Unsupervised Learning¶
Golub data set¶
In [1]:
In [2]:
- Features
- 7129
- Samples
- 72
Extract gene expression values¶
In [3]:
golub <- exprs(Golub_Merge)
There are 72 patients and 7192 probe sets.
In [4]:
- 7129
- 72
In [5]:
39 | 40 | 42 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 41 | 43 | 44 | 45 | ⋯ | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | |
AFFX-BioB-5_at | -342 | -87 | 22 | -243 | -130 | -256 | -62 | 86 | -146 | -187 | ⋯ | 7 | -213 | -25 | -72 | -4 | 15 | -318 | -32 | -124 | -135 |
AFFX-BioB-M_at | -200 | -248 | -153 | -218 | -177 | -249 | -23 | -36 | -74 | -187 | ⋯ | -100 | -252 | -20 | -139 | -116 | -114 | -192 | -49 | -79 | -186 |
AFFX-BioB-3_at | 41 | 262 | 17 | -163 | -28 | -410 | -7 | -141 | 170 | 312 | ⋯ | -57 | 136 | 124 | -1 | -125 | 2 | -95 | 49 | -37 | -70 |
AFFX-BioC-5_at | 328 | 295 | 276 | 182 | 266 | 24 | 142 | 252 | 174 | 142 | ⋯ | 132 | 318 | 325 | 392 | 241 | 193 | 312 | 230 | 330 | 337 |
AFFX-BioC-3_at | -224 | -226 | -211 | -289 | -170 | -535 | -233 | -201 | -32 | 114 | ⋯ | -377 | -209 | -396 | -324 | -191 | -51 | -139 | -367 | -188 | -407 |
AFFX-BioDn-5_at | -427 | -493 | -250 | -268 | -326 | -810 | -284 | -384 | -318 | -148 | ⋯ | -478 | -557 | -464 | -510 | -411 | -155 | -344 | -508 | -423 | -566 |
For this exercise, we consider the probe values to be variables and the patients to be observations, so it is convenient to work with the matrix transpose.
In [6]:
golub <- t(golub)
In [7]:
- 72
- 7129
In [8]:
golub[1:3, ]
AFFX-BioB-5_at | AFFX-BioB-M_at | AFFX-BioB-3_at | AFFX-BioC-5_at | AFFX-BioC-3_at | AFFX-BioDn-5_at | AFFX-BioDn-3_at | AFFX-CreX-5_at | AFFX-CreX-3_at | AFFX-BioB-5_st | ⋯ | U48730_at | U58516_at | U73738_at | X06956_at | X16699_at | X83863_at | Z17240_at | L49218_f_at | M71243_f_at | Z78285_f_at | |
39 | -342 | -200 | 41 | 328 | -224 | -427 | -656 | -292 | 137 | -144 | ⋯ | 277 | 1023 | 67 | 214 | -135 | 1074 | 475 | 48 | 168 | -70 |
40 | -87 | -248 | 262 | 295 | -226 | -493 | 367 | -452 | 194 | 162 | ⋯ | 83 | 529 | -295 | 352 | -67 | 67 | 263 | -33 | -33 | -21 |
42 | 22 | -153 | 17 | 276 | -211 | -250 | 55 | -141 | 0 | 500 | ⋯ | 413 | 399 | 16 | 558 | 24 | 893 | 297 | 6 | 1971 | -42 |
Pairwise distance between first 3 patinets¶
In [9]:
39 40
40 101530.75
42 94405.04 89502.29
In [10]:
dist(golub[1:3,], diag = TRUE)
39 40 42
39 0.00
40 101530.75 0.00
42 94405.04 89502.29 0.00
In [11]:
dist(golub[1:3,], diag = TRUE, upper=TRUE)
39 40 42
39 0.00 101530.75 94405.04
40 101530.75 0.00 89502.29
42 94405.04 89502.29 0.00
Manual calculation¶
Euclidean distance is just the n-dimensional application of Pythagoras theorem.
If we have points \(x = (0,0)\) and \(y = (3, 4)\), then the distance between \(x\) and \(y\) is
We write a vectorized calculation of the above.
In [12]:
distance <- function(x, y) { sqrt(sum((x - y)^2))}
In [13]:
x <- golub[1,]
y <- golub[2,]
round(distance(x, y), 2)
In [14]:
mds <- as.data.frame(cmdscale(dist(golub), k = 2))
In [15]:
- 72
- 2
In [16]:
phenotype <- Golub_Merge@phenoData@data$ALL.AML
In [17]:
mds <- mds %>% mutate(phenotype=phenotype)
In [18]:
V1 | V2 | phenotype |
23228.24839 | -10207.142 | ALL |
7327.10741 | -8114.544 | ALL |
-5088.36719 | -2548.717 | ALL |
46738.68452 | -8792.756 | ALL |
-39906.71218 | -23179.919 | ALL |
-37.91955 | -9771.907 | ALL |
In [19]:
plot(mds$V1, mds$V2, type="n")
text(mds$V1, mds$V2, labels = mds$phenotype, col=as.integer(mds$phenotype))
In [20]:
pca <- as.data.frame(prcomp(golub, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, rank=2)$x)
In [21]:
- 72
- 2
In [22]:
pca <- pca %>% mutate(phenotype=phenotype)
In [23]:
PC1 | PC2 | phenotype |
-5.829016 | 18.985914 | ALL |
-8.364993 | 22.877479 | ALL |
12.928473 | -3.996856 | ALL |
32.254056 | -5.525024 | ALL |
-4.218081 | -56.824360 | ALL |
-65.275849 | 22.817599 | ALL |
In [24]:
plot(pca$PC1, pca$PC2, type="n")
text(pca$PC1, pca$PC2, labels = pca$phenotype, col=as.integer(pca$phenotype))
Preserving the distances¶
Scale to have zero mean and unit standard deviation¶
In [25]:
scexpdat <- scale(golub)
In [26]:
- 72
- 7129
In [27]:
apply(scexpdat[, 1:4], 2, mean)
- AFFX-BioB-5_at
- -7.84141692068388e-17
- AFFX-BioB-M_at
- -4.46028727069731e-18
- AFFX-BioB-3_at
- 1.49183207261304e-17
- AFFX-BioC-5_at
- -5.05117745470191e-17
In [28]:
apply(scexpdat[, 1:4], 2, sd)
- AFFX-BioB-5_at
- 1
- AFFX-BioB-M_at
- 1
- AFFX-BioB-3_at
- 1
- AFFX-BioC-5_at
- 1
Using dplyr
In [29]:
as.data.frame(scexpdat) %>%
select(1:4) %>%
summarise_all(mean) %>%
AFFX-BioB-5_at | AFFX-BioB-M_at | AFFX-BioB-3_at | AFFX-BioC-5_at |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
In [30]:
as.data.frame(scexpdat) %>%
select(1:4) %>%
summarise_all(sd) %>%
AFFX-BioB-5_at | AFFX-BioB-M_at | AFFX-BioB-3_at | AFFX-BioC-5_at |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC)¶
In [31]:
names = c("ATL", "BOS", "ORD", "DCA")
airports <- c(0, 934, 585, 542, 934, 0, 853, 392,
585, 853, 0, 598, 542, 392, 598, 0)
airports <- matrix(airports, ncol=4, byrow=F, dimnames = list(names, names))
In [32]:
ATL | BOS | ORD | DCA | |
ATL | 0 | 934 | 585 | 542 |
BOS | 934 | 0 | 853 | 392 |
ORD | 585 | 853 | 0 | 598 |
DCA | 542 | 392 | 598 | 0 |
In [33]:
BOS 934
ORD 585 853
DCA 542 392 598
In [34]:
tree <- hclust(as.dist(airports), method="single")
In [35]:
tree <- hclust(as.dist(airports), method="complete")
A trip to Europe¶
In [37]:
plot(hclust(eurodist, method="complete"))
In [38]:
eurotree <- hclust(eurodist, method="complete")
Find clusters by height¶
In [39]:
groups <- cutree(tree = eurotree, h = 1500)
data.frame(groups) %>%
rownames_to_column("city") %>%
city | groups |
Athens | 1 |
Rome | 1 |
Barcelona | 2 |
Geneva | 2 |
Lyons | 2 |
Marseilles | 2 |
Milan | 2 |
Brussels | 3 |
Calais | 3 |
Cherbourg | 3 |
Cologne | 3 |
Hook of Holland | 3 |
Paris | 3 |
Copenhagen | 4 |
Hamburg | 4 |
Stockholm | 4 |
Gibraltar | 5 |
Lisbon | 5 |
Madrid | 5 |
Munich | 6 |
Vienna | 6 |
In [40]:
rect.hclust(eurotree, h=1500, border = "red")
Find clusters by number¶
In [41]:
groups <- cutree(tree = eurotree, k = 8)
data.frame(groups) %>%
rownames_to_column("city") %>%
city | groups |
Athens | 1 |
Rome | 1 |
Barcelona | 2 |
Marseilles | 2 |
Brussels | 3 |
Calais | 3 |
Cherbourg | 3 |
Cologne | 3 |
Hook of Holland | 3 |
Paris | 3 |
Copenhagen | 4 |
Hamburg | 4 |
Geneva | 5 |
Lyons | 5 |
Milan | 5 |
Gibraltar | 6 |
Lisbon | 6 |
Madrid | 6 |
Munich | 7 |
Vienna | 7 |
Stockholm | 8 |
In [42]:
rect.hclust(eurotree, k=8, border = "red")
k-means clustering¶
In [43]:
kmeans.golub <- kmeans(golub, centers=4)
In [44]:
plot(mds$V1, mds$V2, type="n")
text(mds$V1, mds$V2, labels = mds$phenotype, col=as.integer(kmeans.golub$cluster))
Grouped by data source¶
In [45]:
plot(mds$V1, mds$V2, type="n")
text(mds$V1, mds$V2, labels = mds$phenotype,
Semi-supervised learning (Noise discovery)¶
In [46]:
Simulate noise data set¶
Note that EVERY expression value is drawn from a standard normal distribution. Hence there should not be any meaningful distinction between the “groups”.
In [47]:
m <- 20000 # number of genes
n <- 20 # number of subjects
alpha <- 0.005
grp <- factor(rep(c('N', 'Y'), c(n, n)))
genes <- paste("Gene", 1:m, sep="")
subjects <- paste("PID", 1:(2*n), sep="")
expr <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n * m), m, 2 * n)
rownames(expr) <- genes
colnames(expr) <- subjects
Find genes that are different across group at specified significance level¶
In [48]:
pvals <- rowttests(expr, grp)$p.value
In [49]:
df <- data.frame(expr, pvals)
In [50]:
top.genes <- df %>%
filter(pvals < alpha) %>%
In [51]:
- 108
- 40
Show heatmap and AHC clustering for top genes¶
In [52]:
annot <- data.frame(grp=grp, row.names=colnames(top.genes))
In [53]:
grp | |
PID1 | N |
PID2 | N |
PID3 | N |
PID4 | N |
PID5 | N |
PID6 | N |
Fancy version of heatmap¶
In [55]:
annotation_col = annot,
color = colorRampPalette(c("red3", "black", "green3"))(50),
annotation_colors = list(grp = c(Y = "blue", N = "yellow")),
show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE,
MDS of top genes¶
In [56]:
mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(top.genes)))
plot(mds, col=as.integer(grp))
Exercise 1
Load the iris
data set. Each row has 4 features and a Species label.
- Reduce the dimensionality of the features to 2 using each of the methods described above (PCA, MDS).
- Plot scatter plots for each method, coloring by Species.
- Are the Species separate in these dimensionality-reduced plots?
Exercise 2
Load the iris
data set. Each row has 4 features and a Species label.
- Scale the data to have zero mean and unit standard deviation
- Calculate a pairwise distance matrix (explore different distance measures)
- Perform hierarchical clustering (explore different linkage measures)
- Plot a dendrogram for the hierarchical clustering, showing 3 clusters
(see the
function) - Create a scatter plot of the first two features colored by the
cluster label (see teh
Exercise 3
Load the iris
data set. Each row has 4 features and a Species label.
- Scale the data to have zero mean and unit standard deviation
- Perform k-means clustering using 2,3,4 and 10 clusters
- Create a scatter plot of the first two features colored by the cluster label for each cluster number
- How could you assess how many clusters is appropriate?