ARIMA models for time series forecasting
on nonseasonal ARIMA models (pdf file)
Slides on seasonal and
nonseasonal ARIMA models (pdf file)
Introduction to
ARIMA: nonseasonal models
Identifying the order of differencing in an ARIMA model
Identifying the numbers of AR or MA terms in an ARIMA
Estimation of ARIMA models
Seasonal differencing in ARIMA models
Seasonal random walk: ARIMA(0,0,0)x(0,1,0)
Seasonal random trend: ARIMA(0,1,0)x(0,1,0)
General seasonal models: ARIMA (0,1,1)x(0,1,1) etc.
Summary of rules for identifying ARIMA models
ARIMA models with regressors
mathematical structure of ARIMA models (pdf file)
Introduction to ARIMA:
nonseasonal models
ARIMA(p,d,q) forecasting equation
ARIMA(1,0,0) = first-order autoregressive model
ARIMA(0,1,0) = random walk
ARIMA(1,1,0) = differenced first-order autoregressive model
ARIMA(0,1,1) without constant = simple exponential smoothing
ARIMA(0,1,1) with constant = simple exponential smoothing
with growth
ARIMA(0,2,1) or (0,2,2) without constant = linear exponential
ARIMA(1,1,2) with constant = damped-trend linear exponential
Spreadsheet implementation
forecasting equation: ARIMA models are, in theory, the most general class of
models for forecasting a time series which can be made to be
“stationary” by differencing (if necessary), perhaps in conjunction
with nonlinear transformations such as logging or deflating (if necessary). A
random variable that is a time series is stationary if its statistical
properties are all constant over time.
A stationary series has no trend,
its variations around its mean have a constant amplitude, and it wiggles in a
consistent fashion, i.e., its short-term random time patterns always look
the same in a statistical sense.
The latter condition means that its autocorrelations
(correlations with its own prior deviations from the mean) remain constant over
time, or equivalently, that its power
spectrum remains constant over time.
A random variable of this form can be viewed (as usual) as a combination
of signal and noise, and the signal (if one is apparent) could be a pattern of
fast or slow mean reversion, or sinusoidal oscillation, or rapid alternation in
sign, and it could also have a seasonal component. An ARIMA model can be viewed as a
“filter” that tries to separate the signal from the noise, and the
signal is then extrapolated into the future to obtain forecasts.
forecasting equation for a stationary time series is a linear (i.e., regression-type) equation in which the predictors
consist of lags of the dependent
variable and/or lags of the forecast
errors. That is:
Predicted value of Y = a constant and/or a weighted sum of one or more
recent values of Y and/or a weighted sum of one or more recent values of
the errors.
If the
predictors consist only of lagged values of Y, it is a pure autoregressive
(“self-regressed”) model, which is just a special case of a
regression model and which could be fitted with standard regression
software. For example, a
first-order autoregressive (“AR(1)”) model for Y is a simple
regression model in which the independent variable is just Y lagged by one
period (LAG(Y,1) in Statgraphics or Y_LAG1 in RegressIt). If some of the predictors are lags of
the errors, an ARIMA model it is NOT a linear regression model, because there
is no way to specify “last period’s error” as an independent
variable: the errors must be
computed on a period-to-period basis when the model is fitted to the data. From a technical standpoint, the problem
with using lagged errors as predictors is that the model’s predictions are not linear functions of the
coefficients, even though they are linear functions of the past data. So, coefficients in ARIMA models that
include lagged errors must be estimated by nonlinear
optimization methods (“hill-climbing”) rather than by just solving
a system of equations.
acronym ARIMA stands for Auto-Regressive
Integrated Moving Average. Lags of the stationarized series in the
forecasting equation are called "autoregressive" terms, lags of the
forecast errors are called "moving average" terms, and a time series
which needs to be differenced to be made stationary is said to be an
"integrated" version of a stationary series. Random-walk and
random-trend models, autoregressive models, and exponential smoothing models
are all special cases of ARIMA models.
nonseasonal ARIMA model is classified as an "ARIMA(p,d,q)" model,
The forecasting equation is constructed as follows. First, let y denote
the dth difference of Y,
which means:
If d=0: yt =
If d=1: yt =
Yt -
If d=2: yt =
(Yt -
Yt-1) - (Yt-1 - Yt-2) =
Yt -
2Yt-1 + Yt-2
Note that the
second difference of Y
(the d=2 case) is not the difference from 2 periods ago. Rather, it is the first-difference-of-the-first difference, which is the discrete
analog of a second derivative, i.e., the local acceleration of the series
rather than its local trend.
In terms
of y,
the general forecasting equation is:
ŷt = μ + ϕ1 yt-1
+…+ ϕp yt-p - θ1et-1 -…- θqet-q
Here the
moving average parameters (θ’s) are defined so that their signs are negative
in the equation, following the convention introduced by Box and Jenkins. Some authors and software (including the
R programming language) define them so that they have plus signs instead. When actual numbers are plugged into the
equation, there is no ambiguity, but it’s important to know which
convention your software uses when you are reading the output. Often the parameters are denoted there
by AR(1), AR(2), …, and MA(1), MA(2), … etc..
identify the appropriate ARIMA model for Y, you begin by determining the order of differencing
(d) needing to stationarize the series and remove the gross features of
seasonality, perhaps in conjunction with a variance-stabilizing transformation
such as logging or deflating. If you stop at this point and predict that the
differenced series is constant, you have merely fitted a random walk or random
trend model. However, the
stationarized series may still have autocorrelated errors, suggesting that some
number of AR terms (p ≥ 1) and/or some number MA terms (q ≥ 1) are
also needed in the forecasting equation.
process of determining the values of p, d, and q that are best for a given time
series will be discussed in later sections of the notes (whose links are at the
top of this page), but a preview of some of the types of nonseasonal ARIMA models that are commonly encountered is given
ARIMA(1,0,0) = first-order autoregressive
model: if the series is stationary and autocorrelated,
perhaps it can be predicted as a multiple of its own previous value, plus a
constant. The forecasting equation
in this case is
Ŷt =
μ + ϕ1Yt-1
…which is Y regressed on
itself lagged by one period. This is an “ARIMA(1,0,0)+constant”
model. If the mean of Y is zero, then the constant term would not be included.
If the slope coefficient ϕ1 is positive and less than 1 in magnitude (it must be less than 1 in magnitude if Y is stationary), the model describes mean-reverting behavior in which
next period’s value should be predicted to be ϕ1 times as far away from the mean as this period’s value. If ϕ1 is negative, it predicts mean-reverting behavior with alternation of
signs, i.e., it also predicts that Y will be below the mean next period if it is above the mean this period.
In a second-order
autoregressive model (ARIMA(2,0,0)), there would be a Yt-2 term on the right as well, and so
on. Depending on the signs and
magnitudes of the coefficients, an ARIMA(2,0,0) model could describe a system
whose mean reversion takes place in a sinusoidally
oscillating fashion, like the motion of a mass on a spring that is
subjected to random shocks.
= random walk: If the series Y is not stationary,
the simplest possible model for it is a random walk model, which can be
considered as a limiting case of an AR(1) model in which the autoregressive
coefficient is equal to 1, i.e., a series with infinitely slow mean
reversion. The prediction equation
for this model can be written as:
Ŷt - Yt-1 = μ
Ŷt = μ + Yt-1
the constant term is the average period-to-period change (i.e. the long-term
drift) in Y. This model could be fitted as a no-intercept regression model in which
the first difference of Y
is the dependent variable. Since it
includes (only) a nonseasonal difference and a constant term, it is classified
as an "ARIMA(0,1,0) model with constant." The random-walk-without-drift model would be an
ARIMA(0,1,0) model without constant
= differenced first-order autoregressive model: If the errors of a
random walk model are autocorrelated,
perhaps the problem can be fixed by adding one lag of the dependent variable to
the prediction equation--i.e., by regressing the first difference of Y on itself lagged by one period. This would yield the
following prediction equation:
Ŷt - Yt-1 =
μ + ϕ1(Yt-1 - Yt-2)
Ŷt - Yt-1 = μ
which can
be rearranged to
Ŷt =
μ + Yt-1 +
ϕ1 (Yt-1 - Yt-2)
This is a
first-order autoregressive model with one order of nonseasonal differencing and
a constant term--i.e., an ARIMA(1,1,0) model.
without constant = simple exponential smoothing: Another strategy
for correcting autocorrelated errors in a random walk model is suggested by the
simple exponential smoothing model. Recall that for some nonstationary time
series (e.g., ones that exhibit noisy fluctuations around a slowly-varying
mean), the random walk model does not perform as well as a moving average of
past values. In other words, rather than taking the most recent observation as
the forecast of the next observation, it is better to use an average of
the last few observations in order to filter out the noise and more accurately
estimate the local mean. The simple exponential smoothing model uses an exponentially
weighted moving average of past values to achieve this effect. The
prediction equation for the simple exponential smoothing model can be written
in a number of mathematically
equivalent forms, one of which is the so-called “error correction”
form, in which the previous forecast is adjusted in the direction of the error
it made:
Ŷt = Ŷt-1 + αet-1
et-1 = Yt-1 -
Ŷt-1 by
definition, this can be rewritten as:
Ŷt = Yt-1 - (1-α)et-1
= Yt-1 - θ1et-1
which is
an ARIMA(0,1,1)-without-constant forecasting equation with θ1 = 1-α. This means that you can fit a simple
exponential smoothing by specifying it as an ARIMA(0,1,1) model without
constant, and the estimated MA(1) coefficient corresponds to 1-minus-alpha in
the SES formula. Recall that in the
SES model, the average age of the
data in the 1-period-ahead forecasts is 1/α, meaning that they
will tend to lag behind trends or turning points by about 1/α periods. It follows that the average age of the
data in the 1-period-ahead forecasts of an ARIMA(0,1,1)-without-constant model
is 1/(1-θ1).
So, for example, if θ1
= 0.8, the
average age is 5. As θ1 approaches 1, the
ARIMA(0,1,1)-without-constant model becomes a very-long-term moving average,
and as θ1 approaches 0 it
becomes a random-walk-without-drift model.
What’s the best way to correct for
autocorrelation: adding AR terms or adding MA terms? In the previous two models discussed above,
the problem of autocorrelated errors in a random walk model was fixed in two
different ways: by adding a lagged
value of the differenced series to the equation or adding a lagged value of the
forecast error. Which approach is
best? A rule-of-thumb for this
situation, which will be discussed in more detail later on, is that positive autocorrelation is usually best
treated by adding an AR term to the model and negative autocorrelation is usually best treated by adding an MA
term. In business and economic time
series, negative autocorrelation
often arises as an artifact of
differencing. (In general,
differencing reduces positive autocorrelation and may even cause a switch from
positive to negative autocorrelation.)
So, the ARIMA(0,1,1) model, in which differencing is accompanied by an
MA term, is more often used than an ARIMA(1,1,0) model.
with constant = simple exponential smoothing with growth: By implementing
the SES model as an ARIMA model, you actually gain some flexibility. First of
all, the estimated MA(1) coefficient is allowed to be negative: this
corresponds to a smoothing factor larger than 1 in an SES model, which is
usually not allowed by the SES model-fitting procedure. Second, you have the
option of including a constant term in the ARIMA model if you wish, in order to
estimate an average non-zero trend. The ARIMA(0,1,1) model with constant
has the prediction equation:
Ŷt = μ + Yt-1 - θ1et-1
one-period-ahead forecasts from this model are qualitatively similar to those
of the SES model, except that the trajectory of the long-term forecasts is
typically a sloping line (whose slope is equal to mu) rather than a horizontal
or (0,2,2) without constant = linear exponential smoothing: Linear exponential
smoothing models are ARIMA models which use two
nonseasonal differences in conjunction with MA terms. The second difference of
a series Y is not simply the
difference between Y
and itself lagged by two periods, but rather it is the first difference of
the first difference--i.e., the change-in-the-change of Y at period t. Thus,
the second difference of Y at period t is equal to (Yt
- Yt-1) - (Yt-1
- Yt-2) = Yt - 2Yt-1 +
Yt-2. A second difference of a discrete
function is analogous to a second derivative of a continuous function: it
measures the "acceleration" or "curvature" in the function
at a given point in time.
ARIMA(0,2,2) model without constant predicts that the second difference of the
series equals a linear function of the last two forecast errors:
- 2Yt-1 + Yt-2
= - θ1et-1 - θ2et-2
which can
be rearranged as:
Ŷt = 2 Yt-1 - Yt-2 - θ1et-1 - θ2et-2
and θ2
are the MA(1) and MA(2) coefficients. This is a general linear exponential smoothing model, essentially the same as
Holt’s model, and Brown’s model is a special case. It uses exponentially weighted
moving averages to estimate both a local
level and a local trend in the
series. The long-term forecasts
from this model converge to a straight line whose slope depends on the average
trend observed toward the end of the series.
without constant = damped-trend linear exponential smoothing:
Ŷt = Yt-1 +
ϕ1 (Yt-1 - Yt-2 ) - θ1et-1 - θ1et-1
This model
is illustrated in the accompanying slides
on ARIMA models. It
extrapolates the local trend at the end of the series but flattens it out at
longer forecast horizons to introduce a note of conservatism, a practice that
has empirical support. See the
article on "Why
the Damped Trend works" by
Gardner and McKenzie and the "Golden Rule"
article by Armstrong et al. for details.
It is
generally advisable to stick to models in which at least one of p and q is no
larger than 1, i.e., do not try to fit a model such as ARIMA(2,1,2), as this is
likely to lead to overfitting and "common-factor" issues that are
discussed in more detail in the notes on the mathematical
structure of ARIMA models.
implementation: ARIMA
models such as those described above are easy to implement on a spreadsheet.
The prediction equation is simply a linear equation that refers to past values
of original time series and past values of the errors. Thus, you can set up an
ARIMA forecasting spreadsheet by storing the data in column A, the forecasting
formula in column B, and the errors (data minus forecasts) in column C. The
forecasting formula in a typical cell in column B would simply be a linear
expression referring to values in preceding rows of columns A and C, multiplied
by the appropriate AR or MA coefficients stored in cells elsewhere on the
Go to next topic: Identifying the order of differencing