
The website for the textbook Practical Computing for Biologists.

The course website as a PDF

Workshop tutorials

NCBI eSearch

Regular expressions


Online tutorials

Learn Python the Hard Way: If you have found the learning curve for our exercises to be too steep, try the 52 exercises at this site, which provide a much more gentle ramp. The author shares our philosophy that the only way to effectively learn programming is by working on programming exercises. Don’t be put off by the title - the exercises are not as “hard” as the ones in the workshop - by “the hard way” the author just means learning by doing instead of learning by reading.

Think Python - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Once you are comfortable with the basic syntax of Python (e.g. from the book above), this book introduces you gently to the conceptual ideas you willl need to program effectively..

PyPi - A repository of software for the Python programming language

Useful packages for scientific computing

Relational Databases

Bibliographic notes

  1. Spellman P T, Sherlock, G, Zhang, M Q, Iyer, V R, Anders, K, Eisen, M B, Brown, P O, Botstein, D, Futcher, B. Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by microarray hybridization. Molecular biology of the cell, Vol. 9 (12): 3273-97, 1998. PubMed.
  2. Duda, R O, Hart, P E & Stork, D G, Pattern Classification, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.
  3. Cock, P J A and Antao, Tiago and Chang, J T and Chapman, B A and Cox, C J and Dalke, A and Friedberg, I and Hamelryck, T and Kauff, F and Wilczynski, B and de Hoon, M J L, Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics, Bioinformatics, Jun, 2009, 25, 11, 1422-3. PubMed.