

* Hypersyllabus



* Historical Behavior
* Financial Instruments, Markets and Information
* Bond Valuation
* Bond Price Dynamics
* The Term Structure of Interest Rates and the Economy
* Term Structure Surfaces
* Duration Measures: Historical Perspective
* Bond Immunization
* Option Valuation
* Option Arbitrage Relations
* Futures
* Optimal Portfolio Control
* Asset Pricing and Risk Management
* Performance Evaluation
* Capital Structure and Payout Policies
* Project Evaluation
* Global Financial Management



* Assignment 1: (due November 6)
* Assignment 2a: (due November 6)
* Assignment 2b: (due November 27)
* Assignment 3a: (due November 17)
* Assignment 3b: (due December 4)
* Assignment 4: (due December 7)


Teaching Assistants

* Doug Davies [ded3@mail.duke.edu]
* Patti Carlo [pac2@mail.duke.edu]
* Carl Will [cew2@mail.duke.edu]
* Jessica Lin (for tutoring) [cl7@mail.duke.edu]


Review Sessions

* Sunday December 3, 7:00pm Classroom A.

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