Campbell Russell Harvey
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Academic Appointments
- J. Paul Sticht Professor of International Business, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, [joined Duke University in 1986].
- Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, appointed in 1993.
- Visiting Researcher, University of Oxford and Associate, Oxford-Man Institute, appointed 2011.
- Distinguished Scholar, School of Business, University of Miami, 2010-2019.
- Visiting Scholar, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Summer 1994.
- Visiting Professor of Finance, Hanken: Svenska Handelshögskolan (Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration), Helsinki, Summer 1996.
- Visiting Professor of Finance, Handelshögskolan I Stockholm (Stockholm School of Economics), Summer 1993.
- Visiting Associate Professor of Finance, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, September 1990 - August 1991.
- Visiting Lecturer in Finance, Aalto University School of Business (Helsinki School of Economics), Summer 1990.
- "Recovering Expectations of Consumption Growth from an Equilibrium Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates", University of Chicago, December 1986. Chair: Eugene F. Fama (Nobel 2013). Committee Members: Wayne E. Ferson, Robert Stambaugh, Merton H. Miller (Nobel 1990), Shmuel Kandel and Lars P. Hansen (Nobel 2013).
- My dissertation links the shape of the yield curve (difference between long-term interest rates and short-term rates) to future economic growth. I showed that inverted yield curves precede economic recessions in the U.S.
Top Peer-Reviewed Publications
- "The Real Term Structure and Consumption Growth," Journal of Financial Economics 22, (1988): 305-333. (P1)
- "Forecasts of Economic Growth from the Bond and Stock Markets," Financial Analysts Journal September/October, 1989): 38-45. [P2]
- "Time-Varying Conditional Covariances in Tests of Asset Pricing Models," Journal of Financial Economics 24, (1989): 289-317. [P3]
- "Bayesian Inference in Asset Pricing Tests," with Guofu Zhou, Journal of Financial Economics 26, (1990): 221-254. [P4]
- Reprinted in Andrew Lo, (ed.) Financial Econometrics, Edward Elgar, 2006.
- "The Variation of Economic Risk Premiums," with Wayne Ferson, Journal of Political Economy 99, (1991): 285-315. [P5]
- "The Term Structure and World Economic Growth," Journal of Fixed Income 1, (1991): 4-17. [P6]
- "Sources of Predictability in Portfolio Returns," with Wayne Ferson, Financial Analysts Journal May/June, (1991): 49-56. [P7]
- "Les Taux d'Intérêt et la Croissance Economique en France," Analyse Financière 86, (1991): 97-103. [P8]
- "S&P 100 Index Option Volatility," with Robert Whaley, Journal of Finance 46, (1991): 1551-1561. [P9]
- "The World Price of Covariance Risk," Journal of Finance 46, (1991): 111-157. [P10]
- Reprinted in G. Andrew Karolyi and Rene M. Stulz, (eds.) International Capital Markets, Edward Elgar, 2003.
- "Volatility in the Foreign Currency Futures Market," with Roger Huang, Review of Financial Studies 4, (1991): 543-569. [P11]
- "Interest Rate Based Forecasts of German Economic Growth," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 127, (1991): 701-718. [P12]
- "Dividends and S&P 100 Index Option Valuation," with Robert Whaley, Journal of Futures Markets 12, (1992): 123-137. [P13]
- "Information and Volatility in the FX Market," with Roger Huang, Finanzmarkt und Portfolio Management 6, (1992): 14-22. [P14]
- "Seasonality and Consumption-Based Asset Pricing," with Wayne Ferson, Journal of Finance 47, (1992): 511-552. [P15]
- "Market Volatility Prediction and the Efficiency of the S&P 100 Index Option Market," with Robert Whaley, Journal of Financial Economics 31, (1992): 43-73. [P16]
- "Explaining the Predictability in Asset Returns," with Wayne Ferson, Research in Finance 11, (1993): 65-106. [P17]
- "The Term Structure Forecasts Economic Growth," Financial Analysts Journal May/June, (1993): 6-8. [P18]
- "Seasonality and Heteroskedasticity in Consumption-Based Asset Pricing: An Analysis of Linear Models," with Wayne Ferson, Research in Finance 11, (1993): 1-35. [P19]
- "International Asset Pricing with Alternative Distributional Specifications," with Guofu Zhou, Journal of Empirical Finance 1, (1993): 107-131. [P20]
- "The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns," with Wayne Ferson, Review of Financial Studies 6, (1993): 527-566. [P21]
- Reprinted in G. Andrew Karolyi and Rene M. Stulz, (eds.) International Capital Markets, Edward Elgar, 2003.
- "Strategic Treasury Debt Management in Public Policy," Policy Studies Review 12, (1993): 76-89. [P22]
- "National Risk and Global Fixed Income Allocation," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Journal of Fixed Income September, (1994): 17--26. [P23]
- "Sources of Risk and Expected Returns in Global Equity Markets," with Wayne Ferson, Journal of Banking and Finance, (1994): 775-803. [P24]
- "Economic Activity Measures in Nonlinear Asset Pricing," Advances in Financial Economics, (1995): 123-154. [P25]
- "Country Credit Risk and Global Portfolio Selection," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Journal of Portfolio Management Winter, (1995): 74-83. [P26]
- "Forecasting International Equity Correlations," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Financial Analysts Journal November/December, (1994): 32-45. [P27]
- "Do World Markets Still Serve as a Hedge?," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Journal of Investing Fall, (1995): 23-46. [P28]
- "The Cross-Section of Volatility and Autocorrelation in Emerging Markets" Finanzmarkt und Portfolio Management 9, (1995): 12-34. [P29]
- "The Risk Exposure of Emerging Equity Markets," World Bank Economic Review, (1995): 19-50. [P30]
- "Predictability and Time-Varying Risk in World Equity Markets," with Wayne Ferson, Research in Finance 13, (1995): 25-88. [P31]
- "Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets," Review of Financial Studies 8, (1995): 773-816. [P32]
- "Time-Varying World Market Integration," with Geert Bekaert, Journal of Finance 50, (1995): 403-444. [P33] [Lead Article]
- Reprinted in G. Andrew Karolyi and Rene M. Stulz, (eds.) International Capital Markets, Edward Elgar, 2003.
- "Inflation and World Equity Selection," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Financial Analysts Journal November-December, (1995): 28-42. [P34]
- Also in Japanese, Security Analysts Journal Part I, October, (1996): 45-61; Part II, November, (1996): 84-90. [P34J]
- "The Relation Between the Term Structure of Interest Rates and Canadian Economic Growth," Canadian Journal of Economics 30:1, (1997): 169-193. [P35]
- "Expected Returns and Volatility in 135 Countries" with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Journal of Portfolio Management Spring, (1996): 46-58. [P36]
- "Market Timing Ability and Volatility Implied in Investment Newsletters' Asset Allocation Recommendations," with John Graham, Journal of Financial Economics 42, 3, (1996): 397-421. [P37]
- "Political Risk, Financial Risk and Economic Risk," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Financial Analysts Journal 52:6, (1996): 28-46. [P38]
- Also in Japanese, Security Analysts Journal (1998):1 Part I, 109-119; (1998): Part II, 84-95 (1998). [P38J]
- "The Influence of Political, Economic and Financial Risk on Expected Fixed Income Returns," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Journal of Fixed Income 6:1, (1996): 7-30. [P39] [Lead Article]
- "Emerging Equity Market Volatility," with Geert Bekaert, Journal of Financial Economics 43, 1, (1997): 29-77. [P40]
- "Demographics and International Investment," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Financial Analysts Journal 53, 4, (1997): 14-28.[P41]
- "Fundamental Determinants of International Equity Returns: A Perspective on Conditional Asset Pricing," with Wayne Ferson, Journal of Banking and Finance 21, (1997): 1625-1665. [P42]
- "The Making of an Emerging Market," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Emerging Markets Quarterly 1:1, (1997): 14-19. [P43]
- "Grading the Performance of Market Timing Newsletters," with John Graham, Financial Analysts Journal 53:6, (1997): 54-66. [P44]
- "What Matters for Emerging Market Investment," with Geert Bekaert, Claude B. Erb and Tadas E. Viskanta, Emerging Markets Quarterly 1, 2, (1997): 17-46. [P45]
- "Distributional Characteristics of Emerging Market Returns and Asset Allocation," with Geert Bekaert, Claude B. Erb and Tadas E. Viskanta, Journal of Portfolio Management Winter, (1998): 102-116. [P46]
- "Measurement Error and Nonlinearity in the Earnings-Returns Relation," with Messod Beneish, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 11, (1998): 219-247. [P47] [Lead Article]
- "Emerging/Developed Market Portfolio Mixes," with Stefano M. F. G. Cavaglia, Magnus Dahlquist, Peter L. Rathjens and Jarrod W. Wilcox. Emerging Markets Quarterly Winter, (1997): 47-62. [P48]
- "The Future of Investment in Emerging Markets" NBER Reporter Summer, (1998): 5-8. [P49]
- "Risk in Emerging Markets" with Claude B. Erb and Tadas E. Viskanta, The Financial Survey July/August, (1998): 42-46. [P50]
- "Contagion and Risk" with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, in Emerging Markets Quarterly 2, Summer, (1998): 46-64. [P51]
- "A New Perspective on Emerging Market Bonds," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Journal of Portfolio Management (1999): 83-92. [P52]
- "Stock Selection in Emerging Markets: Portfolio Strategies for Malaysia, Mexico and South Africa" with Dana Achour, Greg Hopkins and Clive Lang, Emerging Markets Quarterly Winter, (1999): 38-91. [P53]
- "Autoregressive Conditional Skewness," with Akhtar Siddique, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 34, 4, (1999): 465-487. [P54]
- "Stock Selection in Malaysia" with Dana Achour, Greg Hopkins and Clive Lang, Emerging Markets Quarterly Spring, (1999): 54-91 [P55]
- "Conditional Skewness in Asset Pricing Tests," with Akhtar Siddique, Journal of Finance 55, (2000): 1263-1295. [P56]
- "Conditioning Variables and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns," with Wayne Ferson, Journal of Finance 54, (1999): 1325-1360. [P57]
- Reprinted in Robert R. Grauer, (ed.) Asset Pricing Theory and Tests, Edward Elgar, 2003.
- "Capital Markets: An Engine for Economic Growth," with Geert Bekaert, Brown Journal of World Affairs 5, 1, Winter/Spring, (1998): 33-53. [P58]
- "Brazil in Crisis" with Chris Lundblad and Diego Valderrama, Emerging Markets Quarterly Spring, (1999): 4-9. [P59]
- "Efficient Online Non-Parametric Density Estimation," with Christophe G. Lambert, Scott E. Harrington, Nathan D. Bronson and Arman Glodjo. Algorithmica 25, (1999): 37-57.[P60]
- "Forecasting emerging market returns using neural networks: A comparative study of nine emerging markets," with Kirsten E. Travers and Michael J. Costa,
Emerging Markets Quarterly 4, 2, (2000): 43-54. [P61]
- "Economic, Financial and Fundamental Global Risk In and Out of the EMU," with Wayne Ferson, Swedish Economic Policy Review 6, (1999): 123-184. [P62]
- "Stock Selection in Mexico" with Dana Achour, Greg Hopkins and Clive Lang, Emerging Markets Quarterly 3, Fall, (1999): 38-75. [P63]
- "Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets," with Geert Bekaert, Journal of Finance 55, (2000): 565-613. [P64]
- "Firm Characteristics and Investment Strategies in Africa: The Case of South Africa" with Dana Achour, Greg Hopkins and Clive Lang, African Finance Journal 1, (1999): 1-68. [P65]
- "Understanding Emerging Market Bonds" with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, in Emerging Markets Quarterly 4, 1, (2000): 7-23, [P66]
- "The theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence from the field," with John Graham, Journal of Financial Economics 60, (2001): 187-243. [P67]
- "Time-Varying Conditional Skewness and the Market Risk Premium," with Akhtar Siddique, Research in Banking and Finance 1, (2000): 27-60. [P68]
- "The Drivers of Expected Returns in International Markets," Emerging Markets Quarterly (2000): 32-49. [P69].
- "Emerging Equity Markets and Economic Development," with Geert Bekaert and Chris Lundblad, (W49) Journal of Development Economics 66, (2001): 465-504. [P70]
- "Global Tactical Asset Allocation," with Magnus Dahlquist, Emerging Markets Quarterly (2001): 6-14. [P71]
- "The Dynamics of Emerging Market Equity Flows," with Geert Bekaert and Robin Lumsdaine, Journal of International Money and Finance 21, 3, (2002): 295-350. [P72]
- "The Impact of Federal Reserve Bank's Open Market Operations," with Roger Huang, Journal of Financial Markets 5, 2, (2002): 223-257. [P73]
- "The Specification of Conditional Expectations," (previous title: "Is the Expected Compensation for Market Volatility Constant?") Journal of Empirical Finance 8, 5, (2001): 573-637. [P74]
- "Dating the Integration of World Capital Markets," with Geert Bekaert and Robin Lumsdaine, Journal of Financial Economics 65, 2, (2002): 203-247. [P75]
- "How do CFOs make capital budgeting and capital structure decisions?," with John Graham, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 15, 1, (2002): 8-23. [P76]
- "Market Integration and Contagion," with Geert Bekaert and Angela Ng, Journal of Business 78, (2005): 39-70. [P77]
- "Research in Emerging Markets Finance: Looking to the Future," with Geert Bekaert, (P78) [prev. W69], Emerging Markets Review 2002, 429-448.
- "What Determines Expected International Asset Returns?" with Bruno Solnik and Guofu Zhou. [P79] Annals of Economics and Finance 3, (2002): 249-298.
- "Are Correlations of Stock Returns Justified by Subsequent Changes in National Outputs," with Bernard Dumas and Pierre Ruiz [P80]
Journal of International Money and Finance 22, (2003): 777-811.
- "A Brief Note from the Editors," with Javier Estrada and Robert Bruner, (P81), Emerging Markets Review, (2002): 329.
- "Implications for Asset Allocation, Portfolio Management, and Future Research", AIMR Equity Premium Forum, October, (2002): 92-96. [P82]
- "Emerging Markets Finance," with Geert Bekaert, [P83] Journal of Empirical Finance 10, (2003): 3-55.
- "Foreword by the Editors," with Geert Bekaert, [P84] Journal of Empirical Finance 10, (2003): 1.
- "Equity Market Liberalization in Emerging Markets," with Geert Bekaert and Christian Lundblad, [P85a] The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 85:4, (2003): 53-74.
- "Equity Market Liberalization in Emerging Markets," with Geert Bekaert and Christian Lundblad, [P85b] Journal of Financial Research 26, (2003): 275-299.
- "The effect of capital structure when expected agency costs are extreme," with Karl Lins and Andrew Roper, Journal of Financial Economics 74, (2004): 3-30. [P86] [Lead Article]
- "Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth," with Geert Bekaert and Chris Lundblad, Journal of Financial Economics 77, (2005): 3-55. [P87] [Lead Article]
- Reprinted in Stijn Claessens and Luc Laeven, eds., A Reader in International Corporate Finance, Volume 2, World Bank, 2006, pp. 37-90.
- "Payout Policy in the 21st Century" with Alon Brav, John Graham and Roni Michaeli, Journal of Financial Economics, 77:3, (2005): 483-527. [P88] [Lead Article]
- "The Economic Implications of Corporate Financial Reporting" with John Graham and Shiva Rajgopal, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 40, (2005):3-73. [P89] [Lead Article]
- 2006 Notable Contribution to the Accounting Literature Award in 2006 (best accounting paper published in last five years)
- 2006 FARS (Financial and Reporting Section) best paper award from the American Accounting Association
- "Growth Volatility and Financial Liberalization," with Geert Bekaert and Chris Lundblad, Journal of International Money and Finance, (2006): 25:3, 370-403. [P90]
- "The Strategic and Tactical Value of Commodity Futures" with Claude Erb, Financial Analysts Journal, 62:2, March/April, 69-97. [P91]
- Graham and Dodd Award, 2007, CFA Institute
- Roger F. Murray First Prize, Q-Group
- "The Long-Run Equity Risk Premium," with John Graham, Finance Research Letters, 2, (2005): 185-194. [P92] [Lead Article]
- "Growth Opportunities and Market Integration," with Geert Bekaert, Chris Lundblad, and Stephan Siegel, Journal of Finance , 62, June 2007, 1081-1137. [P93]
- "Value Destruction and Financial Reporting Decisions" with John Graham and Shiva Rajgopal, Financial Analysts Journal, Nov/Dec 2006, 27-39. [P94]
- Graham and Dodd Scroll, 2007, CFA Institute
- "Bayes vs. Markowitz: A Rematch" with John Liechty and Merrill Liechty, Journal of Investment Management, 2008, First Quarter, 29-45. [P95]
- "Managerial Response to the May 2003 Dividend Tax Cut" with Alon Brav, John Graham, and Roni Michaely [P96], Managerial Finance, Winter, 611-624. [Lead Article]
- "The Equity Risk Premium in January 2007: Evidence from the Global CFO Surveyt" with John Graham [P97] , The IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management, IV:2, June 2007, 46-61.
- "Liquidity and Expected Returns:
Lessons from Emerging Markets," with Geert Bekaert and Chris Lundblad, Review of Financial Studies, 2007, 20:6, 1783-1831. [P98]
- "Darden Conference Issue: Capital Raising in Emerging Economies," with Marc Lipson and Frank Warnock, Journal of Financial Economics, (2008) Volume 88:3, 425-429. [P99]
- "Comments on Bayes vs. Markowitz: A Rematch" with John Liechty and Merrill Liechty, Journal of Investment Management, 6:3, 1-2. [P100]
- "The Effect of the May 2003 Dividend Tax Cut on Corporate Dividend Policy: Empirical and Survey Evidence" with Alon Brav, John Graham, and Roni Michaely, National Tax Journal, Winter, 611-624. [P101]
- "Investor Competence, Trading Frequency, and Home Bias" with John Graham and Hai Huang, Management Science, 2009, Volume 55, No. 7, pp. 1094-1106. [P102]
- "Portfolio Selection with Higher Moments" with Merrill Liechty, John Liechty and Peter Muller, Quantitative Finance, 2010, 10(5) 469-485. [P103]
- "The Real Effects of Financial Constraints: Evidence from a Financial Crisis" with Murillo Campello and John Graham, Journal of Financial Economics, 2010, 470-487. [P104]
- "Financial Openness and Productivity" with Geert Bekaert and Chris Lundblad, World Development, 2011, 39:1, 1-19. [P105] [Lead Article]
- "Liquidity Management and Corporate Investment During a Financial Crisis" with Murillo Campello, Erasmo Giambona and John Graham, Review of Financial Studies, 2011, 24:6, 1944-1979. [P106]
- "What Segments Equity Markets" with Geert Bekaert, Chris Lundblad, and Stephan Siegel, Review of Financial Studies, 2011, 24:12, 3841-3890 [P107] [Lead Article]
- "Access to Liquidity and Corporate Investment in Europe During the Financial Crisis" with Murillo Campello, Erasmo Giambona, and John Graham, Review of Finance, 2012, 16(2) 323-346. [P108] [Lead Article]
- "Managerial Attitudes and Corporate Actions" with John Graham and Manju Puri, Journal of Financial Economics, 2013, 109:1, 103-121. [P109].
- 2014 Jensen Prize for Best Corporate Finance Paper in the Journal of Financial Economics.
- "Managerial Miscalibration" with Zahi Ben-David and John Graham, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013,128:4, 1547-1584. [P110]
- "The European Union, the Euro, and Equity Market Integration" with Geert Bekaert, Chris Lundblad, and Stephan Siegel, Journal of Financial Economics, 2013, 109:3, 583-603. [P111] [Lead Article]
- "The Truth about Gold: Why It Should (or Should Not) Be Part of Your Asset Allocation Strategy", CFA Institute Conference Proceedings Quarterly, 30:1, March 2013, 9-17. [P112]
- "The Golden Dilemma" with Claude Erb, Financial Analysts Journal, 2013:69:4, July-August, 10-42. [P113] (Prev. W110) [Lead Article]
- Graham and Dodd Scroll, 2014.
- Financial Analysts Journal Readers' Choice Award, 2014.
- "Earnings Quality: Evidence from the Field" with Ilia Dichev, John Graham, and Shiva Rajgopal. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2013:56, 1-33. [P114] [Lead Article]
- 2016 Notable Contribution to the Accounting Literature Award in 2016 (best accounting paper published in last five years)
- "Political Risk Spreads" with Geert Bekaert, Christian Lundblad and Stephen Siegel, Journal of International Business Studies 45:4, (2014): 471-493. [P115]
- "Evaluating Trading Strategies." with Yan Liu, Journal of Portfolio Management, 2014, 40:5, 108-118. [P116]
- Winner Jacobs-Levy Bernstein Fabozzi Award, Best Paper in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2014.
- "Capital Allocation and Delegation of Decision-Making Authority Within Firms" with John Graham and Manju Puri, Journal of Financial Economics, 2015, 115:3 (March): 449-470. [P117]
- "... and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns" with Yan Liu and Heqing Zhu, Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 29:1 (January): 5-68. [P118] [Lead Article]
- NASDAQ OMX Award, 2014, for the best paper in asset pricing at the Western Finance Association Meetings.
- Best Paper Award, 2014, INQUIRE-Europe-UK.
- "The Misrepresentation of Earnings", with Ilia Dichev, John Graham and Shiva Rajgopal, Financial Analysts Journal, 2016, 72, (January/February), 22-35. [P119]
- 2017 Graham and Dodd Scroll, CFA Institute.
- "Backtesting" with Yan Liu. Journal of Portfolio Management 2015, 42:1, 13-28. [P120] [Lead Article]
- 2016 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs-Levy Award for Best Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2015
- "A Corporate Beauty Contest" with John Graham and Manju Puri, Management Science, 2017,63, 3044-3058. [P121]
- "Political Risk and International Valuation" with Geert Bekaert, Christian Lundblad and Stephen Siegel, Journal of Corporate Finance, 37, 2016, 1-23. [P122] [Lead Article]
- "What We Know - and What We Know We Don't Know", Practical Applications. 2015, 2:4, 1-2. [P123] [Lead Article]
- "Conquering Misperceptions about Commodity Futures Investing", with Claude Erb. Financial Analysts Journal, 2016, 72, July/August, 22-35. [P124]
- "The Management of Political Risk", with John Graham and Erasmo Giambona. Journal of International Business Studies, 2017, 48, 523-533. [P125]
- "Globalization and Asset Prices", with Geert Bekaert, Andrea Kiguel, and Xiaosheng Wang. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 2016, 8, 221-288. [P126]
- "How to Write an Effective Referee Report and Improve the Scientific Review Process", with Jonathan Berk and David Hirshleifer. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2017, 31:1, 231-244. [P127]
- "The Golden Constant", with Claude B. Erb. Journal Investing 26, 2017, 94-100. [P128]
- "Economic and Financial Integration in Europe", with Geert Bekaert, Christian Lundblad and Stephen Siegel. CESifo DICE Report, 2017, Vol. 15:1, 36-42. [P129]
- "Man vs. Machine: Comparing Discretionary and Systematic Hedge Fund Performance" with Sandy Rattray, Andrew Sinclair and Otto van Hemert, Journal of Portfolio Management, Summer 2017, 55-69. [P130]
- 2018 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Outstanding Article in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2017
- "Presidential Address: The Scientific Outlook in Financial Economics," Journal of Finance 72, 2017, 1399-1440. [P131]
- "Detecting Repeatable Performance" with Yan Liu, Review of Financial Studies, 31:7, 2018, 2499-2552. [P132]
- "A View Inside Corporate Risk Management" with Gordon Bodnar, Erasmo Giambona, and John Graham, Management Science, 2017, 63, 3044-3058. [P133]
- "The Theory and Practice of Corporate Risk Management: Evidence from the Field" with Erasmo Giambona, John Graham, and Gordon Bodnar, Financial Management, Winter 2018, 783-832. [P134]
- Best Financial Management Paper Award, Winter 2018
- Best paper in Financial Management 2018-2020
- "The Impact of Volatility Targetting" with Hoyle, Edward and Korgaonkar, Russell and Rattray, Sandy and Sargaison, Matthew and Van Hemert, Otto, Journal of Portfolio Management, 45(1), Fall 2018, 14-33. [P135]
- 2019 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Outstanding Article in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2018
- "Cross-Sectional Alpha Dispersion and Performance Evaluation" with Yan Liu, Journal of Financial Economics, 134:2, November 2019, 273-296. [P136]
- "Modeling Analysts' Recommendations via Bayesian Machine Learning" with David Bew, Anthony Ledford, Sam Radnor, Andrew Sinclair, Journal of Financial Data Science, 1:1, (Winter) 75-98. [P137]
- "A Backtesting Protocol in the Era of Machine Learning" with Rob Arnott and Harry Markowitz, Journal of Financial Data Science, 1:1 (Winter) 64-74. [P138]
- "Alice's Adventures in Factorland: Three Blunders that Plague Factor Investing" (with Rob Arnott, Vitali Kalesnik and Juhani Linnainmaa), Journal of Portfolio Management, 45:4, 2019, 18-36. [P139] [Lead Article]
- 2020 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Outstanding Article in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2019
- "The Best of Strategies for the Worst of Times: Can Portfolios be Crisis Proofed?" with Ed Hoyle, Sandy Rattray, Matthew Sargaison, Dan Taylor and Otto van Hemert, Journal of Portfolio Management, July 2019, 7-29. [P140]
- "Understanding Cryptocurrencies" with Wolfgang K. Hardle and Raphael C. G. Reule, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2020, 18:2, 181-208. [P141]
- "Replication in Financial Economics", Critical Finance Review, 2020, 8, No. 1-2, 1-9. [P142] [Lead Article]
- "False (and Missed) Discoveries in Financial Economics" (with Yan Liu) Journal of Finance 2020, 75:5, 2503-2553. [P143]
- "An Evaluation of Alternative Multiple Testing Methods for Finance Applications" (with Allesio Saretto and Yan Liu) Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2020, 10:2, 199-248. [P144]
- "Strategic Rebalancing" (with Nicolas Granger, Sandy Rattray and Otto van Hemert) Journal of Portfolio Management, Multiasset Special Issue, 2020, 1-22. [P145]
- 2021 Af2i (Association francaise des investisseurs institutionnels) Academic First Prize
- "Lucky Factors" (with Yan Liu) Journal of Financial Economics 2021, 141:2, 413-435. [P146]
- "Drawdowns" (with Otto Van Hemert, Mark Ganz, Sandy Rattray, Eva Sanchez Martin and Darrel Yawitch) Journal of Portfolio Management 2020, 46:8, 34-50. [P147]
- "Gold, the Golden Constant and Deja vu" (with Claude B. Erb and Tadas E. Viskanta) Financial Analysts Journal 2020, 76:4, 134-142. [P148]
- "Reports of Value's Death May Be Greatly Exaggerated" (with Rob Arnott, Vitali Kalesnik and Juhani Linnainmaa), Financial Analysts Journal 2021, 77:1, 44-67. [P149]
- Graham and Dodd Scroll for Excellence in Financial Writing, 2022
- "Unpatented Innovation and Merger Synergies" (with Messod D. Beneish, Ayung Tseng, and Patrick Vorst), Review of Accounting Studies 2022: 27:2, 706-744. [P150]
- "Luck versus Skill in the Cross-Section of Mutual Fund Returns: Reexamining the Evidence" (with Yan Liu), Journal of Finance 77:3, 1921-1966. [P151]
- "The Perils of Factor Investing", (with Rob Arnott, Vitali Kalesnik and Juhani Linnainmaa) Security Analysts Journal 2021, 59:3, 41-50 (in Japanese). [P152]
- "Why Systematic Investing is Important" Journal of Systematic Investing, 2021, 1:1, i-iv. [P153]
- "The Best Strategies for Inflationary Times", (with Henry Neville, Teun Draaisma, Ben Funnell and Otto Van Hemert) Journal of Portfolio Management, 2021, 47:8, 8-37. [P154] [Lead Article]
- 2022 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Best Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2021
- 2021 Af2i (Association francaise des investisseurs institutionnels) Academic First Prize
- "Quantifying Long-Term Market Impact", (with Anthony Ledford, Emidio Sciulli, Philipp Ustinov, and Stefan Zohren), Journal of Portfolio Management, 2022 48:3, 25-46. [P155]
- 2023 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Best Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2022
- "The Pitfalls of Asset Management Research" Journal of Systematic Investment, 2022, 2:1, 9-17. [P156]
- "Conditional Skewness in Asset Pricing: 25 Years of Out-of-Sample Evidence", (with Akhtar Siddique) Critical Finance Review, 2023 12:1-4, 355-366. [P157]
- "Momentum Turning Points", (with Christian Goulding and Michele Mazzoleni) Journal of Financial Economics, 2023, 149:3, 378-406. [P158]
- "Corporate Culture: Evidence from the Field", (with John Graham, Jillian Popadak and Shiva Rajgopal) Journal of Financial Economics, 2022, 146, 552-593. [P159]
- Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance/IRRCI Research Award
- "Examining Quantitative Investment Strategies" Journal of Investment Consulting, 2022, 21:1, 4-14. [P160]
- "The Term Structure and World Economic Growth: A Retrospective and 30 Years of Out-of-Sample Evidence", Journal of Fixed Income, 2022, 32:2, 53-63. [P161]
"What Do Financial Executives Say about Corporate Culture and Strategy?" (with John Graham, Jillian Grennan and Shiva Rajgopal) Management and Business Review, forthcoming. [P162] DF DOI
"Corporate Culture: The Interview Evidence", (with John Graham, Jillian Grennan and Shiva Rajgopal) Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2023: 1-20. [P163] [Lead article].
"An Investor's Guide to Crypto", (with Tarek Abou Zeid, Tuen Drassisma, Martin Luk, Henry Neville, Andre Rzym and Otto Van Hemert). Journal of Portfolio Management, 2022, 49:1, November, 172-197. [P164]
"Is Sector-Neutrality in Factor Investing a Mistake?" (with Sina Ehsani and Feifei Li). Financial Analysts Journal, 2023 79:3, 95-117. [P165]
"Emerging Markets in a Globalized World", (with Geert Bekaert and Tomas Mondino). Emerging Markets Review, , 2023, 101034. [P166]
- "Breaking Bad Trends" with Christian Golding and Michele Mazzoleni. Financial Analysts Journal 80:1, 80-98. [P167]
"Corporate Culture in a New Era: Views From the C-Suite", (with John Graham, Jillian Grennan and Shiva Rajgopal) Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2023: 7-21. [P168] [Lead article].
"International Business and Decentralized Finance", (with Daniel Rabetti) Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming. [P169]
"Eggs in a Basket: Harry Markowitz's Contribution and How I Achieved Erdős 3", Journal of Portfolio Management, (forthcoming) [P170]
"What do financial executives say about corporate culture and strategy?", (with John Graham, Jillian Grennan and Shiva Rajgopal) Management and Business Review, forthcoming. [P171]
Books and Monographs
- DeFi and the Future of Finance, with Ashwin Ramachandra and Joey Santoro. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-119-83602-5
- DeFi and the Future of Finance, with Ashwin Ramachandra and Joey Santoro. (translated by Gyojik Song, Seongpil Ahn and Dongyeop Lee). Seoul, Korea: Shinyoungsa, 2022. ISBN-13:9788955017878
- Strategic Risk Management, with Sandy Rattray and Otto van Hemert, Hoboken. NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-119-77391-7 [B3]
- The New York Times Dictionary of Money and Investing, with Gretchen Morgenson. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, 2002. ISBN: 0-8050-6933-X [B2]
- Country Risk in Global Financial Management, with Claude B. Erb and Tadas E. Viskanta. Charlottesville, VA: The Research Foundation of the CFA Institute, 1998 [B1]
New Work
- "Structural Alpha" with Rob Arnott, Sina Ehsani, and Omid Shakernia (W165)
- "Decentralized Exchange: Opportunites, Risks and Oversight" with Joel Hasbrouck and Fahad Saleh (W164)
- "Is There Still a Golden Dilemma?" with Claude B. Erb (W163)
- "An Anatomy of Crypto-Enabled Cybercrimes" with Lin William Cong, Daniel Rabetti and Zonig-Yu Wu (W162)
- "Disagreement of Disagreement" with Christian Goulding and Hrjove Kurtovic (W161)
- "Up or Out: Resetting Norms for Peer Reviewed Publishing in the Social Sciences" with David Hirshleifer (W151)
- "Decoding Systematic Relative Investing: A Pairs Approach" Â with Christian Golding and Alex Pickard (W150)
- "Crowding: Evidence from Managerial Fund Structures" Â with Yan Liu, Erik K.M. Tan, and Min Zhu (W148)
- "The Persistence of Miscalibration" Â with Michael Boutros, Zahi Ben-David, John Graham and John Payne (W144)
- "A Census of the Factor Zoo" with Yan Liu (W142)
- "Decreasing Returns to Scale, Fund Flows, and Performance" with Yan Liu (W136)
- "Dissecting Investment Strategies in the Cross-Section and Time Series" with Jamil Baz, Nicolas Granger, Nicolas Le Roux and Sandy Rattray (W134)
- "Rebalancing Risk" with Nicolas Granger, Douglas Greenig, Sandy Rattray and David Zou (W127)
- "Multiple Testing in Economics" with Yan Liu.(W122)
- "Stock Market Valuations across U.S. States" with Geert Bekaert, Christian Lundblad and Stephen Siegel.(W121)
- "Emerging Equity Markets in a Globalizing World" with Geert Bekaert (W119)
- "Where are the World's Best Analysts?" with Sam Radnor, Khalil Mohammed and William Ferreira (W118)
- "Managing Risk Management" with Gordon Bodnar, John Graham, and Richard Marston (W107)
Crypto-related research (Blockchain and cryptocurrencies)
- "Bitcoin Myths and Facts." (W126)
- "Cryptofinance." (W125)
Teaching materials
- "A Guide to Earnings Quality" with Ilia Dichev, John Graham, and Shiva Rajgopal.(W120)
- "A Guide to Corporate Risk Management," with Gordon Bodnar, Erasmo Giambona, and John Graham (W129)
Gold and Commodities
"An Impressionistic View of the 'Real' Price of Gold Around the World" with Claude Erb (W113)
- "Preparing a Referee Report: Guidelines and Perspectives", with Jonathan Berk and David Hirshleifer. (W131)
Equity Risk Premium
- "The Equity Risk Premium in 2015", with John Graham. (W130)
- "The Equity Risk Premium in 2014", with John Graham. (W123)
- "The Equity Risk Premium in 2013", with John Graham. (W112)
Financial Press
- "The Big Freeze" with Murillo Campello and John Graham, The Financial Times, February 5, 2009. (W91)
- "Do Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have a Future?" The Wall Street Journal,March 1, 2015.
Books, Chapters, Monographs
- "An Exploratory Investigation of the Fundamental Determinants of National Equity Market Returns," with Wayne Ferson, in Jeffrey Frankel, Editor, The Internationalization of Equity Markets, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994, pp. 59-138). (C1)
- "Portfolio Enhancement using Emerging Markets and Conditioning Information," in Stijn Claessens and Shan Gooptu, Eds., Portfolio Investment in Developing Countries, (Washington: The World Bank Discussion Series, 1993, pp. 110-144). (C2)
- "The World Price of Covariance Risk," in Stanley Stansell, Editor, International Financial Market Integration, (London: Basil Blackwell, 1993, pp. 187-234). (C3)
- "la Capacità Previsiva della Struttura per Scadenza dei Tassi d'Interesse Italiani in Relazione alla Crescita Economica Reale," with Sidhartha Kaul and Chris M. Kirby, Serie Economica, 1990, CRF Gruppo IMI. (C4)
- "The Contribution of Speculators to Effective Financial Markets," with Geert Bekaert and Márcio G.P. Garcia, Catalyst Monograph Series, 1995, Catalyst Institute. (C5)
- "The Role of Capital Markets in Economic Growth," with Geert Bekaert and Márcio G.P. Garcia, Catalyst Monograph Series, 1995, Catalyst Institute. (C6)
- "Capital Markets: An Engine for Economic Growth," with Geert Bekaert, Catalyst Monograph Series, 1995, Catalyst Institute. (C7)
- "Instrumental Variables Estimation of Conditional Beta Pricing Models," with Christopher Kirby, Handbook of Statistics 14, G.S. Maddala, C.R. Rao and H.D. Vinod, Eds., North Holland, 1996, 35-60. (C8)
- "The Risk Exposure of Emerging Equity Markets," in Investing in Emerging Markets Mike J. Howell, Ed., London, 1994, pp. 116-174. [Expanded version of W30]. (C9)
- "The Behavior of Emerging Market Returns," with Geert Bekaert, Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, in The Future of Emerging Market Capital Flows, in Richard Levich (ed.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers), 1998, Chapter 5, 107-173. (C10) [prev. W25]
- "The Cross-Sectional Determinants of Emerging Equity Market Returns," with Geert Bekaert, Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, in Peter Carman, ed., Quantitative Investing ofr the Global Markets: Strategies, Tactics, and Advanced Analytical Techniques, 1997, Chicago: Glenlake Publishing), 221-272. (C11)
- "The Risk and Expected Returns of African Equity Investments," with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, in Paul Collier and Cathy Pattillo, Eds., Investment and Risk in Africa, (MacMillan), 2000, 122-145. (C12) [prev. W30]
- Country Risk in Global Financial Management, with Claude B. Erb and Tadas E. Viskanta, AIMR, 1997. (C13) [prev. W33]
- "Capital Flows and the Behavior of Emerging Market Equity Returns," with Geert Bekaert, in Sebastian Edwards, Capital Inflows to Emerging Markets
NBER and University of Chicago Press, 2000, 159-194. (C14) [prev. W37]
- "Forecasting emerging market returns using neutral networks," with Kirsten E. Travers and Michael J. Costa, in Institutional Investor's, Financial Technology, June 1999, 25-36. (C15)
- "The variation of economic risk premiums," with Wayne E. Ferson, in Robert Korajczyk, Ed., Asset pricing and portfolio performance: Models, strategy and performance metrics, 1999, London: Risk Books. (C16)
- "The Asian Bet," with Andrew Roper, in Alison Harwood, Robert E. Litan and Michael Pomerleano, Eds., The Crisis in Emerging Financial Markets, Brookings Institution Press, 1999, pp. 29-115. (C17)[prev. W43].
- "Glossary of Equity Related Terms," in Reuters Financial Training Series, An Introduction to Equity Markets, John Willey and Sons, Singapore,
1999. (C18)
- "New Perspectives on Emerging Market Bonds," in G. Philippatos and G. Koutmos, eds., International Securities, Volume II, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, 317-326, 2002. (C19)
- "Asset Pricing in Emerging Markets," in Orley Ashenfelter, Section Editor, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Science Limited, 2001, 840-845. (C20) [previous W54].
- "Glossary," in Brian Bruce, Ed., Enhanced Indexing, New Strategies and Techniques for Plan Sponsors, Fall 2000, New York: Institutional Investor Publishing. (C21)
- "Economic Growth and Financial Liberalization", with Geert Bekaert, in NBER Reporter, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge MA, Spring 2001, 8-11. (C22)
- "Glossary," in Brian Bruce, Ed., Transactions Costs, A Cutting-Edge Guide to Best Execution, Spring 2001, New York: Institutional Investor Publishing. (C23)
- The New York Times Dictionary of Money and Investing, 2002, with Gretchen Morganson, New York: Henry Holt and Company and Times Books, forthcoming. (C24)
- "New Perspectives on Emerging Market Bonds," in George Philippatos and Gregory Koutmos, Eds., International Securities, 2001, with Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta, Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA, forthcoming. (C25)
- "Glossary," in Adam Leitzes and Joshua Solan, Bulls, Bears and Brains: Investing with the Best and Brightest of the Financial Internet, John Wiley and Sons, 2001, forthcoming. (C26)
- "Glossary," in James J. Keenan, Ignorance is risk!, Cogent Publishing, Boca Raton, FL. 197-204. forthcoming. (C27)
- Emerging Markets with Geert Bekaert, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004. (C28)
- Country Risk Components, the Cost of Capital, and Returns in Emerging Markets, in Sam Wilkin, Ed., Country and Political Risk: Practical Insights for Global Finance, Risk Books, 2004, pp.71-102. (C29)
- Ertragsquellen und zu erwartende Renditen von Rohstoff-Investments, with Claude B. Erb, in Michael Busack and Dieter G. Kaiser (Eds.), Handbuch Alternative Investments, 2006, 349-392. (C30)
- "Financial Openness and the Chinese Growth Experience" with Geert Bekaert, Chris Lundblad, in Charles W. Calomiris, ed., China's Financial Transition at a Crossroads, 2007, New York: Columbia University Press, 202-280. (C31) [Prev W80]
- "The Big Freeze" with Murillo Campello and John Graham, in Financial Times, ed., Managing in a Downturn, Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited, 2009, 14-21. (C32)
- "The Equity Risk Premium Amid a Global Financial Crisis" with John Graham, in Robert Kolb, ed., Lessons from the Financial Crisis, 2010, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 525-536. (C33) [Prev W97]
- "The Long-Term Cost of the Financial Crisis" with Murillo Campello and John Graham, in Robert Kolb, ed., Lessons from the Financial Crisis, 2010, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 525-536. (C34)
- "Parameter Uncertainty in Asset Allocation " with John Liechty and Merrill Liechty, in Scherer, B., and Winston, K. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook
of Quantitative Asset Management Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, 266-290. [C35] (Previous W100)
- "Portfolio Selection With Higher Moments" with John Liechty and Merrill Liechty, and Peter Muller, in Sharath M. Sury (ed.) Essential Readings in Applied Financial Economics San Diego: University Readers, 2013 forthcoming. [C36]
- "Linee di Credito e Investimenti in Europa: Evidenza dalla Crisi Finanziaria," with M. Campello, E. Giambona and J. Graham, in Roberto Guida and Antonio Mele, Eds., Obiettivo Crescita. Il Finanziamento delle Imprese fra Banche e Mercati, Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino, 2012, 231-263. [C37]
- "The Strategic and Tactical Value of Commodity Futures,", with Claude Erb, in Anastasios G. Malliaris and William T. Ziemba, eds., The WSPC Handbook of Futures Markets, World Scientific Press, forthcoming. [C38]
- "Reflections on Editing the Journal of Finance, 2006-2012", in Michael Szenberg and Lall Ramrattan, Secrets of Economics Editors. MIT Press, Cambridge, 2014. 67-82. [C39] (W111)
- "Bayesian Inference in Asset Pricing Tests", with Guofu Zhou, in Andrew Lo, (ed.), Statistical Methods and Non-Standard Finance, Edward Elgar, London. 2007. 131-192. [C40]
- "Luck vs. Skill in Factor Selection", with Yan Liu, in John Cochrane and Tobias J. Moskowitz, eds., The Fama Portfolio, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018, 250-260. [C41]
- "How Blockchain Can Help Marketers Build Better Relationships with their Customers", with Christine Moorman and Marc Toledo, in Harvard Business Review, ed., Blockchain, Harvard Business Review Press, 2019, 101-112. [C42]
- "Telcom South Africa," with James Barber, Angela Fung, Sandeep Toshniwal, and Becky Voorheis Emerging Markets Quarterly (1999)
Winter, 61-79.
- "Raymond Textiles: Globalisation within Emerging Markets" with Rodrigo Camargo, Michal Cermak, Christian Costa, Tushar Gupta and Monisha Saldanha, in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Cases in Corporate Finance, Volume 2, 2012, McGraw-Hill, 3-32.
- "Petrobras in Nigeria: Valuation of the AgbamiOil Field," with Nikita Agarwal, Jacob Anjilivelil, Mahesh Damodaran and Jesse Schwarz, in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Cases in Corporate Finance, Volume 2, 2012, McGraw-Hill, 33-53.
- "Probil IPO: Maximising the Value of an Exit Strategy," with Fabian Barros, Marcelo Bermudez, Chris Rowell, Mari Subburathinam, Alexandre Wolynec, in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Cases in Corporate Finance, Volume 2, 2012, McGraw-Hill, 80-100.
- "Privatisation of Air India," with Aditya Agarwal, Siddarth Bafna, Ozlem Tanik, John Maniatis, and Alok Gupta, in in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Cases in Corporate Finance, Volume 2, 2012, McGraw-Hill, 259-279.
- "Hidroaysén Case: Building dams in Chile's Patagonia region," with Rafael Uribe Uribe; Francisco Jimenez Manterola; Caroline Voulminot Sontag; Andres Mesa Botero, in Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez and Liam Leonard, eds., Climate change and the 2030 corporate agenda for sustainable development, Volume 19 of the Advances Series in Environmental and Social Justice, 2016, Emerald. (forthcoming)
- Other
Finance Cases can be found here.
- "The Bolivian Tropical Wood Coinsortium" with Irina Antsiverova, Nijat Valievev, Canan Avdemir and Oscar Farfan, in in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Sage Publications, 2019, 477-491. C7
- "Hutchison Whampoa and the Shanghai Deep Water Project" with Vidya Vishal, Jerry Wang, Grace Qingyun Zhao and Gaobo Zhou, in in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Sage Publications, 2019, 492-508. C8
- "Shanghai Disneyland" with Tera Ferguson, Kristy Harris, Scott Yancey, Wenny Tung and Jose Guerrero, in in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Sage Publications, 2019, 509-521. C9
- "Iceland Submarine Cable Project" with David Helgerson, Paul Timm, Tom Cowhey, Jason LaRose and Bill Wiseman, in in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Sage Publications, 2019, 525-554. C10
- "Air Deccan Initial Public Offering" with Ruchika Chinda, Anuj Sharma, Ruibin Chen and Rishi Gupta, in in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Sage Publications, 2019, 555-579. C11
- "The Dalian Water Supply Project" with Alyona Dubrovina, Jim Horiuchi and Henning Hummervoll, in in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Sage Publications, 2019, 601-622. C12
- "AES Corporation: Building an LNG Power Plant in Honduras" with Stan Brunson, Rachel Fefer, Andrew Frankel and Carlos Sanchez, in in S. R. Viswanath, ed., Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Sage Publications, 2019, 623-634. C13
- AMERICAN FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Report of the Editor of The Journal of Finance for the Year 2006, Journal of Finance (2007) 62:4, 2041-2052. (E1)
- AMERICAN FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Report of the Editor of The Journal of Finance for the Year 2007, Journal of Finance (2008) 63:4, 2061-2074.(E2)
- AMERICAN FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Report of the Editor of The Journal of Finance for the Year 2008, Journal of Finance (2009) 64:4, 1961-1974.(E3)
- AMERICAN FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Report of the Editor of The Journal of Finance for the Year 2009, Journal of Finance (2010) 65:4, 1613-1627.(E4)
- AMERICAN FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Report of the Editor of The Journal of Finance for the Year 2010, Journal of Finance (2011) 66:4, 1439-1452.(E5)
- AMERICAN FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Report of the Editor of The Journal of Finance for the Year 2011, Journal of Finance (2012) 67:4, 1539-1553.(E6)
- "The Econometrics of Financial Markets," Journal of Finance (1998) 53,
Published Discussions
- Commentary on "A Test of International CAPM Using Business Cycle Indicators as Instrumental Variables," in Internationalization of Equity Markets, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994, pp. 50--54). (PD1)
- Commentary on "Emerging Stock Markets and International Asset Pricing," in Stijn Claessens and Shan Gooptu, Eds., Portfolio Investment in Developing Counties, (Washington: The World Bank of Discussion Series, 1994, pp. 183-184).(PD2)
- Commentary on "Testing the Unbiasedness in Foreign Exchange Markets: The Effects of Price Limits,"Review of Futures Markets 7 (1988): 167-172. (PD3)
My hypertextual financial glossary resides on a number of important sites. Here four examples.
Court Briefs
- "Brief of finance professors and scholars as Amici Curiae," in the Supreme Court of the United States, with Murillo Campello, John R. Graham and Alexander Triantis, No. 10-871, February 2011.
- "Managing the Maturity Structure of Treasury Debt &The Role
of Floating-Rate Treasury Bonds," Presentation to the Hearings
on President Clinton's Plan for Public Investment and Deficit
Reduction Committee on Ways and Means of the United States
House of Representatives, 103rd Congress, First Session, (1993):
103-127, pp. 1644-1649.
Editorial Appointments
- Advisory Editor,
Journal of
Financial Economics, 2019-
- Editor,
American Finance Association Digital Initiatives, July 2012-2014.
- Editor,
Journal of Finance, July 2006-June 2012.
- Co-Editor,
Review of Financial Studies, July 1999-2005.
- Co-Editor,
Emerging Markets Review, 2001-2005.
- Co-Editor,
Emerging Markets Quarterly, 1996-2001.
- Associate Editor,
Journal of
Financial Economics, 1995-2006. 2013-2019
- Associate Editor,
Journal of Finance, 1994-2000.
- Associate Editor,
Financial Analysts Journal, 2002-2011.
- Associate Editor, Review of Financial Studies, 1991-1994.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Portfolio Management,
- Associate Editor, Journal of Banking and Finance,
1994-2005. 2008-present.
- Advisory Board, Financial Economics Network's Capital Markets Journal
, 1998-
- Advisory Board, Financial Economics Network's Course Journal
, 1998-
- Associate Editor, Journal of Empirical Finance,
- Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets,
Institutions and Money, 1996-2013.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Fixed Income,
- Associate Editor, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,
- Advisory Editor, European Journal of Finance,
- Associate Editor, European Financial Management,
- Associate Editor, International Review of Economics and Finance,
- Associate Editor, Research in Banking and Finance,
- Advisory Editor, Emerging Markets Review,
- Advisory Editor, Frontiers in Finance and Economics,
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Managerial Finance,
- Associate Editor, Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis, 1991-1999.
- Program Committee, Western Finance Association Meetings, 1989,
- Program committee, American Finance Association Meetings, 1996.
- President, American Finance Association, 2016.
- President-Elect and Program Chair, American Finance Association, 2015.
- Vice-President, American Finance Association, 2014.
- Director, American Finance Association, 2001-2004; 2006-2012; 2014-2018; Executive Committee, 2006-2012; 2014-2017.
- Director, Western Finance Association, 2001-2004.
- Nominating Committee, American Finance Association, 1997-1998.
- Acting President,
African Finance Association, 2000-2001.
- Advisory Board, World Bank-International Monetary Fund-Brookings Institution
Financial Markets and Development Conference, 1997-2005.
- 2022 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Best Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2021
- 2020 Quant of the Year. Awarded by PMR Group.
- 2020 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Outstanding Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2019
- 2020 LinkedIn TopVoice. Ranked #1 globally.
- 2020 University Blockchain Research Initiative, UBRI Educator, Blockchain Teacher of the Year (Global).
- 2020 Financial Management Award, Outstanding paper published in Financial Management 2018-2020
- 2019 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Outstanding Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2018
- 2018 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Outstanding Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2017
- 2017 Outstanding Teacher of the Year (Electives) Runner-up
- 2017 Fellow, American Finance Association.
- Graham and Dodd Scroll, 2017, CFA Institute. Runner up best paper award in 2016 Financial Analysts Journal for "The Misrepresentation of Earnings"
- Notable Contribution Award (for best paper over the last five years published in the field of accounting), 2016, American Accounting Association, for
"Earnings Quality: Evidence from the Field"
- 2016 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Best Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2015
- 2015 Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Best Article published in the Journal of Portfolio Management in 2014
- Outstanding Teacher of the Year (Electives) Runner-up, 2014, for my course in International Finance.
- NASDAQ OMX Award, 2014, for the best paper in Asset Pricing at the Western Finance Association Meetings, for " ...and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns"
- Best Paper Award, 2014, INQUIRE Europe/UK Annual Meeting. For "Backtesting" and "... and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns"
- CFA Readers' Choice Award, 2014, CFA Institute. Voted best paper in Financial Analysts Journal for "The Golden Dilemma"
- Graham and Dodd Scroll, 2014, CFA Institute. Runner up best paper in Financial Analysts Journal for "The Golden Dilemma"
- Distinguished Speaker, Western Finance Association, June 2012.
- James R. Vertin Award, 2007, CFA Institute. The James R. Vertin Award is presented periodically to recognize individuals who have produced a body of research notable for its relevance and enduring value to investment professionals.
- Graham and Dodd Award, 2007, CFA Institute. Best paper award in 2006 Financial Analysts Journal for "The Strategic and Tactical Value of Commodity Futures"
- Graham and Dodd Scroll, 2007, CFA Institute. Runner up best paper award in 2006 Financial Analysts Journal for "Value Destruction and Corporate Financial Reporting"
- Notable Contribution Award (for best paper over the last five years published in the field of accounting), 2006, American Accounting Association, for
"The Economic Implications of Corporate Financial Reporting"
- Best Paper Award, 2006 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association, for
"The Economic Implications of Corporate Financial Reporting"
- First Prize, 2006 Jensen Prize for Corporate Finance and Organizations in Journal of Financial Economics, for
"Payout Policy in the 21st Century"
- First Prize, 2001 Jensen Prize for Corporate Finance and Organizations in Journal of Financial Economics, for
"The Theory and Practice of Corporate Finance: Evidence from the Field"
- Honorable mention, 2002 DaimlerChrysler Corporation Award for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Fuqua School of Business,
- Barclay's Global Investors Award for the best paper at the 2001 European Finance
Association Meetings, Barcelona, for "Does Liberalization Spur Growth?"
- New York Stock Exchange Award for the best paper on equity trading at the 2000 Western Finance
Association Meetings, for "The Dynamics of Emerging Market Equity Flows,"
- Batterymarch Fellowship, 1993-1994.
- Graham and Dodd Scroll for excellence in financial writing for "Demographics and
International Investments," Financial Analysts Journal, 1997.
- Graham and Dodd Scroll for excellence in financial writing for "Political Risk, Economic
Risk and Financial Risk," Financial Analysts Journal, 1996.
- Graham and Dodd Scroll, 1995 for excellence in financial writing for
"Inflation and World Equity Returns" Financial Analysts
Journal 1995.
- Graham and Dodd Scroll for excellence in financial writing for
"Sources of Predictability in Portfolio Returns," Financial
Analysts Journal, 1991.
- Institute for Research in Quantitative Finance, Second Prize in the
Roger F. Murray Prize Competition for "Stock Selection in Emerging Markets," 1998.
- Institute for Research in Quantitative Finance, Second Prize in the
Roger F. Murray Prize Competition for "Do World Markets Still
Serve as a Hedge," 1995.
- American Association of Individual Investors Award for the Best
Paper in Investments for "Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging
Markets," 1994.
- Smith-Breeden Distinguished Paper Nomination for "Time-Varying World
Market Integration," Journal of Finance, 1995.
- Smith-Breeden Distinguished Paper Nomination for "Seasonality
and Consumption-Based Asset Pricing," Journal of Finance,
- Smith-Breeden Distinguished Paper Award for "The World Price of
Covariance Risk," Journal of Finance, 1991.
- Bank of America Faculty Award, Fuqua School of Business, 1994.
- Richard L. Rosenthal Award, 1989-90.
- Outstanding Teacher Award, Fuqua School of Business, 1987-88.
- Full Scholarship, University of Chicago, 1983-86.
- Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada, 1984-86.
- Graduated first in M.B.A. class of 1983.
Teaching MBA/Ph.D
- Named one of the outstanding faculty at Duke by Business Week, 1998, 2001.
- Tech Driven Transformation of Business [Duke University - MMS]
- Rating 2020: 6.44/7.00 (Instructor); 6.38/7.00 (Course) [Fuqua]
- Innovation and Cryptoventures [Duke University - MBA/Law/Computer Science]
- Rating 2020a: 6.44/7.00 (Instructor); 6.38/7.00 (Course) [Fuqua]
- Rating 2020b: 5.95/7.00 (Instructor); 5.86/7.00 (Course) [Fuqua]
- Rating 2019b: 6.05/7.00 (Instructor); 5.45/7.00 (Course) [Fuqua]
- Rating 2019a: 5.55/7.00 (Instructor); 5.00/7.00 (Course) [Fuqua]
- Rating 2017: 6.57/7.00 (Instructor); 6.29/7.00 (Course) [Fuqua]
- Rating 2016: 6.52/7.00 (Instructor); 6.24/7.00 (Course) [Fuqua]
- Rating 2015: 4.72/5.00 (Instructor); 4.68/5.00 (Course) [Duke I&E]
- International Finance [Duke University - 2nd year MBA]
- Rating 2017: 6.57/7.00 (Instructor); 6.29/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2016: 6.72/7.00 (Instructor); 6.39/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2015: 6.56/7.00 (Instructor); 6.28/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2014: 6.64/7.00 (Instructor); 6.52/7.00 (Course)
- Advanced Topics in Finance [Duke University - 2nd year MBA]
- Rating 2010: 6.71/7.00 (Instructor); 6.57/7.00 (Course)
- Global Asset Allocation and Stock Selection [Duke University - 2nd year MBA]
- Rating 2006: 6.62/7.00 (Instructor); 6.50/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2005: 6.41/7.00 (Instructor); 6.34/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2004: 6.73/7.00 (Instructor); 6.60/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2003: 6.44/7.00 (Instructor); 6.15/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2002: 6.64/7.00 (Instructor); 6.64/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2001: 6.49/7.00 (Instructor); 5.87/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2000: 5.96/7.00 (Instructor); 5.97/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 1999: 6.45/7.00 (Instructor); 6.17/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 1998: 6.26/7.00 (Instructor); 6.10/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 1997: 6.10/7.00 (Instructor); 5.94/7.00 (Course)
- Emerging Market Corporate Finance [Duke University - 2nd year MBA]
- Rating 2006: 6.00/7.00 (Instructor); 5.89/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2005: 5.85/7.00 (Instructor); 5.77/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2004: 6.44/7.00 (Instructor); 6.31/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2003: 5.83/7.00 (Instructor); 5.92/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2002: 6.37/7.00 (Instructor); 6.26/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2001: 6.15/7.00 (Instructor); 5.85/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 2000: 4.94/7.00 (Instructor); 5.78/7.00 (Course)
- Rating 1999: 6.45/7.00 (Instructor); 6.10/7.00 (Course)
- Financial Management [Duke University - 1st year MBA]
- Average Rating over 17 sections (1987-97):6.16/7.00
- Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management [Duke University - 2nd year MBA]
- Average Rating over 7 sections (1987-93):6.48/7.00
- Investment [University of Chicago - 1st year MBA]
- Average Rating over 4 sections (1991): 4.55/5.00
- Average Rating over 2 sections (1995): 4.70/5.00
- Empirical Asset Pricing - Ph.D. [Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulu (1990)],
[Handelshögskogskolan I Stockholm (1993)],
[Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration (1996)]
- William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan, 1996-97.
- Business Associates Fund, Duke University, 1987-93.
- University Research Council Grant, Duke University, 1987-88.
- Center for Research in Security Prices, University of Chicago,
- Lucky Factors, American Finance Association, San Francisco, January 2016.
- The Misrepresentation of Earnings, FAJ Webinar, London, March 2016.
- Rethinking Performance Evaluation, RA Conference, Newport Beach, March 2016.
- The Blockchain Identity, RA Conference, Newport Beach, March 2016.
- The Blockchain Identity, Man-AHL, London, April 2016.
- Rethinking Performance Evaluation, APG, Amsterdam, April 2016.
- Lucky Factors, APG, Amsterdam, April 2016.
- The Blockchain Identity, CFA Conference, Amsterdam, April 2016.
- Too Good to be True, Institutional Investor Conference, Boston, April 2016.
- Rethinking Performance Evaluation, Unconventional Quant: Man Quantitative Summit, New York, April 2016.
- Rethinking Performance Evaluation, SFS Cavelcade, Toronto, April 2016.
- Panel on Globalization, FMRC Conference, Vanderbilt University, May 2016.
- Rethinking Performance Evaluation, WFA, Park City, June 2016.
- 27 Startup Ideas from Duke's Cryptoventures, Raleigh Bitcoin and Business Meetup, July 2016.
- Corporate Culture: Evidence from the Field, NBER, Cambridge, July 2016. [Attended, presentation by coauthor.]
- Corporate Culture Panel, AAA Annual Meetings, New York, August 2016.
- Too Good to be True, Aksia, August 2016.
- The Blockchain Identity, Deutsche Bank, New York, September 2016.
- The Blockchain Identity, University of Toronto, Toronto, September 2016.
- Rethinking Performance Evaluation, ICPM Conference, Montreal, September 2016.
- What Factors are True?, Deutsche Bank Asset Management, November 2016.
- Emerging Market Economies in the Global Economy, American Economic Association, Boston, January 2015.
- P2P Financial Systems, Frankfurt, January 2015.
- Emerging Markets in Global Portfolios, Commonfund, Orlando, March 2015.
- Backtesting, Chicago Quantitative Alliance, Las Vegas, March 2015.
- Backtesting, Unconventional Quant: Man Quantitative Summit, New York, May 2015.
- Lucky Factors, Research Affiliates Research Conference, Laguna Beach, May 2015.
- Discovery in Finance, SQA, New York, May 2015.
- Lucky Factors, Jacobs Levy Wharton Research Conference, New York, May 2015.
- The Risks of Historical Backtests, Jahrestagung - 18th Portfolio Management Conference, Frankfurt, May 2015. Video available.
- 9 Startup Ideas from Duke's Cryptoventures, Cryptolina, Charlotte, August 2015.
- Do You Believe in Backtesting?, Man Alternative Investment Forum, Oxford, September 2015.
- Separating Luck from Skill in Investment Styles, Bernstein Investment Forum, New York, October 2015.
- Backtesting, APG, Amsterdam, September 2014.
- Bitcoin Myths and Facts, Cryptolina, Raleigh, August 2014.
- Backtesting, AHL, London, July 2014.
- Emerging Equity Markets in a Globalizing World, OECD, Paris, June 2014.
- ...and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns, Western Finance Association, Monterey, June 2014.
- How Much Should be Invested in Emerging Markets, Darden International Finance Conference, Charlottesville, May 2014. [Keynote]
- ...and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns, Conference Honoring Hans Stoll, Nashville, May 2014.
- Bitcoin Panel Discussion, Duke Bitcoin Conference, Durham, May 2014.
- Bitcoin and Contracts, Duke Law School, Durham, May 2014.
- Backtesting, Joint INQUIRE UK/Europe, Vienna, March 2014.
- Factor Allocation for Long-Term Investors, GPFG (Norway Pension Plan), New York, January 2014.
- Gold and Fear, CFA Society, Toronto, November, 2013
- Allocating to Emerging Markets for Long-Term Institutional Investors, Opportunities in Emerging Markets, GIC, New York, September, 2013
- Common Mistakes in Investment Management, BAI Alternative Investment Conference, Frankfurt, May 14, 2013. [Keynote]
- The Golden Dilemma, Q-Group, Palm Beach, May 6, 2013.
- Research in Finance, UNC's Junior Faculty Research Roundtable. December 8, 2012. [Keynote]
- Earnings Quality: Evidence from the Field, Journal of Accounting and Economics Conference, University of Rochester, November 2, 2012.
- The Golden Dilemma, CFA Institute, Montreal. November 7, 2012.
- The Golden Dilemma, CFA Institute, Atlanta. October 18, 2012.
- The Golden Dilemma, Man Summit, Vienna, October 11, 2012
- The Golden Dilemma, Man Summit, Munich, October 10, 2012
- The Golden Dilemma, Man Summit, Nurnberg, October 10, 2012
- The Golden Dilemma, Man Summit, Frankfurt, October 9, 2012
- The Golden Dilemma, Research Affiliates, Los Angeles, May 6, 2012
- Can You be Over-Allocated to Hedge Funds, Panel Discussion, The Common Fund, Orlando, March 12, 2012
- Emerging Markets for Long-Term Investors, Investing for the Long Run, Sponsored by the Government Pension Fund, November 8, 2011.
- Advances in Finance Research, Morgan Creek, May 19, 2011
- Liquidity Management and Corporate Investment During a Financial Crisis, Global Issues in Accounting Conference, June 3, 2010, Chapel Hill, NC.
- Emerging Markets, Fourth Biennial McGill Conference on Global Asset Management, June 3, 2009
- Long Term InvestingNorwegian Ministry of Finance, Government Pension Fund, August 14, 2008
- EMG-Journal of International Money and Finance Conference, London, May 15, 2008
- Commodity Investing,IMN Super Bowl of Indexing, Scottsdale, December 3, 2007
- Mistakes in Asset Management, Deutsche Asset Management, Berlin, November 6, 2007
- Active Commodity Managment, Chicago Quantitative Alliance, September 13, 2007
- The αβc's of Commodity Investing, CFA Institute Conference, Chicago, July 16, 2007
- International Diversification, Sanford C. Bernstein Conference, New York, March 1, 2007
- Active Commodity Investment, Deutsche Asset Management Conference, Amsterdam, October 12, 200
- Commodity Management, NMS Investment Management Forum for Endowments, Toronto, September 19, 2005
- The Tactical and Strategic Value of Commodity Futures, Q-Group Spring Seminar, April 4, 2005, Key Largo.
- Optimism and Corporate Actions, Yale University, April, 2005.
- Optimism and Corporate Actions, MIT, April, 2005.
- The Economic Implications of Corporate Financial Reporting, Keynote Address, Global Finance Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 2005.
- The Tactical and Strategic Value of Commodity Futures, SQA keynote address, New York, July 2005.
- The Tactical and Strategic Value of Commodity Futures, First Quadrant Conference, August 2005.
- Global Asset Allocation: 2010 and Beyond, Lehman Brothers Conference, September 2005.
- Growth Opportunities and Market Integration, Harvard University, November 2005.
- The economic implications of corporate financial reporting, Q-Group, La Quinta, California, October 2004.
- The economic implications of corporate financial reporting, University of Chicago, September, 2004.
- The economic implications of corporate financial reporting, University of Southern California, September, 2004.
- Portfolio Selection with Higher Moments, Boston College Conference, June 2004.
- Payout policy in the 21st century, Tuck Conference on Corporate Governance, July 2004.
- Does financial liberalization spur growth?, New York University, April 2004.
- The effect of capital structure when expected agency costs are extreme, Western Finance Association Meetings, Mexico, June.
- Payout policy in the 21st century, Western Finance Association Meetings, Mexico, June.
- Growth Volatility and Equity Market Liberalization, Western Finance Association Meetings, Mexico, June.
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?, University of California at Los Angeles, April 2003
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?, World Bank, March 2003
- Growth Volatility and Equity Market Liberalization, American Economic Association Meetings, Washington, January.
- Market Integration and Contagion, American Economic Association Meetings,
Washington, January.
- Higher Moments in Asset Pricing, INQUIRE UK, Bournemouth, UK, September 2002
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?, Princeton University, September 2002
- Expectations of equity risk premia, volatility and asymmetry from a corporate finance perspective,
Western Finance Association Meetings, Park City, June 2002.
- Emerging Markets Research: The Past and the Future, Emerging Market Valuation Conference,
Darden School, May 2002.
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?, Boston College, February 2002
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?, University of Michigan, February 2002
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?,
American Finance Association Meetings, Atlanta, January.
- The effect of capital structure when expected agency costs are extreme, American Finance Association Meetings, Atlanta, January.
- Expectations of equity risk premia, volatility and asymmetry from a corporate finance perspective,
New York, AIMR Conference of the Risk Premium, November 8, 2001.
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?,
University of Michigan, October.
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?,
Boston College, October.
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?,
European Finance Association Meetings, Barcelona, August.
- Dating the Integration of World Capital Markets,
European Finance Association Meetings, Barcelona, August.
- Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?,
Western Finance Association Meetings, Tuscon, June.
- Global Relative Value in the Early 21st Century, Lehman Brothers Fourth
Global Fixed Income Capital Market/Investment Management Workshop/Retreat, Whistler, August 2, 2000.
- The Dynamics of Emerging Market Equity Flows, Western Finance Association Meetings,
June 2000.
- The Asian Bet,
Global Investors Conference, April 12-15th, 2000,
Chateau Whistler, B.C. [Presented by coauthor]
- The theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence from the field,
Utah Winter Finance Conference, February 3, 2000. [Presented by coauthor]
- Economic, Political and Other Factors, CalPERS Permissible Country Workshop,
Sacramento, December 13, 1999.
- Dating the Integration of World Equity Markets, Indiana University,
October 22, 1999.
- New perspectives on emerging bond markets, International Investment Forum,
Chicago, October 25, 1999. [Presented by coauthor]
- The theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence from the field,
Harvard University, July 8, 1999.
- Dating the Integration of World Equity Markets, International Valuation
Conference, Columbia University, April 30, 1999.
- Stock Selection in Emerging Markets, International Valuation
Conference, Columbia University, April 30, 1999.
- Perspectives on Corporate Yield Spreads: Variation through Time and Predictability,
Investment Research and Portfolio Management Conference, Smith Breeden Associates, Chapel Hill,
April 23, 1999.
- The Dynamics of Emerging Market Equity Flows, University of Maryland,
April 16, 1999.
- The Asian Bet, Brookings-World Bank Conference on Emerging Markets, Palisades, New York,
March 16, 1999.
- The International Cost of Capital, Ibbotson Associates Annual Cost of Capital Conference,
Chicago, June 1998.
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
Harvard Business School, May 1998.
- Capital Flows and the Behavior of Emerging Market Returns,
National Bureau of Economic Research, March 1998.
- Are Common Swings in International Stock Returns Justified by Subsequent Changes in National Outputs?,
Yale University, Economics Department, March 1998 [by co-author].
- Dating the Integration of World Equity Markets,
CIBER Conference, UCLA, March 1998.
- Dating the Integration of World Equity Markets,
Brown University, Economics Department, February 1998 [by coauthor].
- Dating the Integration of World Equity Markets,
University of Virginia, Darden, January 1998 [by coauthor].
- Dating the Integration of World Equity Markets,
Maryland, January 1998 [by coauthor].
- Dating the Integration of World Equity Markets,
Cambridge University, Economics Department, December 1997 [by coauthor].
- Are Common Swings in International Stock Returns Justified by Subsequent Changes in National Outputs?,
National Bureau of Economic Research, Wharton School, November 1997.
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
UCLA-Finance, November 1997.
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
Wharton School, October 1997.
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
University of Southern California, October 1997 [by coauthor].
- Current Research Issues in Finance,
FMA doctoral student seminar, Hawaii, October 15, 1997 (live video).
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
UCLA-Economics, October 1997 [by coauthor].
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
European Finance Association Meetings, Vienna, September 1997 [by coauthor].
- Cross-Sectional Determinants of Emerging Market Returns,
Chicago Quantitative Alliance, September 1997.
- Emerging Market Debt: A Global Perspective,
Association for Investment Management and Research, Financial Analysts Seminar,
Northwestern University, July 1997.
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
Western Finance Association Meetings, San Diego, June 1997 [by coauthor].
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
French Finance Association Meetings, Grenoble, June 1997.
- Emerging Markets: Unsolved Puzzles,
Society of Quantitative Analysts, New York, May 1997.
- Cross-Sectional Determinants of Emerging Market Returns,
NYU Conference on the Future of Emerging Market Capital Flows, New York, May 1997.
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
Barclays Global Investors, April 1997 [by coauthor].
- Do World Markets Still Serve as a Hedge?,
Committee on the Investment of Employee Benefit Assets, Washington, April 1997.
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
International Finance Conference at Georgia Tech, April 1997 [by coauthor].
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, March 1997 [by coauthor].
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
Tilburg University, February 1997, [by coauthor].
- Conditional Skewness in Asset Pricing Tests,
American Finance Association Meetings, New Orleans, January 1997 [by coauthor].
- Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets,
Stockholm School of Economics, December 1996 [by coauthor].
- Conditional Skewness in Asset Pricing Tests,
Conference on Finance and Accounting, Rutgers University, October 1996 [by coauthor].
- What Matters for Emerging Market Investments?,
Chicago Quantitative Alliance, Chicago September 18, 1996.
- Outperforming in Emerging Markets using Quantitative Models,
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Conference, Aspen, September 1996.
- Active Asset Allocation: Does it Work?,
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Conference, Aspen, September 1996.
- Efficient Online Non-Parametric Density Estimation,
Computational Finance Conference, Stanford University, August 1996 [by coauthor].
- Conditional Skewness in Asset Pricing Tests,
Western Finance Association Meetings, June 1996 [by coauthor].
- The Behavior of Emerging Market Capital Flows,
Conference on the Future of Emerging Market Capital Flows, New York University, May 27, 1996.
- Emerging Equity Market Volatility,
Stanford University, May 1996.
- Towares a Truly Global Portfolio Strategy: New Directions in Dynamically Forecasting and Comparing the Risk and Returns of Worldwide Stocks,
ICBC Conference, Geneva, December 1995.
- Active Investments in Developed and Emerging Markets,
Society of Quantitative Analysts, New York, November 8, 1995.
- Stock Market Predictability and Active Asset Allocation,
Wharton Center for Quantitative Finance, Palm Beach, October 23, 1995.
- Global Investment and Risk,
Mutual Group Financial Services Research Center Conference, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, October 12, 1995.
- Emerging Equity Market Volatility,
Northwestern University, September 1995.
- Emerging Equity Market Volatility,
Yale University, September 1995.
- Emerging Equity Market Volatility,
New York University, September 1995.
- Emerging Equity Market Volatility,
European Finance Association Meetings, August 1995 [by coauthor].
- Performance Evaluation in the Presence of Dynamic Trading Strategies,
Western Finance Association Meetings, June 1995 [by coauthor].
- Trends in Emerging Markets,
University of Chicago Emerging Market Conference, May 19, 1995.
- The Business Cycle, Bull and Bear Markets, Inflation and World Equity Selection,
Q-Group, Orlando, May 1995.
- Forecasting Foreign Exchange Market Returns via Entropy Coding,
IEEE/IAFE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering,
New York, April 1995 [by coauthor].
- Forecasting Foreign Exchange Market Returns via Entropy Coding,
HFDC-I, Zurich, March 1995 [by coauthor].
- Emerging Equity Market Volatility,
Georgetown University, February 1995.
- Emerging Equity Market Volatility,
American Finance Association, Washington, DC, January 1995.
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
American Finance Association, Washington, DC, January 1995.
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
NBER Asset Pricing Conference, November 1994 [by coauthor].
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
CIRANO Conference on Stochastic Volatility, Montreal, October 1994.
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
NBER, Wharton, October 1994 [by coauthor].
- Do World Markets Still Serve as a Hedge?,
Financial Management Association, St. Louis, October 1994.
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, October 1994.
- Do World Markets Still Serve as a Hedge?,
Berkeley Program in Finance, September 1994.
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
European Finance Association, Brussels, August 1994 [by coauthor].
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
Board of Governors, Federal Reserve Bank, July 1994.
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
Western Finance Association, Santa Fe, June 1994 (by coauthor).
- Predictable Returns in Developed and Emerging Markets,
Association for Investment Management and Research, May 1994.
- Predictable Risk and Return in Emerging Markets,
Center for Research in Security Prices, May 1994.
- Time-Varying World Market Integration,
Ohio State University, May 1994.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
Georgia Tech, April 1994.
- Modeling the Fundamental Determinants of National Equity Returns, Berkeley Program in Finance, Rancho Mirage, March 13, 1994.
- Conditional Asset Allocation in Emerging Markets,
INQUIRE Europe-U.K., Lausanne, March 1994.
- Modelling the Fundamental Determinants of National Equity Returns,
Berkeley Program in Finance, March 1994.
- Emerging Markets, Predictability and Active Investment Strategies,
Kidder Peabody Asset Management Symposium, Puerto Rico, February 1994.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
Carnegie Mellon University, November 1993.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
Dartmouth University, November 1993.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
University of Michigan, November 1993.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
University of Chicago, November 1993.
- An Exploratory Investigation of the Fundamental Determinants of National Equity Markets,
NBER Conference, San Francisco, October 1993.
- The Impact of the Federal Reserve Bank=s Open Market Operations,
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, October 1993.
- Portfolio Enhancement using Emerging Markets and Conditioning Information,
World Bank Conference on Emerging Markets, September 1993.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
Columbia University, September 1993
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Conditional Asset Allocation Strategies,
Batterymarch Financial Management, Boston, June 1993.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
Western Finance Association, Whisler, May 1993.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
CEPR, Maastricht, May 1993.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
Stockholm School of Economics, May 1993.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
University of California at Los Angeles, November 1992.
- What Determines Expected International Asset Returns?,
University of Rochester, October 1992.
- What Determines Expected International Asset Returns?,
Cornell University, October 1992.
- The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns,
Berkeley Program in Finance, Santa Barbara, September 1992.
- The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns,
European Finance Association Meetings, Lisbon, September 1992.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Conditional Asset Allocation Strategies,
ARCAS seminar, Amsterdam, July 1992.
- The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns,
French Finance Association Meetings, Paris, June 1992.
- The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns,
Western Finance Association Meetings, San Francisco, June 1992.
- Sources of Predictability in Portfolio Returns,
Association for Investment Management and Research, San Antonio, May 1992 (video presentation).
- The Economic Justification for Global Tactical Asset Allocation: The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns,
Foundation for Research in International Banking and Finance, New York, May 22, 1992.
- Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets,
Virginia Polytechnical Institute, March 1992.
- The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns,
North Carolina State University, November 1991.
- The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns,
Stanford University, October 1991.
- The Risk and Predictability of International Equity Returns,
University of California at Berkeley, October 1991.
- Information Trading and Fixed Income Volatility,
European Finance Association, Rotterdam, August 1991.
- The Specification of the Earnings-Returns Relation,
American Accounting Association, Nashville, August 1991.
- Seasonality and Consumption-Based Asset Pricing,
Western Finance Association, Jackson Lake, June 1991.
- The Specification of Conditional Expectations,
University of Chicago, May 1991.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
American Finance Association, Washington, December 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
Washington University - St. Louis, November 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
CRSP Fall Seminar, University of Chicago, November 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
Princeton University, October 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
The Ohio State University, September 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
Northwestern University, September 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
Centre for Research in Finance, IMI Group, Rome, September 1990.
- Market Volatility Prediction and the Efficiency of the S&P 100 Index Option Market,
Northern Finance Association, Ottawa, September 1990.
- Volatility in the Foreign Currency Futures Market,
European Finance Association, Athens, August 1990.
- Inter adn Intraday Volatility in the Foreign Currency Futures Market,
Western Finance Association, Santa Barbara, June 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
Helsinki School of Economics, June 1990.
- The Variation of Economic Risk Premiums,
Helsinki School of Economics, June 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
MIT, May 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
Federal Reserve Bank, Cleveland, April 1990.
- The World Price of Covariance Risk,
Queen's University, November 1989.
- The Variation of Economic Risk Premiums,
European Finance Association, Stockholm, September 1989.
- The Specification of Conditional Expectations,
European Finance Association, Stockholm, September 1989.
- The Variation of Economic Risk Premiums,
Vanderbilt University, August 1989.
- The Specification of Conditional Expectations,
Western Finance Association, Seattle, June 1989.
- The Variation of Economic Risk Premiums,
Center for Research in Security Prices, Chicago, May 4, 1989.
- Keeping Score,
CBOT Futures and Options Conference, Scottsdale, February 1989.
- Time-Varying Conditional Covariances in Tests of Asset Pricing Models,
European Finance Association, Istanbul,September 1988.
- Time-Varying Conditional Covariances in Tests of Asset Pricing Models,
Western Finance Association, Napa, June 1988.
- Time-Varying Conditional Covariances in Tests of Asset Pricing Models,
Johnson Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, June 1988.
- Seasonality Heteroskedasticity in Asset Pricing Tests,
American Finance Association, Chicago, December 1987.
- Seasonality Heteroskedasticity in Asset Pricing Tests,
Western Finance Association, San Diego, June 1987.
External Work
Professor Harvey has wide-ranging consulting experience. He currently holds two directorships
has served as a consultant to some of the world's leading asset management firms. Harvey specializes in the
construction of global equity and fixed income allocation models. Additional details are available
on request.
Doctoral Supervision
- Yan Liu (Purdue University)
- Jules van Binsbergen (currently at Penn-Wharton)
- Hai Huang (currently at Cornerstone Research)
- Krishnamoorthy Narasimhan (currently at PIMCO)
- Merrill Liechty (currently at Drexel University)
- Lin Peng (currently at Baruch College)
- Andrew Roper (currently at Catalyst Economic Consulting)
- Hong Leng Chuah (currently at CPPIB)
- Emma Rasiel (currently at Duke-Economics)
- Ashish Gehani (currently at SRI International)
- Arman Glodjo (ABD)
- Jon Wongswan (currently at Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System)
- Christian Lundblad (currently at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- Brian Balyeat (currently at Xavier University)
- Christopher Kirby (currently at UNC-Charlotte)
- Ahktar Siddique (Office of Comptroller of Currency)
- Kjell Nordal [from Norges Handelshøyskole] (currently at Norges Bank)
- Kim Nummelin [from Svenska Handelshögskolan] (currently at Svenska Handelshögskolan)
- Nicholas Bollen (currently at Vanderbilt University)
- Subitha Subramaniam (currently at Sarasin and Partners)
- Peter Muoio (currently at SitusAMC).
Masters Thesis Supervision
- Arman Glodjo (Computer Science)
Public Relations
Disclosure Statement
Updated June 2023.