Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of North CarolinaOrange County | |||||
compiled by Will Cook | |||||
Native Trees |
Scientific Name | Common Names | Freq* | Refº | Notes | Synonyms |
Florida Maple, Southern Sugar Maple | fc | rab |
| Acer barbatum | |
Chalk Maple | r | per |
| Acer saccharum ssp. leucoderme | |
Boxelder | fc | rab |
| |
Red Maple | c | spe |
| |
Carolina Red Maple | fc | spe |
| |
Silver Maple | vr | rab |
| |
Painted Buckeye | fc | rab |
| |
Hazel Alder, Tag Alder | fc | rab |
| |
Common Serviceberry | u | rab |
| |
Canadian Serviceberry | o | rab |
| |
Devil's-walkingstick | r | rab |
| |
Pawpaw | fc | rab |
| |
Eastern Baccharis, Groundseltree | fc | rab |
| |
River Birch | fc | rab |
| |
American Hornbeam, Ironwood | fc | spe |
| |
American Hornbeam, Ironwood | u | spe |
| |
Carolina Shagbark Hickory | u | rab |
| Carya ovata var. australis | |
Bitternut Hickory | u | rab |
| |
Pignut Hickory | c | rab |
| |
Shellbark Hickory | vr | rab |
| |
Red Hickory, Sweet Pignut Hickory | o | rab |
| Carya glabra var. odorata | |
Shagbark Hickory | fc | rab |
| |
Sand Hickory | r | rab |
| |
Mockernut Hickory | c | rab |
| Carya alba | |
American Chestnut | vr | rab |
| |
Chinkapin | o | rab |
| Castanea alnifolia | |
Sugarberry | c | rab |
| |
Common Hackberry | o | spe |
| |
Dwarf Hackberry | o | rab |
| Celtis occidentalis var. georgiana | |
Eastern Redbud | c | rab |
| |
Fringetree | fc | rab |
| |
Flowering Dogwood | c | rab |
| |
Cockspur Hawthorn | u | rab |
| |
Fanleaf Hawthorn | o | rab |
| |
Parsley Hawthorn | o | rab |
| |
Crataegus phaenopyrum | Washington Hawthorn | o | rab |
Crataegus punctata | Dotted Hawthorn | vr | rab |
One-flowered Hawthorn, Dwarf Hawthorn | o | rab |
| |
Green Hawthorn | o | rab |
| |
Common Persimmon | fc | rab |
| |
Eastern Wahoo | vr | rab |
| Euonymus atropurpurea | |
American Beech | c | rab |
| |
Carolina Buckthorn | vr | spe |
| Rhamnus caroliniana | |
White Ash | c | rab |
| |
Green Ash | fc | rab |
| |
Pumpkin Ash | vr | rab |
| Fraxinus tomentosa | |
American Witchhazel | u | rab |
| |
Possumhaw, Deciduous Holly | fc | rab |
| |
Mountain Holly, Mountain Winterberry | o | rab |
| Ilex ambigua var. montana | |
American Holly | c | rab |
| |
Black Walnut | u | rab |
| |
Eastern Redcedar | c | rab |
| |
Mountain-laurel | u | rab |
| |
Sweetgum | c | rab |
| |
Tulip-poplar, Yellow-poplar, Tuliptree | c | rab |
| |
Bigleaf Magnolia | vr | pho |
| |
Umbrella-Tree, Umbrella Magnolia | u | rab |
| |
Southern Crabapple | o | rab |
| |
Wax Myrtle | u | rab |
| Myrica cerifera | |
Red Mulberry | fc | rab |
| |
Blackgum, Black Tupelo | c | rab |
| |
Hophornbeam | u | rab |
| |
Sourwood | c | rab |
| |
Shortleaf Pine | c | rab |
| |
Loblolly Pine | c | rab |
| |
Virginia Pine | fc | rab |
| |
American Sycamore | fc | rab |
| |
Eastern Cottonwood | r | rab |
| |
American Plum | u | rab |
| |
Chickasaw Plum | fc | rab |
| |
Prunus mexicana | Mexican Plum, Bigtree Plum | r | rab |
| Prunus americana var. lanata |
Black Cherry | c | rab |
| |
Hoptree | vr | spe |
| |
White Oak | c | rab |
| |
Scarlet Oak | fc | rab |
| |
Southern Red Oak | c | rab |
| |
Overcup Oak | u | rab |
| |
Blackjack Oak | u | rab |
| |
Swamp Chestnut Oak | u | rab |
| |
Water Oak | fc | rab |
| |
Cherrybark Oak | fc | rab |
| Q. falcata var. pagodaefolia | |
Pin Oak | r | rab |
| |
Willow Oak | c | rab |
| |
Chestnut Oak | u | rab |
| Quercus prinus | |
Northern Red Oak | c | rab |
| |
Shumard Oak | fc | rab |
| |
Post Oak | fc | rab |
| |
Black Oak | c | rab |
| |
Catawba Rhododendron | o | rab |
| |
Winged Sumac, Shining Sumac | c | rab |
| Rhus copallina | |
Smooth Sumac | fc | rab |
| |
Black Willow | fc | rab |
| |
Sassafras | c | rab |
| |
American Bladdernut | o | rab |
| |
Bigleaf Snowbell | u | rab |
| Styrax grandifolia | |
Sweetleaf | r | rab |
| |
Carolina Basswood | vr | rab |
| T. caroliniana, T. floridana | |
Winged Elm | c | rab |
| |
American Elm | u | rab |
| |
Slippery Elm | fc | rab |
| |
Sparkleberry, Farkleberry | u | rab |
| |
Possumhaw Viburnum | o | rab |
| |
Blackhaw | fc | rab |
| |
Rusty Blackhaw | u | rab |
| |
Hypothetical (occur in surrounding counties) |
Drummond's Red Maple | h |
| Acer drummondii | |
Carolina Ash | h |
| |
Swamp White Oak | h |
| |
Naturalized Trees |
Scientific Name | Common Names | Freq* | Refº | Notes | Synonyms |
Tree-of-heaven | c | rab | Native: China |
| |
Mimosa, Silktree | c | rab | Native: Asia |
| |
Paper-mulberry | o | rab | Native: China |
| |
Chinese Parasoltree | vr | rab | Native: SE Asia | Firmiana platanifolia | |
Honeylocust | u | rab | Native: Central USA |
| |
Chinese Holly | u | per | Native: China |
| |
Yaupon | u | per | Native: SE USA |
| |
Golden Rain Tree | r | rab | Native: E Asia |
| |
Crapemyrtle | o | pal | Native: Asia |
| |
Japanese Privet | r | per | Native: Japan |
| |
Glossy Privet | u | per | Native: China, Japan, Korea |
| |
Chinese Privet | c | rab | Native: China |
| |
Osage-orange | r | rab | Native: Central USA |
| |
Southern Magnolia, Bull-bay | fc | per | Native: SE USA |
| |
Common Apple | o | per | Native: Eurasia |
| |
Chinaberry | u | rab | Native: China |
| |
White Mulberry | fc | rab | Native: China |
| |
Princesstree, Royal Paulownia | c | rab | Native: China |
| |
White Poplar | fc | rab | Native: Europe |
| |
Sweet Cherry | o | pho | Native: Europe |
| |
Prunus cerasus | Sour Cherry | r | pal | Native: Europe |
Prunus domestica | Domestic Plum | r | spe | Native: Eurasia |
Prunus munsoniana | Wild Goose Plum | r | spe | Native: Central USA |
Peach | o | rab | Native: Asia |
| |
Callery Pear | u | per | Native: Asia |
| |
Common Pear | o | rab | Native: Eurasia (hybrid origin) |
| |
Black Locust | c | rab | Native: Appalachians | Robinia pseudo-acacia | |
White Willow | r | rab | Native: Europe |
| |
Salix babylonica | Weeping Willow | r | rab | Native: Asia |
Hypothetical (occur in surrounding counties) |
Southern Catalpa | h |
| Native: South-central USA |
| |
Northern Catalpa | h |
| Native: Central USA |
| |
Carolina Laurelcherry | h |
| Native: SE USA |
| |
Native Shrubs and Subshrubs |
Scientific Name | Common Names | Freq* | Refº | Notes | Synonyms |
False Indigo-bush, Tall Indigo-bush | r | rab |
| |
Red Chokeberry | fc | rab |
| Sorbus arbutifolia, Photinia pyrifolia | |
Purple Chokeberry | r | per |
| Photinia floribunda, Sorbus arbutifolia var. atropurpurea | |
Giant Cane | o | ? |
| |
Switch Cane | o | ? |
| |
Smallflower Pawpaw, Dwarf Pawpaw | u | rab |
| |
American Barberry | r | rab |
| |
American Beautyberry | o | rab |
| |
Sweet Betsy, Eastern Sweetshrub | r | rab |
| |
New Jersey-Tea | o | rab |
| |
Common Buttonbush | fc | rab |
| |
Striped Pipsissewa, Wintergreen | fc | rab |
| |
Chimaphila umbellata ssp. cisatlantica | Pipsissewa | r | rab |
Curlyheads | r | rab |
| |
Swamp Dogwood, Silky Dogwood | u | rab |
| |
Stiff Dogwood | r | rab |
| Cornus foemina | |
Gray Dogwood | vr | rab |
| |
American Hazelnut | u | rab |
| |
Beaked Hazelnut | r | rab |
| |
Cunila origanoides | American-dittany, Wild-oregano | r | rab |
Trailing Arbutus | r | rab |
| |
Coastal Fetterbush | o | rab |
| Leucothoe racemosa | |
Hearts-a-bustin', American Strawberry-bush | c | rab |
| Euonymus americana | |
Mountain Witchalder | r | rab |
| |
Galax | r | rab |
| Galax aphylla | |
Wintergreen, Teaberry | r | rab |
| |
Black Huckleberry | u | rab |
| |
Dwarf Huckleberry | r | rab |
| |
Shining Firmoss, Shining Clubmoss | r | rab |
| |
Wild Hydrangea | r | rab |
| |
Hypericum crux-andreae | St. Andrew's-Cross, St. Peter's-Wort | o | rab |
| Hypericum stans |
Bushy St. John's-Wort | r | rab |
| |
St. Andrew's-Cross | c | rab |
| |
Hypericum lloydi | Sandhill St. John's-Wort | r | rab |
Hypericum nudiflorum | Early St. John's-Wort | r | rab |
Shrubby St. John's-Wort | o | rab |
| |
St. Andrew's-Cross | o | rab |
| Hypericum hypericoides ssp. multicaule | |
Inkberry | r | rab |
| |
Common Winterberry | r | rab |
| |
Virginia Sweetspire | r | rab |
| |
Mountain Doghobble | vr | rab |
| L. axillaris var. editorum | |
Smooth Northern Spicebush | o | spe |
| |
Hairy Northern Spicebush | u | spe |
| |
Running-Cedar, Fan Ground-Pine | c | rab |
| Lycopodium flabelliforme, Diphasiastrum digitatum | |
Maleberry | u | rab |
| |
Staggerbush | u | rab |
| |
Southern Bayberry | r | rab |
| Myrica heterophylla | |
Nestronia, Leechbrush | r | rab |
| |
Eastern Prickly-Pear | r | rab |
| Opuntia compressa | |
Scentless Mock-orange | r | rab |
| |
Oak Mistletoe | fc | rab |
| Phoradendron serotinum | |
Eastern Ninebark | r | rab |
| |
Pyrola americana | Rounded Shinleaf | r | rab |
Rhododendron arborescens | Smooth Azalea | r | rab |
Pink Azalea, Pinxter Flower | fc | rab |
| Rhododendron nudiflorum | |
Fragrant Sumac | r | rab |
| |
Michaux's Sumac | vr | rab |
| |
Bristly Locust | o | rab |
| |
Dwarf Bristly Locust | r | rab |
| Robinia hispida var. nana | |
Carolina Rose | o | rab |
| |
Swamp Rose | u | rab |
| |
Saw-tooth Blackberry | c | rab |
| Rubus betulifolius | |
Sand Blackberry | u | rab |
| |
Rubus flagellaris | Whiplash Dewberry | u | rab |
Bristly Dewberry | r | rab |
| |
Black Raspberry | o | rab |
| |
Rubus trivialis | Southern Dewberry | r | rab |
Coastal Plain Willow | r | rab |
| |
Prairie Willow | o | rab |
| |
Silky Willow | o | rab |
| |
Common Elderberry | fc | rab |
| Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | |
Selaginella apoda | Meadow Spikemoss | r | rab |
Rock Spikemoss | r | rab |
| |
Coralberry | u | rab |
| |
Atlantic Poison-Oak | r | rab |
| Rhus toxicodendron | |
Southern Highbush Blueberry | o | spe |
| V. corymbosum (in part) | |
Black Highbush Blueberry | c | rab |
| Vaccinium atrococcum | |
Early Lowbush Blueberry | c | rab |
| Vaccinium vacillans | |
Deerberry | c | rab |
| |
Small Black Blueberry | u | rab |
| |
Maple-leaf Viburnum | fc | rab |
| |
Southern Arrowwood | u | rab |
| |
Downy Arrowwood | c | rab |
| |
Smooth Arrowwood | o | rab |
| Viburnum dentatum var. lucidum | |
Yellowroot | o | rab |
| |
| ||
Hypothetical (occur in surrounding counties) |
| ||
Eastern Leatherwood | h |
| |
Dangleberry, Blue Huckleberry | h |
| |
Vaccinium caesariense | New Jersey Highbush Blueberry | h |
| V. corymbosum (in part) |
Adam's Needle, Bear-Grass | h |
| |
| |
Naturalized Shrubs |
| ||
Scientific Name | Common Names | Freq* | Refº | Notes | Synonyms |
Aucuba, Japanese-laurel, Spotted-laurel | r | spe | Native: Japan, China |
| |
Japanese Barberry | r | rab | Native: Japan |
| |
Orange-eye Butterfly-Bush | o | spe | Native: China | Buddleia davidii | |
Plum-yew | o | pho | Native: Japan |
| |
Trifoliate Orange, Hardy Orange | r | rab | Native: China | Poncirus trifoliata | |
Cytisus scoparius | Scotch Broom | r | rab | Native: Europe |
Thorny-Olive, Silverthorn | u | rab | Native: Japan |
| |
Autumn-Olive, Silverberry | c | rab | Native: China, Korea, Japan |
| |
Shrubby Lespedeza | u | rab | Native: Asia |
| |
Lonicera ×bella (morrowii × tatarica) | Bella Honeysuckle, Pretty Honeysuckle | r | rab |
Amur Honeysuckle | u | per | Native: Asia |
| |
Leatherleaf Mahonia | u | rab | Native: Asia | Berberis bealei | |
Nandina, Heavenly-Bamboo | u | rab | Native: Asia |
| |
Scarlet Firethorn | r | per | Native: Europe |
| |
Dahurian Buckthorn | r | spe | Native: Asia |
| |
Rosa micrantha | Small-flowered Sweetbriar | r | rab | Native: Asia |
Multiflora Rose | fc | spe | Native: Asia |
| |
Doublefile Viburnum, Japanese Snowball | vr | pho | Native: China and Japan |
| |
Viburnum setigerum | Tea Viburnum | vr | pho | Native: China |
| ||
Native Woody Vines |
| ||
Scientific Name | Common Names | Freq* | Refº | Notes | Synonyms |
Crossvine | u | rab |
| Anisostichus capreolata | |
Trumpet Creeper | c | rab |
| |
Swamp Leatherflower | vr | rab |
| |
N. Leatherflower, Vasevine | o | rab |
| |
Virgin's-bower | o | rab |
| |
Carolina Yellow-Jessamine | fc | rab |
| |
Trumpet Honeysuckle | fc | rab |
| |
Common Moonseed | u | rab |
| |
Partridgeberry | u | rab |
| |
Virginia Creeper | c | rab |
| |
Saw Greenbrier, Catbrier | c | rab |
| |
Whiteleaf Greenbrier, Catbrier | c | rab |
| |
Bristly Greenbriar | o | rab |
| Smilax tamnoides | |
Common Greenbrier | c | rab |
| |
Coral Greenbrier | o | rab |
| |
Climbing Dogbane | u | rab |
| Trachelospermum difforme | |
Eastern Poison-Ivy | c | rab |
| Rhus radicans | |
Summer Grape | fc | rab |
| |
Possum Grape | o | rab |
| Vitis baileyana | |
Vitis labrusca | Fox Grape | fc | rab |
Muscadine Grape, Scuppernong | c | rab |
| |
Frost Grape | o | spe |
| |
| ||
Naturalized Woody Vines |
| ||
Scientific Name | Common Names | Freq* | Refº | Notes | Synonyms |
Five-leaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine | r | rab | Native: China, Korea, Japan |
| |
Porcelainberry, Amur Peppervine | r | rab | Native: China |
| |
Oriental Bittersweet, Asian Bittersweet | u | rab | Native: China | Celastrus orbiculata | |
Sweet Autumn Clematis | o | per | Native: China, Korea, Japan | Clematis dioscoreifolia | |
Winter Creeper | u | per | Native: China |
| |
Persian Ivy | r | pho | Native: Caucasus |
| |
English Ivy | fc | spe | Native: Europe |
| |
Japanese Honeysuckle | c | rab | Native: China, Japan |
| |
Kudzu | fc | rab | Native: China, Japan |
| |
Bigleaf Periwinkle | o | per | Native: Europe |
| |
Common Periwinkle | fc | rab | Native: Europe |
| |
Chinese Wisteria | fc | rab | Native: China |
| |
Species attributed to Orange Co. but omitted from this list
The specimen of Styrax americanus (American Snowbell) listed in Palmer (1990) was misidentified - actually S. grandifolius.
*Freq = Frequency code
c = common - easy to find anywhere in the county with no special effort
fc = fairly common - can always be found with some effort
u = uncommon - not difficult to find with a directed search, but not present in most areas
o = occasional - may be difficult to find, even with searching appropriate habitat
r = rare - only a few known occurences, usually not found unless you know where to look
vr = very rare - only one or two known occurences
h = hypothetical - no known occurences, but has been found in more than one bordering county
ºRef = Reference for this species' occurence in Orange County, NC
pal = Palmer (1990)
per = personal observation
rab = Radford, Ahles, and Bell (1968)
spe = specimen in Duke Herbarium
wea = Weakley (2007)
Palmer, MW. 1990. Vascular flora of the Duke Forest, North Carolina. Castanea 55(4):229-244.
Radford, AE, HE Ahles, and CR Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
Weakley, A. 2007. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas.
There is no real clear-cut difference between a tree and a shrub, but to have a tree list you need to make the distinction. The definition here is the same as in the American Forestry Association's Big Tree Register (2000): a woody plant having one erect perennial stem or trunk at least 9.5 inches in circumference (3 inches in diameter) at 4.5 feet above the ground (breast height), a definitely formed crown of foliage, and a height of at least 13 feet. Source: EL Little, Jr. 1979. Checklist of United States Trees (Native and Naturalized). U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 541.
Durham County NC trees, shrubs, and woody vines
Wake County NC trees, shrubs, and woody vines
North Carolina trees, shrubs, and woody vines
Page created: 7/25/2003.
All photographs and text ©2012 by Will Cook unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.