

Yuhao Li passes his preliminary exam.

22 Apr 19

Atefeh Mehrabi passes her preliminary exam.

11 Apr 19

Ben Lee joins the the editorial board for the Communications of the ACM (CACM).

1 Apr 19

Patrick successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations!

22 Mar 19

Tami successfully defends her thesis. Congratulations!

8 Mar 19

Ben is in Chicago for the ISCA program committee meeting.

13 Feb 19

Ben attends the kick-off meeting for the Center for Alternative Sustainable and Intelligent Computing. Great meeting industry participants!

1 Feb 19

Songchun and Seyed's paper on game theory for computational sprinting appears a research highlight in the Communications of the ACM. Also see the technical perspective on our work by Thomas Wenisch!

25 Jan 19

Jacob Chasan joins the group for undergraduate research in algorithmic economics for systems management. Welcome!

24 Jan 19

Ben visits NVIDIA Research talking about algorithmic economics and machine learning for systems management.

22 Jan 19

Elizabeth Bartusiak joins the group for undergraduate research, studying workload auto-tuning and resource allocation. Welcome!

10 Jan 19

Ben is in Rochester, serving on the IEEE Micro Top Picks selection committee.


28 Nov 18

Ben judges the M.S. poster session. Congratulations to graduating students!

4 Oct 18

Ben and Patrick participate in the System Level Design review for the Semiconductor Research Corporation.

17 Sep 18

Ben is in Cambridge UK, attending the ARM Research Summit and talking about interpretable machine learning for datacenter performance analysis.

31 Aug 18

David Tran pursues undergraduate research, studying interpretable machine learning for datacenter performance analysis.

15 Aug 18

Ankita Nayak pursues independent study, focusing on the role of FGPAs in datacenters.

3 Aug 18

Data+ program concludes. Thanks to Cecily Chase, Brian Nieves, and Harry Xie for a great summer! They have successfully applied causal inference to datasets from a Lenovo datacenter.

27 June 18

Seyed and Songchun's paper on managing heterogeneous datacenters with tokens appears in the ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO). Tokens help track processor allocations and ensure fairness across time.

20 June 18

Pengfei and Seyed attend SIGMETRICS to present their papers. Pengfei presents causal learning for datacenter straggler diagnosis and Seyed presents dynamic games for sharing datacenter processors.

29 May 18

Data+ starts! A team of undergraduates---Cecily Chase, Brian Nieves, and Harry Xie---study causal inference for performance analysis.

13 May 18

Dan Sun earns his undergraduate degree and will join our group at Duke for his Ph.D. Looking forward to our continued collaborations!

13 May 18

Aninda Manocha earns her undergraduate degree and will join Princeton for her Ph.D. Congratulations!

13 May 18

Seyed earns his doctoral degree and will join the University of Waterloo as an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering. Good luck!

16 Apr 18

Matthew Faw, an undergraduate alumnus from our research group, joins the University of Texas, Austin, for his Ph.D. Congratulations!

9 Apr 18

Songchun's paper, in collaboration with Theodoros Salonidis at IBM, on swarm computing for mobile sensing is accepted to appear at ICDCS. Congrats!

7 Apr 18

Rupert Freeman has been invited to talk about our paper on game-theoretic approaches to dynamic proportional sharing at the International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC) this summer.

4 Apr 18

Tami, Drew, and Ben receives the best paper award from ISPASS for her study of metadata access patterns in secure memory.

4 Apr 18

Ryan Piersma joins the group for undergraduate research in secure architectures as part of Duke's Grand Challenges Program.

2 Apr 18

SAIL receives a grant to study dynamic power allocation for systems-on-chips from the Semiconductor Research Corporation.

19 Mar 18

Ben is recognized at the Celebrating Mentors Reception for his contributions to undergraduate research advising. Thanks to Dan Sun for the nomination!

19 Mar 18

Seyed defends his dissertation on managing shared datacenter resources with game theory. Congratulations!

14 Mar 18

Songchun, Seyed, and Ben have been invited to write about the computational sprinting game for a Research Highlight in the Communications of the ACM. Look for it later this year.

13 Mar 18

Seyed has been invited to talk about our paper "Dynamic proportional sharing: A game-theoretic approach" at the INFORMS annual meeting this summer. Stay tuned!

11 Mar 18

Calvin Ma joins the group for undergraduate research in machine learning for systems.

28 Feb 18

Our paper on metadata access patterns in secure memory is nominated for best paper award at ISPASS. Congratulations to Tami and Drew!

28 Feb 18

The paper on Amdahl’s Law for datacenters receives the best paper award at HPCA. Congratulations to Seyed and Qiuyun!

27 Feb 18

Ben is inducted into the HPCA Hall of Fame, which recognizes authors who have published eight or more HPCA papers.

23 Jan 18

Songchun and Seyed are invited to publish the computational sprinting game, from ASPLOS 2016, as a Research Highlight in the Communications of the ACM.

19 Jan 18

Our paper on metadata access patterns in secure memory is accepted to appear at ISPASS 2018. Congrats to Tami and Drew!

12 Jan 18

Brendan Cheng joins the group for undergraduate research on accelerator design. Welcome!

5 Jan 18

Our paper on Amdahl's Law for datacenters is nominated for best paper at HPCA. We will open the conference with the first talk.


15 Dec 17

Pengfei's paper on causal inference for diagnosing datacenter stragglers is accepted to appear at SIGMETRICS 2018. Great job!

15 Dec 17

Rupert and Seyed's paper on dynamic proportional sharing is accepted to appear at SIGMETRICS 2018. Congratulations!

15 Dec 17

Aninda Manocha wins 1st place and Vishnu Gottiparthy wins 2nd place in the ECE undergraduate research poster session. Very well done!

23 Oct 17

Seyed and Qiuyun's paper on Amdahl's Law for datacenters is accepted to appear at HPCA 2018. Congratulations!

13 Oct 17

Ben is in Cambridge for the HPCA program committee.

19 Sep 17

Ben is in Ann Arbor for the annual meeting of the Center for Future Architectures (CFAR).

8 Sep 17

Qiuyun returns as an alumna and keynote speaker at the annual ECE graduate student workshop.

28 Aug 17

Vishnu Gottiparthy joins the group for undergraduate research in security. Welcome!

24 Aug 17

Keerthana Jetty joins the group for research in accelerator design. Welcome!

7 July 17

Ben is in Silicon Valley, meeting with industry collaborators.

29 June 17

Ben is in Toronto for the MICRO program committee meeting.

22 June 17

Ben is appointed group leader of the computer engineering curricular group.

15 May 17

Yuhao successfully presents his Research Initiation Proposal, the first milestone towards the computer science Ph.D.

13 May 17

Prof. Lee hoods Drs. Songchun Fan and Qiuyun Llull in commencement ceremonies. Congrats!

12 May 17

Qiuyun Llull receives the ECE Outstanding Dissertation Award for "Microeconomic models for managing shared datacenters." Excellent work!

10 May 17

Ben is in Ann Arbor, attending the semi-annual meeting for the Center for Future Architectures.

19 April 17

Frederick Xu joins the group for undergraduate research. He will study statistical machine learning for systems management.

13 Apr 17

Zhiyu Zhang successfully defends his M.S. in computer science. He will join Google. Congrats!

29 Mar 17

Congrats to Eli Cole, an undergraduate research collaborator in our lab, who will pursue his PhD at Caltech.

24 Mar 17

Qiuyun successfully defends her thesis. Congratulations Dr. Llull! She will join VMware.

7 Mar 17

Ben talks about systems management with game theory at Qualcomm.

3 Mar 17

Ben is in Chicago for the ISCA program committee meeting.

20 Feb 17

Songchun gives a HotMobile talk on Telepath, predicting sensory data and extending battery life for wearable devices.

7 Feb 17

Qiuyun gives an HPCA talk on Cooper, a cooperative game for colocating datacenter tasks.

2 Feb 17

Atefeh Mehrabi joins the group for her PhD. She is co-advised by Dan Sorin.

11 Jan 17

Aninda Manocha joins SAIL for undergraduate research on mobile systems. Dan Sun, a Pratt Fellow, joins SAIL for undergraduate research on datacenter systems. Welcome!

3 Jan 17

The Computational Sprinting Game appears by invitation in ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. See new comparisons to other schedulers and a cost of ownership analysis.


20 Dec 16

Two papers from SAIL are honorable mentions for IEEE Micro Top Picks -- PoisonIvy (MICRO) and Computational Sprinting Game (ASPLOS). Congrats to all the authors!

17 Dec 16

Songchun's paper on Telepath, sensory offloading from wearable to mobile devices, is accepted to appear at HotMobile 2017. Congrats!

16 Dec 16

Ziqiang (Patrick) passes his preliminary exam.

15 Dec 16

Tami passes her preliminary exam.

9 Dec 16

Ben hosts SAIL for a group dinner. Happy Holidays!

5 Dec 16

Ben, Qiuyun, Seyed, and Yuhao are in Ann Arbor for the CFAR Annual Meeting.

7 Nov 16

Ben is in Austin for the ASPLOS program committee meeting.

18 Oct 16

Tami, Drew and Ben are in Taipei for MICRO. Tami delivers a great talk on her paper -- PoisonIvy.

12 Oct 16

Qiuyun's paper on task colocation with cooperative game theory is accepted to appear at HPCA 2017!

6 Oct 16

Ben is in Houston for the HPCA program committee meeting.

15 Sep 16

Ben is in the UK! He is talking about "Rethinking Systems Management with Game Theory" at the ARM Research Summit.

7 Sep 16

Matthew Faw joins the group for undergraduate research in datacenter systems. Welcome!

31 Aug 16

Brian Zhou joins the group for undergraduate research in mobile systems. Welcome!

30 Aug 16

Songchun Fan defends her thesis - congratulations! She will join Google.

29 Aug 16

Yuhao Li joins the group for graduate research in datacenter design and management. Welcome!

8 Aug 16

Ben is invited to serve on the program committee for HPCA 2017.

2 Aug 16

Ben is invited to serve on the 2017 IEEE Top Picks selection committee.

30 July 16

Our demo on collaborative computing with mobile devices has been accepted for MobiCom 2016. Congrats to Songchun and Theo!

15 July 16

Ben talks about "Rethinking Systems Management with Game Theory" at the Microsoft Workshop on System Design for Cloud Services.

15 July 16

Ben is invited to serve on the ASPLOS 2017 program committee.

13 July 16

Ben is in Redmond for the Microsoft Faculty Summit.

12 July 16

Ben appointed to the President's Council on Black Affairs at the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Academic Council.

1 July 16

President Brodhead, at the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Academic Council, has appointed Ben to the University Judicial Board.

25 June 16

Congrats to Tami and Drew! Our paper on safe speculation for secure memory has been accepted for MICRO 2016.

21 June 16

Ziqiang presents decoupled loads at ISCA.

2 June 16

Abhimanyu Yadev from IIT-Kanpur joins the lab for summer research. Welcome!

31 May 16

Bryan Prosser presents his Research Initiation Proposal, which focuses on system security.

20 May 16

Songchun releases ActionBench, mobile benchmarks for user-phone interaction -- see here.

9 May 16

Rahul Swaminathan presents paper on Spark characterization, his independent study, to graduate with departmental distinction (GWDD). Congrats!

3 May 16

Ben, Qiuyun, and Pengfei are in Ann Arbor for the semi-annual CFAR meeting. Ben talks heterogeneous design and Qiuyun demos server simulation methods.

27 April 16

Group dinner at Four Square, celebrating the close of a productive semester!

4 Apr 16

Ben is in Atlanta for ASPLOS 2016. Seyed and Songchun present computational sprinting.

30 Mar 16

Max Demoulin defends his Masters thesis. Congratulations!

7 Mar 16

Congrats to Ziqiang and Drew! Our paper on decoupled loads has been accepted to appear at ISCA 2016. Stay tuned.

4 Mar 16

Songchun and Seyed's game-theoretic perspective on computational sprinting will be awarded best paper at ASPLOS 2016. Congrats!

6 Feb 16

Ben's synthesis lecture on datacenter design and management is online! It surveys datacenter research from a computer architect's perspective.

26 Jan 16

Randall Johnson joins the group for undergraduate research in statistical machine learning and distributed systems. Welcome!

25 Jan 16

Hunter Lee joins the group for undergraduate research in the management of heterogeneous hardware. Welcome!

21 Jan 16

Ben is in Dallas, visiting Texas Instruments and discussing the future of collaborative, mobile sensing.

19 Jan 16

Congrats to Songchun! Her characterization of heterogenous computing for mobile applications will appear in ISPASS 2016.

18 Jan 16

Aninda Manocha joins the group for undergraduate research in algorithmic economics for hardware allocation. Welcome!

8 Jan 16

Ben is in Chicago for the Top Picks committee meeting. Congrats to the selected papers!


19 Nov 15

Qiuyun's HotPower'15 on communication costs in blade servers is selected as a best paper to appear in Operating Systems Review. Congrats!

18 Nov 15

Ben and his group are in Ann Arbor for the annual meeting of the Center for Future Architectures Research.

16 Nov 15

Congratulations to Songchun and Seyed! Their game-theoretic perspective on computational sprinting will appear in ASPLOS 2016.

19 Oct 15

Ben gives an invited talk on statistical methods for computer design at ICCD in New York.

4 Oct 15

Qiuyun presents technology models of communication costs within blade servers at HotPower in Monterey CA.

30 Sep 15

We have finalized "Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability," a report on an NSF-sponsored workshop for XPS investigators. Please read and share!

22 Sep 15

Tami received the Charles Rowe Vail Memorial Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award for the 2014-2015 academic year. Congrats!

18 Sep 15

Seyed Majid Zahedi receives the Outstanding Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Award from the computer science department. Congrats on this well deserved recognition!

31 Aug 15

Cody Li joins the group for undergraduate research. Welcome!

24 Aug 15

Bryan Prosser joins the group for graduate research in mobile systems. Welcome!

17 Aug 15

Qiuyun's paper on power models for blade servers has been accepted to HotPower 2015. Congrats!

4 Aug 15

Seyed Majid Zahedi passes his prelim. Congrats!

3 Aug 15

Michael Liou joins the group as an undergraduate researcher, working on machine learning for datacenter profiles. Welcome!

31 July 15

Ben, in collaboration with Valeria Bertacco and Graziano Pravadelli, will present in a special session of ICCD on data mining for computer design! Stay tuned.

13 July 15

Ben is in Fiuggi (Italy), teaching a week-long course on datacenter systems design and management at the HiPEAC summer school on advanced computer architecture.

22 June 15

Ben visits the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, presenting our latest research.

18 June 15

Ben presents work on economic mechanisms for datacenter management at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

14 June 15

Qiuyun Wang and Tami Lehman present a tutorial on datacenter simulation methodologies at ISCA 2015.

13 June 15

Justin Wang joins the group as an undergraduate researcher, working on machine learning for datacenter profiling. Welcome!

10 June 15

Justine receives admission to the MS program in management at Seoul National University. Congratulations!

1 June 15

Ben co-chairs the NSF Workshop on Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability (XPS). Stay tuned for the workshop report!

21 May 15

Paul Kim, an undergrad researcher, will start as a research assistant in Economics at the University of Chicago. Congrats!

14 May 15

Congrats to Qiuyun Wang, who passes her preliminary exam! Next step, thesis!

10 May 15

Congratulations to Justine Kim and Paul Kim, undergraduate researchers in our lab who receive degrees in electrical and computer engineering today. Good luck!

10 May 15

Congratulations to Justine Kim and Paul Kim, undergraduate researchers in our lab who receive degrees in electrical and computer engineering today. Good luck!

4 May 15

Ben is in Ann Arbor for the semi-annual meeting of the Center for Future Architectures Research.

14 Apr 15

The Center for Future Architectures Research (CFAR) is renewed! In phase two, Ben and the research group will study datacenter systems and security.

7 Mar 15

Ben is serving on the program committee for MICRO 2015. And he is on the Board of Distinguished Reviewers for TACO. Please submit your work!

31 Mar 15

ISPASS 2015 concludes successfully. Thanks to the organizing committee for its hard work. Good luck to Erik Hagersten (GC) and Andreas Moshovos (PC) for ISPASS 2016 in Uppsala!

7 Mar 15

Ben is general chair of ISPASS 2015. Please consider joining us in Philadelphia! Also see Seyed and Qiuyun's tutorial on datacenter simulation methodologies on 29 Mar 2015.

6 Mar 15

Ben speaks about economic mechanisms for datacenter management at North Carolina State.

17 Feb 15

Ben visits UC Berkeley, speaking about economic mechanisms for datacenter management.

9 Feb 15

Ben attends HPCA in San Francisco and chairs the best paper session.

4 Feb 15

Kevin Delgado joins the group for undergraduate research, with a focus on mobile systems. Welcome!

26 Jan 15

Resource elasticity fairness is an IEEE Micro Top Pick from computer architecture conferences in 2014. Congrats Seyed!


15 Dec 14

Congrats to Lance, who completes his BS + MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke!

13 Dec 14

Tami, Qiuyun and Ben present a tutorial on Datacenter Simulation Methodologies at MICRO 2014.

19 Nov 14

Tami, Seyed, and Ben are in Ann Arbor for the Annual Meeting of the Center for Future Architectures Research.

6 Nov 14

ISPASS 2015 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Philadelphia at Penn's Landing on Mar 29-31. Mark your calendars.

2 Nov 14

Ben visits Oak Ridge National Lab, speaking about statistical methods for exascale system design and management. Thanks to Jeff and his team for a series of great meetings.

27 Oct 14

IISWC is in Raleigh! We enjoyed seeing architects and researchers in the Research Triangle.

22 Oct 14

Wuchun Feng (VaTech) and Ben are organizing the NSF XPS workshop for exploiting parallelism and scalability in Arlington VA next year. XPS investigators, please stay tuned.

20 Oct 14

Ben is at the University of Illinois, talking about economic mechanisms for datacenter management. Thanks to Wen-mei and Rakesh for hosting my visit!

15 Oct 14

Ben is at UMass Amherst, talking about economic mechanisms for datacenter management. Thanks to David Irwin for the invitation to speak!

23 Sep 14

Ben is at Georgia Tech, talking about economic mechanisms for datacenter management. Thanks to Moin and Hyesoon for hosting my visit!

26 Aug 14

Pengfei Zheng and Max Demoulin join the group for graduate research in datacenter architecture and systems. Welcome!

25 Aug 14

Ben is teaching a research seminar on energy-efficient computer systems. Students interested in a holistic view of efficiency should check it out!

13 Aug 14

Ben is serving on the program committees for HPCA and DATE. Please submit your work! Deadlines are Sept 12 (HPCA) and Sept 14 (DATE).

23 July 14

SAIL is awarded supplemental funding from the NSF to support research experiences for undergraduates. Contact us if you're a Duke undergrad looking for research projects!

16 July 14

Ben speaks about economic mechanisms for managing risk in datacenters at Microsoft Research and its Ultra-Low Power Computing Workshop. Thanks to Brandon Lucia and Jie Liu for the invitation!

15 July 14

SAIL, in collaboration with Kamesh Munagala and Sungjin Im, is awarded a four-year NSF grant to study multi-dimensional scheduling for datacenters!

13 July 14

Ben is in Redmond for the Microsoft Faculty Summit, hearing about the latest and greatest from MSR!

15 June 14

Ben talks about economic mechanims for managing risk in energy-efficient datacenters at the ISCA workshop on Energy Secure System Architectures (ESSA). Thanks to Augusto Vega and Alper Buyuktosunoglu for the invitation to speak!

30 May 14

Paul (Hyung Suk) Kim joins the group for undergraduate research. Welcome!

11 May 14

Congratulations to Dr. Marisabel Guevara! She receives her PhD in computer science and will join Oracle!

11 May 14

Congrats to Tamara Silbergleit and Ziqiang Huang! They receive their MS degrees and will continue toward the PhD in our group.

11 May 14

Congrats to Nazia Tabassum! She receives her BSE in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Nazia will continue her studies, pursuing her PhD at the University of Virginia. Good luck!

11 May 14

Congrats to Zachary Michaelov! Zach receives his BSE in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He will start his career in Silicon Valley at TellApart.

11 May 14

Lance Co Ting Keh receives his BSE in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Lance will continue his research in the SAIL group as part of his MS studies. Congrats!

2 May 14

Songchun Fan passes a milestone -- the computer science preliminary exam. Great job!

18 April 14

Yifan Zhang defends her MS thesis on server power management. She will join Cisco after graduation. Congrats!

25 Mar 14

ISPASS 2014 concludes. Thanks to everyone who helped organize the conference. Thanks also to the authors for submitting great papers!

19 Mar 14

Seyed defends his research initiation proposal.

14 Mar 14

Ben is serving on the HPCA 2015 program committee!

7 Mar 14

Marisabel defends her thesis, "Coordinating the design and management of heterogeneous datacenters." Congrats!

3 Mar 14

Seyed presents our work on game-theoretic fairness and shared chip multiprocessors at ASPLOS 2014 in Salt Lake City.

17 Feb 14

Marisabel presents our work on risk-aware design for heterogeneous systems at HPCA-20 in Orlando.

1 Feb 14

See our article in the ACM Transactions on Computer Systems for a comprehensive look at markets for managing heterogeneous processors!

20 Jan 14

Ben talks about economic mechanisms for managing risk in datacenters at IBM Yorktown Heights as part of a CFAR project review.

16 Jan 14

Group dinner at Chamas! Great to see everyone at the start of a new semester!

15 Jan 14

Lance Co Ting Keh and Zachary Michaelov join the group for independent study (research). Weclome!

10 Jan 14

Will Chang joins the group for undergraduate research as part of the Duke CSURF program. Welcome!


11 Dec 13

Ben chairs the session on heterogeneity at MICRO 2014.

7 Dec 13

Ben chairs the ISPASS 2014 program committee meeting. We accept 22 papers for a 33% acceptance rate. Thanks to Qiuyun for helping!

11 Nov 13

Congrats to Marisabel Guevara! Her paper on anticipating risk in heterogeneous system design will appear in HPCA 2014.

11 Nov 13

Elder Yoshida joins the group for undergraduate research in datacenter systems. Welcome Elder!

4 Nov 13

Justine Kim joins the group for undergraduate research in mobile systems. Welcome Justine!

1 Nov 13

Congratulations to Seyed Majid Zahedi! His paper on game theory and fairness in computer architecture will appear in ASPLOS 2014.

31 Oct 13

Weidan completes his prelim exam. Congrats!

14 Oct 13

Ben is a member of the SIGMETRICS 2014 program committee. Please submit your work in analysis, simulation, and performance evaluation!

5 Sep 13

Mohamed Ibrahim joins the group for his PhD in electrical and computer engineering. Welcome!

3 Sep 13

SAIL, in collaboration with Vince Conitzer, has been awarded a four-year NSF grant to study datacenter management, game theory, and strategic agents!

27 Aug 13

Ben is teaching a research seminar on datacenter architecture! For more info, see the course description.

20 Aug 13

Ben is on the program committee for Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2014. Please submit your work!

12 Aug 13

Ben is the ISPASS programm committee chair. Please submit your latest work on performance analysis!

5 Aug 13

Tamara Silbergleit joins the group for her PhD. Welcome!

26 Jul 13

Stephanie completes her REU. Thanks for helping us out this summer!

13 Jul 13

Group outing at the American Dance Festival.

11 Jul 13

A night of baseball and the Durham Bulls for Duke computer engineering.

28 May 13

Stephanie Morris joins the group for a summer REU from the University of Alabama. Welcome!

20 May 13

Xin Zhou joins the group for summer research. Welcome!

16 May 13

Krishna Malladi passes his oral exams at Stanford. Congratulations!

15 May 13

Congratulations to Sam Xi, whose paper on system power mode latencies will appear at ISLPED 2013.

15 May 13

Congratulations to Emily Bragg, whose paper on the power effects of web search query complexity will appear at ISLPED 2013.

14 May 13

Group dinner at Talulla's.

12 May 13

Congratulations to Sam Xi, who receives his degrees in ECE and Physics with departmental distinction. He will study towards his PhD at Harvard.

6 May 13

Ziqiang (Patrick) Huang joins the group for summer research. Welcome!

22 Apr 13

Songchun Fan joins the group after her successful MS defense. Welcome!

19 Apr 13

Marisabel completes her prelim exam. Congrats!

7 Apr 13

Ben is on the HiPEAC 2013 Board of Distinguished Reviewers.

4 Apr 13

In a ceremony today, Marisabel is awarded the Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring and is profiled by the graduate school. Congrats!

19 Mar 13

Ben is on the program committee for MICRO 2013 (Int'l Symp. on Microarchitecture).

15 Mar 13

Ben is on the program committee for HotPower 2013.

13 Mar 13

Ben is on the program committees for ISCA workshops WEED on energy efficiency and WDDD on debunking/duplicating.

7 Mar 13

Ben is on the program committee for the 2013 International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC).

26 Feb 13

Tae Jun presents our work on disintegrated controllers for heterogeneous memories at HPCA-19.

25 Feb 13

Marisabel presents our work on market mechanisms for managing heterogeneous processors at HPCA-19.

17 Jan 13

Ben and SAIL are part of the new $28M Center for Future Architectures Research (C-FAR) funded by SRC and DARPA! We'll be focusing on datacenters and memory systems.

9 Jan 13

Marisabel is selected for the 2013 Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring! Congrats on this admirable recognition from the Duke Graduate School.

7 Jan 13

Nazia Tabassum receives a prestigious Pratt Fellowship and joins the group for undergraduate research. Welcome!

7 Jan 13

Ben is teaching introduction to computer architecture (ECE496) for undergraduates.


8 Dec 12

Group dinner at Four Square. Happy holidays!

5 Dec 12

Ben presents inferred hardware-software models with applications to system management at MICRO-45.

3 Dec 12

Krishna presents our work on DRAM power modes at MICRO-45.

13 Nov 12

Double congratulations to Marisabel and Tae Jun! Their papers will appear in HPCA 2013. Marisabel studies market mechanisms to manage heterogeneous processors. Tae Jun studies modular controllers to manage heterogeneous memory.

1 Sep 12

Qiuyun Wang and Seyed Zahedi join the group for their PhDs. Welcome!

30 Aug 12

Double congratulations to Weidan and Krishna! Weidan's work on dynamically inferred models and Krishna's work on new DRAM powermodes have been selected to appear in MICRO 2012.

28 Aug 12

Ben is teaching graduate computer architecture!

13 Aug 12

Check out the final report from the Workshop on Cross-Layer Power Optimization and Management.

9 Aug 12

Ben is in Seattle for the DOE Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Exascale Systems & Applications.

27 Jul 12

Casey and Emily complete their research projects. Thanks for a great summer!

21 Jul 12

Group outing at the American Dance Festival with Marisabel, Casey, and Emily.

11 Jun 12

Krishna presents "Towards energy-proportional datacenter memory with mobile DRAM," to a packed session at ISCA (600+ registrants)!

10 Jun 12

The group (Ben, Weidan, Krishna, Marisabel) attends ISCA in Portland.

31 May 12

Ben discusses simulators and evaluation methodology at the NSF Workshop on a Community Supported Computer Architecture Design and Evaluation Framework.

29 May 12

Emily Bragg (Georgia Tech) and Casey Mackin (Arizona) join the group via NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates. Welcome!

13 May 12

Congratulations to Tae Jun! Having received his BSE with departmental distinction in Fall 2011, he is participating in commencement and will continue his studies at Princeton.

9 May 12

Call for papers! Ben is serving on the ACM TACO review board as part of the HiPEAC conference, which has an interesting publication model.

28 Apr 12

Group dinner at Four Square!

25 Apr 12

IEEE Spectrum covers ARM versus Intel with mention of Xeons and Atoms for web search!

7 Apr 12

Congratulations to Krishna! Our paper on mobile DRAM for energy-proportional datacenters will appear at ISCA 2012.

20 Mar 12

Call for papers. Ben is on the program committee for the Fourth Workshop on Energy-Efficient Design (WEED) at ISCA. Deadline is Apr 2.

10 Feb 12

Ben talks about balanced machine design at the NSF Workshop on Cross-Layer Power Optimization and Management.

20 Jan 12

Marisabel talks about datacenter management at the Google GRAD CS Forum. Congrats to Marisabel on the invite!

14 Jan 12

Group dinner! Kicking off the new semester with Marisabel, Weidan, and Tae Jun at Chamas Churrascaria.

12 Jan 12

Ben is teaching a research seminar on energy-efficient computer systems. The course surveys efficiency from circuits to applications and everything in between.

11 Jan 12

John Cuffney joins the group for undergraduate research and independent study. Welcome!


16 Dec 11

Ben receives the NSF CAREER award!

12 Dec 11

Congratulations to Tae Jun Ham! He placed 1st in the Fall 2011 ECE Independent Study Poster Session.

9 Dec 11

The Lab seeks a post-doctoral researcher in parallel system architecture and graphics/image processing. Position available immediately. One year appointment with highly competitive compensation. Re-appointments subject to performance and funding. See application instructions.

5 Dec 11

Call for papers. Ben is on the program committee for the International Green Computing Conference. Deadline is Jan 20.

21 Nov 11

The Lab receives a Google research award to study emerging memory technologies!

26 Sep 11

Our study of inefficiencies in general-purpose chips is a CACM Research Highlight. Also see Chuck Moore's perspective. Congrats to Rehan and team!

13 Sep 11

Call for papers. Ben is on the program committee of ISPASS 2012. Deadline is Oct 3.

1 Sep 11

Michael Ansel joins the group for undergraduate research. Welcome!

26 Aug 11

See our comprehensive treatment of Atoms for Microsoft web search in the August issue of ACM TOCS.

31 Jul 11

Ben is teaching advanced computer architecture. Students interested in modern computer architecture and engineering should check it out!

22 Jul 11

Call for papers. Ben is on the program committee for HPCA 2012. We look forward to your papers!

18 Jul 11

Call for tutorials. Ben is the tutorials chair for ISCA 2012. Deadline is December 16th.

13 Jul 11

Call for papers. Ben is on the program committee (architecture track) for IPDPS 2012. Consider participating!

28 Jun 11

Call for papers. Ben is on the External Review Committee for ASPLOS 2012. Please consider submitting!

31 May 11

Thanks to the participants of the Workshop on Emerging Supercomputing Technologies, we had an interesting program and an engaging discussion.

6 May 11

End-of-semester group dinner with Marisabel and Weidan at Four Square. Congrats on a strong finish to the academic year!

10 Apr 11

Thanks to the IBM Austin Research Lab and Jiayuan Meng of Argonne, we had two highly successful tutorials at ISPASS.

15 Feb 11

Call for papers. Ben is co-organizing the Workshop on Emerging Supercomputing Technologies at the 25th International Conference on Supercomputing. Please consider submitting!

12 Jan 11

Marisabel Guevara and Weidan Wu join the group as CS and ECE PhD students, respectively. Taejun Ham joins the group for undergraduate independent study. With these inaugural members, we officially have a group!


30 Dec 10

Rethinking digital design with chip generators makes the cover of IEEE Micro! For additional detail, see recent ISCA papers on efficiency trade-offs and specialization.

22 Dec 10

ISPASS 2011 is delighted to announce tutorials from John Carter et al. (IBM, Austin) on energy-efficient data centers and from Jiayuan Meng (Argonne) on the MV5 simulator for heterogeneous multicores.

11 Dec 10

Group dinner with Marisabel and Weidan at Magnolia Grill. Happy Holidays!

19 Oct 10

Call for ISPASS tutorials and workshop proposals. Deadline is 15 Dec. Please consider submitting!

3 Oct 10

See our comprehensive treatment of inference and architecture: "Applied Inference: Case Studies in Microarchitectural Design" in the September issue of ACM TACO.

1 Sep 10

Opportunities are available at undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctorate levels. Strong candidates encouraged to apply!

30 Aug 10

Emerging memory hits popular press! New York Times is running a front page article: "Advances Offer Path to Shrink Computer Chips Again." See our thoughts on PCM as a scalable DRAM alternative [CACM'10] and its implications for system software [SOSP'09].

30 Aug 10

Ben is teaching a new research seminar on energy-efficient computer systems. Students interested in a holistic view of efficiency from circuits to applications and everything in between should check it out!

15 Aug 10

Systems Architecture Integration Laboratory founded.