Spring 2020: Datacenter Architecture
ECE 561, W 1:25-3:55PM, Fitzpatrick Schiciano A
This course covers advanced topics in data centers
with an emphasis on computer architecture and
systems. This course surveys recent advances in
processor, memory, network, and storage. And it
surveys modern software systems that run in
computing clouds. Discussion-oriented classes
focus on in-depth analysis of readings. Students
will learn to reason about datacenter performance
and energy efficiency. Students will complete a
collaborative research project.
Fall 2019: Computer Architecture
ECE 250 / CS 250, TuTh 3:05PM - 4:20PM,
Bryan Center Griffith Theater
Computer structure, machine language,
instruction execution, addressing techniques,
and digital representation of data. Computer
systems organization, logic design,
microprogramming, and interpreters. Symbolic
coding and assembly systems. Prerequisite:
Computer Science 201 or consent of instructor.
Fall 2018: Computer Architecture
ECE 250 / CS 250, TuTh 11:45PM - 1:00PM,
Biological Sciences 111
Computer structure, machine language,
instruction execution, addressing techniques,
and digital representation of data. Computer
systems organization, logic design,
microprogramming, and interpreters. Symbolic
coding and assembly systems. Prerequisite:
Computer Science 201 or consent of instructor.
Spring 2018: Computer Architecture
ECE 250 / CS 250, TuTh 11:45PM - 1:00PM,
Biological Sciences 111
Computer structure, machine language,
instruction execution, addressing techniques,
and digital representation of data. Computer
systems organization, logic design,
microprogramming, and interpreters. Symbolic
coding and assembly systems. Prerequisite:
Computer Science 201 or consent of instructor.
Fall 2017: Advanced Computer Architecture I
ECE 552 / CPS 550, TuTh 10:05AM - 11:20AM, CIEMAS Schiciano A
Fundamental aspects of advanced computer architecture design and analysis. Topics include processor design, pipelining, superscalar, out-of-order execution, caches (memory hierarchies), virtual memory, storage systems, simulation techniques, technology trends and future challenges. Prerequisite: Computer Science 250 or Electrical and Computer Engineering 350 or equivalent.
Fall 2016: Advanced Computer Architecture I
ECE 552 / CPS 550, TuTh 10:05AM - 11:20AM, Teer 203
Fundamental aspects of advanced computer architecture design and analysis. Topics include processor design, pipelining, superscalar, out-of-order execution, caches (memory hierarchies), virtual memory, storage systems, simulation techniques, technology trends and future challenges. Prerequisite: Computer Science 250 or Electrical and Computer Engineering 350 or equivalent.
Spring 2016: Datacenter Architecture
ECE 590, TuTh 3:00-4:20PM, Hudson 208
This course covers advanced topics in data centers with an emphasis on computer architecture and systems. This course surveys recent advances in processor, memory, network, and storage. And it surveys modern software systems that run in computing clouds. Discussion-oriented classes focus on in-depth analysis of readings. Students will learn to reason about datacenter performance and energy efficiency. Students will complete a collaborative research project.
Fall 2015: Computer Architecture
ECE 250 / CS 250, TuTh 11:45PM - 1:00PM,
CIEMAS Schiciano Auditorium
Computer structure, machine language, instruction execution, addressing techniques, and digital representation of data. Computer systems organization, logic design, microprogramming, and interpreters. Symbolic coding and assembly systems. Prerequisite: Computer Science 201 or consent of instructor.
Fall 2014: Energy-Efficient Computer Systems
ECE 590 / CS 590, TuTh 11:45AM -1:00PM, Hudson 216
This course covers advanced topics in energy-efficient computing with an emphasis on computer architecture and systems. This course surveys recent advances in diverse platforms, ranging from high-performance, enterprise domains to low-power, mobile domains. Discussion-oriented classes focus on in-depth analysis of readings. Students will learn to reason about energy efficiency across the hardware/software interface and across a range of system components. Students will complete a collaborative research project.
Spring 2014: Computer Architecture
ECE 250 / CS 250, TuTh 1:25PM - 2:40PM,
CIEMAS Schiciano Auditorium
Computer structure, machine language, instruction execution, addressing techniques, and digital representation of data. Computer systems organization, logic design, microprogramming, and interpreters. Symbolic coding and assembly systems. Prerequisite: Computer Science 201 or consent of instructor.
Fall 2013: Datacenter Architecture
ECE 590, TuTh 1:25PM - 2:40PM, Hudson 201
This course covers advanced topics in data centers with an emphasis on computer architecture and systems. This course surveys recent advances in processor, memory, network, and storage. And it surveys modern software systems that run in computing clouds. Discussion-oriented classes focus on in-depth analysis of readings. Students will learn to reason about datacenter performance and energy efficiency. Students will complete a collaborative research project.
Spring 2013: Introduction to Computer Architecture
ECE 496, TuTh 1:25PM - 2:40PM, Hudson 208
How computers work, focusing on how hardware executes software. Topics include instruction sets, computer arithmetic, processor design, memory system design, and input/output. Teams of students will design and build a computer in real hardware and then run programs on it. Prerequisite: ECE 52 and ability to program in a high-level language (e.g., C, C++, or Java).
Fall 2012: Advanced Computer Architecture I
ECE 552 / CPS 550, TuTh 1:25PM - 2:40PM, Hudson 208
Fundamental aspects of advanced computer architecture design and analysis. Topics include processor design, pipelining, superscalar, out-of-order execution, caches (memory hierarchies), virtual memory, storage systems, simulation techniques, technology trends and future challenges. Prerequisite: Computer Science 104 or Electrical and Computer Engineering 152 or equivalent.
Spring 2012: Energy-Efficient Computer Systems
ECE 299, TuTh 1:15PM - 2:30PM, Hudson 207
This course covers advanced topics in energy-efficient computing with an emphasis on computer architecture and systems. This course surveys recent advances in diverse platforms, ranging from high-performance, enterprise domains to low-power, mobile domains. Discussion-oriented classes focus on in-depth analysis of readings. Students will learn to reason about energy efficiency across the hardware/software interface and across a range of system components. Students will complete a collaborative research project.
Fall 2011: Advanced Computer Architecture I
ECE 252 / CPS 220, TuTh 1:15PM - 2:30PM, Teer 203
Fundamental aspects of advanced computer architecture design and analysis. Topics include processor design, pipelining, superscalar, out-of-order execution, caches (memory hierarchies), virtual memory, storage systems, simulation techniques, technology trends and future challenges. Prerequisite: Computer Science 104 or Electrical and Computer Engineering 152 or equivalent.
Fall 2010: Energy-Efficient Computer Systems
ECE 299.10, TuTh 1:15PM - 2:30PM, CIEMAS 1441
This course covers advanced topics in energy-efficient computing with an emphasis on computer architecture and systems. This course surveys recent advances in diverse platforms, ranging from high-performance, enterprise domains to low-power, mobile domains. Discussion-oriented classes focus on in-depth analysis of readings. Students will learn to reason about energy efficiency across the hardware/software interface and across a range of system components. Students will complete a collaborative research project.