A. Johnson
Bucknell University
Classical Mythology
Course Schedule & Readings
Introduction. Background to Greek mythology: myth, folktale, and the Mesopotamian tradition
Wd Aug. 27 Introduction: What is Myth?
Fr Aug. 29 Near Eastern Backgrounds:
the comparative approach
Reading: CM 21-33, 51-64, 65-66 (Perspective 3.2)
(CM = Powell, Classical Mythology)
Mo Sept. 1 The Epic of Gilgamesh: the allegorical approach
Reading: CM 618-624 (allegory, euhemerism) Gilgamesh, 61-96 (chap. 1-3)
Wd Sept. 3 The Epic of Gilgamesh: patterns in folklore
Reading: Gilgamesh, pp. 97-119 (chap. 4-7)
1. Myth in Literature: myth-making & the high literary treatment of Greek myth
Fr Sept. 5 Trojan Tales I, Homer's Iliad
Reading: CM 499-533 (chap. 18) + Iliad excerpts [handout]
Mo Sept. 8 Trojan Tales II: Homer, Myth, & History
Reading: CM 534-545, 9-12 (Perspective 1.1)
Wd Sept. 10 Return of Odysseus: Homer's Odyssey
Reading: CM 556-582 (chap. 20)
Fr Sept. 12 The Birth of the Cosmos: Hesiod's Theogony
Reading: CM 75-107 (chap. 4)
Mo Sept. 15 The Beginnings of Man & Woman: Hesiod's Works & Days
Reading: CM 109-134 (chap. 5) + Works & Days excerpt [handout]
Wd Sept. 17 The Allusive Treatment of Myth: Greek Lyric
Reading: lyric excerpts [handout]
==PAPER #1: First Finished Draft DUE==
Fr Sept. 19 Trojan tales revisited, & the house of Atreus
Reading: start Aeschylus, Agamemnon + Odyssey excerpt [handout]
Mo Sept. 22 The Aeschylean Vision: The house of Atreus ctd.
Reading: finish Aeschylus, Agamemnon + CM 551-555
==PAPER #1: Responses DUE==
Wd Sept. 24 The Sophoclean Vision: the house of Labdacus
Reading: Oedipus Rex (first half) + Freud excerpts [handouts]
Fr Sept. 26 Oedipus, Psychoanalysis, and Structuralism
Reading: Oedipus Rex (second half) + Structuralism excerpts [handout]
==PAPER #1: Final Revision DUE==
Mo Sept. 29 Mythographers and Romans: Cretan tales
Reading: CM 346-371
Wd Oct. 1 Summary & review
No new reading: begin exam review, bring in questions
Fr Oct. 3 Exam #1 (40 minutes)
2. Myth in Art: iconography & the representation of unwritten traditions of Greek myth
Mo Oct. 6 Heracles: iconography of the hero
Reading: CM 398-427
Wd Oct. 8 Medea, Jason and the Argonauts
Reading: CM 465-498
Fr Oct. 10 Perseus; Gorgons & other monsters
Reading: CM 379-397
3. Myth in Religion: Olympians; mystery religions; hero cults
Wd Oct. 15 Greek religion; Myth as ritual
(enjoy your break: no assignment)
Fr Oct. 17 Zeus & older male gods
Reading: CM 139-147 (Zeus), 149-151 (Poseidon, Hades), 347-349 (Europa & the Bull), 373-379 (Wanderings of Io)
Mo Oct. 20 Mystery cults: Demeter & the Eleusinian mysteries
Reading: CM 224-241
==PAPER #2: First Finished Draft DUE==
Wd Oct. 22 Hermes & Apollo: lies, truth, & art
Reading: CM 164-177, 195-210
Fr Oct. 24 Apollo & Dionysus: Greeks and the Irrational
Reading: CM 243-279 (note: reading can be finished on Monday)
==PAPER #2: Responses DUE==
==PAPER #2: First Finished Draft DUE==
Mo Oct. 27 Reflections of Womanhood: Hera, Athena
Reading: CM 147-148, 191-194; Euripides, Hippolytus (first
Wd Oct. 29 Reflections of Womanhood: Artemis & Aphrodite
Reading: CM 178-184; 152-162, Euripides, Hippolytus (second
==PAPER #2: Final Revision DUE==
Fr Oct. 31 Heroes & hero cults: Oedipus revisited
Reading: CM 451-462
==PAPER #2: Final Revision DUE==
Mo Nov. 3 Hero cults & politics: Theseus revisited
Reading: CM 324-344
Wd Nov. 5 Summary & review
No new reading: begin exam review, bring in questions
Fr Nov. 7 Exam #2 (40 minutes)
4. Myth as Thought: mythos, logos, and the "rise of Rationalism"
Mo Nov. 10 "History" and myth
Reading: Herodotus & Thucydides [handout]
Wd Nov. 12 The "presocratics": philosophy, science, and myth
Reading: Anaximander, Parmenides, Empedocles [handout]
(Concentrate on Parmenides and Empedocles )
Fr Nov. 14 Plato, logic, and myth
Reading: Plato's Phaedo: (first half) [reserve]
[background reading for paper #3]
Mo Nov. 17 Plato, logic, and myth (ctd.)
Reading: Plato's Phaedo (second half) [reserve]Excerpts from Clouds, Protagoras [handout]
Wd Nov. 19 Excursus #1: Views of male and female in Aristotle
Reading: Aristotle: On the Generation of Animals [handout]
==PAPER #3: First Finished Draft DUE==
Fr Nov. 21 Excursus #2: Views of male and female in the Greek medical writers
Reading: Hippocrates & Galen [handout]
Mo Nov. 24 Summary, response, review
==PAPER #3: First Finished Draft DUE==
==PAPER #3: Responses DUE==
5. Theories of Myth
Mo Dec. 1 Allegorical & historicizing theories
[no assignment]
Wd Dec. 3 Psychoanalytical theories
==PAPER #3: Final Revision DUE==
Fr Dec. 5 Structuralism & post-structuralism
Mo Dec. 8 Conclusions, evaluations
No new reading: begin exam review, bring in questions
==PAPER #3: Final Revision DUE==
==Submit in printed form your two best papers for evaluation==
Final Examination (40 minutes): date set by registrar
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