Parallel Programming Example¶
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Python version¶
In [3]:
def mandel(x, y, max_iters):
c = complex(x, y)
z = 0.0j
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if abs(z) >= 4:
return i
return max_iters
def create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, image, iters):
height, width = image.shape
pixel_size_x = (xmax - xmin)/width
pixel_size_y = (ymax - ymin)/height
for x in range(width):
real = xmin + x*pixel_size_x
for y in range(height):
imag = ymin + y*pixel_size_y
color = mandel(real, imag, iters)
image[y, x] = color
Note that we use a 16-fold smaller image for the Python version.
In [4]:
h, w = 2048//4, 3072//4
gimage = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.array([-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]).astype('float32')
iters = 50
create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, gimage, iters)
plt.imshow(gimage, cmap='jet')
CPU times: user 3.07 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 3.07 s
Wall time: 3.1 s
Parallelism with multiprocessing
In [5]:
import multiprocessing
In [6]:
def mandel(x, y, max_iters):
c = complex(x, y)
z = 0.0j
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if abs(z) >= 4:
return i
return max_iters
def create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, image, iters):
height, width = image.shape
pixel_size_x = (xmax - xmin)/width
pixel_size_y = (ymax - ymin)/height
args = []
for x in range(width):
real = xmin + x*pixel_size_x
for y in range(height):
imag = ymin + y*pixel_size_y
args.append((real, imag, iters))
p = multiprocessing.Pool()
colors = np.array(p.starmap(mandel, args), 'float')
return colors.reshape((width, height)).T
In [7]:
h, w = 2048//4, 3072//4
gimage = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.array([-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]).astype('float32')
iters = 50
gimage = create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, gimage, iters)
plt.imshow(gimage, cmap='jet')
CPU times: user 2.3 s, sys: 180 ms, total: 2.48 s
Wall time: 2.53 s
Parallelism in numba
In [8]:
from numba import jit, prange
JIT with numba
In [9]:
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def mandel(x, y, max_iters):
c = complex(x, y)
z = 0
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if abs(z) >= 4:
return i
return max_iters
In [10]:
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, image, iters):
height, width = image.shape
pixel_size_x = (xmax - xmin)/width
pixel_size_y = (ymax - ymin)/height
for x in range(width):
real = xmin + x*pixel_size_x
for y in range(height):
imag = ymin + y*pixel_size_y
color = mandel(real, imag, iters)
image[y, x] = color
In [11]:
h, w = 2048, 3072
gimage = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.array([-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]).astype('float32')
iters = 50
create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, gimage, iters)
plt.imshow(gimage, cmap='jet')
CPU times: user 2.16 s, sys: 28 ms, total: 2.19 s
Wall time: 2.19 s
JIT with numba
and prange
using parallel
In [12]:
# function to be run in parallel needs `nogil=True`
@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True)
def mandel(x, y, max_iters):
c = complex(x, y)
z = 0.0j
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if abs(z) >= 4:
return i
return max_iters
@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, image, iters):
height, width = image.shape
pixel_size_x = (xmax - xmin)/width
pixel_size_y = (ymax - ymin)/height
# replace `range` with `prange`
for x in prange(width):
real = xmin + x*pixel_size_x
for y in prange(height):
imag = ymin + y*pixel_size_y
color = mandel(real, imag, iters)
image[y, x] = color
In [13]:
h, w = 2048, 3072
gimage = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.array([-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]).astype('float32')
iters = 50
create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, gimage, iters)
plt.imshow(gimage, cmap='jet')
CPU times: user 2.44 s, sys: 4 ms, total: 2.44 s
Wall time: 1.06 s
Parallelism in cython
In [14]:
import cython
In [15]:
%load_ext cython
In [16]:
%%cython -a
cimport cython
cdef extern from "complex.h":
double cabs(double complex)
cdef unsigned char mandel_cython(double x, double y, int max_iters):
cdef double complex c, z
c = x + y*1j
z = 0.0j
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if cabs(z) >= 2:
return i
return max_iters
def create_fractal_cython(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
unsigned char[:, :] image, int iters):
cdef int x, y
cdef int height, width
cdef double pixel_size_x, pixel_size_y
cdef double real, imag
cdef unsigned char color
height = image.shape[0]
width = image.shape[1]
pixel_size_x = (xmax - xmin)/width
pixel_size_y = (ymax - ymin)/height
for x in range(width):
real = xmin + x*pixel_size_x
for y in range(height):
imag = ymin + y*pixel_size_y
color = mandel_cython(real, imag, iters)
image[y, x] = color
Generated by Cython 0.27.3
Yellow lines hint at Python interaction.
Click on a line that starts with a "+
" to see the C code that Cython generated for it.
+02: cimport cython
__pyx_t_1 = __Pyx_PyDict_NewPresized(0); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_1)) __PYX_ERR(0, 2, __pyx_L1_error) __Pyx_GOTREF(__pyx_t_1); if (PyDict_SetItem(__pyx_d, __pyx_n_s_test, __pyx_t_1) < 0) __PYX_ERR(0, 2, __pyx_L1_error) __Pyx_DECREF(__pyx_t_1); __pyx_t_1 = 0;
04: cdef extern from "complex.h":
05: double cabs(double complex)
+07: cdef unsigned char mandel_cython(double x, double y, int max_iters):
static unsigned char __pyx_f_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_mandel_cython(double __pyx_v_x, double __pyx_v_y, int __pyx_v_max_iters) { __pyx_t_double_complex __pyx_v_c; __pyx_t_double_complex __pyx_v_z; int __pyx_v_i; unsigned char __pyx_r; __Pyx_RefNannyDeclarations __Pyx_RefNannySetupContext("mandel_cython", 0); /* … */ /* function exit code */ __pyx_L0:; __Pyx_RefNannyFinishContext(); return __pyx_r; }
08: cdef double complex c, z
+10: c = x + y*1j
__pyx_v_c = __Pyx_c_sum_double(__pyx_t_double_complex_from_parts(__pyx_v_x, 0), __Pyx_c_prod_double(__pyx_t_double_complex_from_parts(__pyx_v_y, 0), __pyx_t_double_complex_from_parts(0, 1.0)));
+11: z = 0.0j
__pyx_v_z = __pyx_t_double_complex_from_parts(0, 0.0);
+12: for i in range(max_iters):
__pyx_t_1 = __pyx_v_max_iters; for (__pyx_t_2 = 0; __pyx_t_2 < __pyx_t_1; __pyx_t_2+=1) { __pyx_v_i = __pyx_t_2;
+13: z = z*z + c
__pyx_v_z = __Pyx_c_sum_double(__Pyx_c_prod_double(__pyx_v_z, __pyx_v_z), __pyx_v_c);
+14: if cabs(z) >= 2:
__pyx_t_3 = ((cabs(__pyx_v_z) >= 2.0) != 0); if (__pyx_t_3) { /* … */ } }
+15: return i
__pyx_r = __pyx_v_i; goto __pyx_L0;
+16: return max_iters
__pyx_r = __pyx_v_max_iters; goto __pyx_L0;
18: @cython.cdivision(True)
+19: def create_fractal_cython(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
/* Python wrapper */ static PyObject *__pyx_pw_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_1create_fractal_cython(PyObject *__pyx_self, PyObject *__pyx_args, PyObject *__pyx_kwds); /*proto*/ static PyMethodDef __pyx_mdef_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_1create_fractal_cython = {"create_fractal_cython", (PyCFunction)__pyx_pw_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_1create_fractal_cython, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, 0}; static PyObject *__pyx_pw_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_1create_fractal_cython(PyObject *__pyx_self, PyObject *__pyx_args, PyObject *__pyx_kwds) { double __pyx_v_xmin; double __pyx_v_xmax; double __pyx_v_ymin; double __pyx_v_ymax; __Pyx_memviewslice __pyx_v_image = { 0, 0, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 } }; int __pyx_v_iters; PyObject *__pyx_r = 0; __Pyx_RefNannyDeclarations __Pyx_RefNannySetupContext("create_fractal_cython (wrapper)", 0); { static PyObject **__pyx_pyargnames[] = {&__pyx_n_s_xmin,&__pyx_n_s_xmax,&__pyx_n_s_ymin,&__pyx_n_s_ymax,&__pyx_n_s_image,&__pyx_n_s_iters,0}; PyObject* values[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; if (unlikely(__pyx_kwds)) { Py_ssize_t kw_args; const Py_ssize_t pos_args = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(__pyx_args); switch (pos_args) { case 6: values[5] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 5); CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 5: values[4] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 4); CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 4: values[3] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 3); CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 3: values[2] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 2); CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 2: values[1] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 1); CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 1: values[0] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 0); CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 0: break; default: goto __pyx_L5_argtuple_error; } kw_args = PyDict_Size(__pyx_kwds); switch (pos_args) { case 0: if (likely((values[0] = PyDict_GetItem(__pyx_kwds, __pyx_n_s_xmin)) != 0)) kw_args--; else goto __pyx_L5_argtuple_error; CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 1: if (likely((values[1] = PyDict_GetItem(__pyx_kwds, __pyx_n_s_xmax)) != 0)) kw_args--; else { __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid("create_fractal_cython", 1, 6, 6, 1); __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) } CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 2: if (likely((values[2] = PyDict_GetItem(__pyx_kwds, __pyx_n_s_ymin)) != 0)) kw_args--; else { __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid("create_fractal_cython", 1, 6, 6, 2); __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) } CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 3: if (likely((values[3] = PyDict_GetItem(__pyx_kwds, __pyx_n_s_ymax)) != 0)) kw_args--; else { __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid("create_fractal_cython", 1, 6, 6, 3); __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) } CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 4: if (likely((values[4] = PyDict_GetItem(__pyx_kwds, __pyx_n_s_image)) != 0)) kw_args--; else { __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid("create_fractal_cython", 1, 6, 6, 4); __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) } CYTHON_FALLTHROUGH; case 5: if (likely((values[5] = PyDict_GetItem(__pyx_kwds, __pyx_n_s_iters)) != 0)) kw_args--; else { __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid("create_fractal_cython", 1, 6, 6, 5); __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) } } if (unlikely(kw_args > 0)) { if (unlikely(__Pyx_ParseOptionalKeywords(__pyx_kwds, __pyx_pyargnames, 0, values, pos_args, "create_fractal_cython") < 0)) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) } } else if (PyTuple_GET_SIZE(__pyx_args) != 6) { goto __pyx_L5_argtuple_error; } else { values[0] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 0); values[1] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 1); values[2] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 2); values[3] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 3); values[4] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 4); values[5] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(__pyx_args, 5); } __pyx_v_xmin = __pyx_PyFloat_AsDouble(values[0]); if (unlikely((__pyx_v_xmin == (double)-1) && PyErr_Occurred())) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) __pyx_v_xmax = __pyx_PyFloat_AsDouble(values[1]); if (unlikely((__pyx_v_xmax == (double)-1) && PyErr_Occurred())) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) __pyx_v_ymin = __pyx_PyFloat_AsDouble(values[2]); if (unlikely((__pyx_v_ymin == (double)-1) && PyErr_Occurred())) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) __pyx_v_ymax = __pyx_PyFloat_AsDouble(values[3]); if (unlikely((__pyx_v_ymax == (double)-1) && PyErr_Occurred())) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) __pyx_v_image = __Pyx_PyObject_to_MemoryviewSlice_dsds_unsigned_char(values[4]); if (unlikely(!__pyx_v_image.memview)) __PYX_ERR(0, 20, __pyx_L3_error) __pyx_v_iters = __Pyx_PyInt_As_int(values[5]); if (unlikely((__pyx_v_iters == (int)-1) && PyErr_Occurred())) __PYX_ERR(0, 20, __pyx_L3_error) } goto __pyx_L4_argument_unpacking_done; __pyx_L5_argtuple_error:; __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid("create_fractal_cython", 1, 6, 6, PyTuple_GET_SIZE(__pyx_args)); __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L3_error) __pyx_L3_error:; __Pyx_AddTraceback("_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6.create_fractal_cython", __pyx_clineno, __pyx_lineno, __pyx_filename); __Pyx_RefNannyFinishContext(); return NULL; __pyx_L4_argument_unpacking_done:; __pyx_r = __pyx_pf_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_create_fractal_cython(__pyx_self, __pyx_v_xmin, __pyx_v_xmax, __pyx_v_ymin, __pyx_v_ymax, __pyx_v_image, __pyx_v_iters); /* function exit code */ __Pyx_RefNannyFinishContext(); return __pyx_r; } static PyObject *__pyx_pf_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_create_fractal_cython(CYTHON_UNUSED PyObject *__pyx_self, double __pyx_v_xmin, double __pyx_v_xmax, double __pyx_v_ymin, double __pyx_v_ymax, __Pyx_memviewslice __pyx_v_image, int __pyx_v_iters) { int __pyx_v_x; int __pyx_v_y; int __pyx_v_height; int __pyx_v_width; double __pyx_v_pixel_size_x; double __pyx_v_pixel_size_y; double __pyx_v_real; double __pyx_v_imag; unsigned char __pyx_v_color; PyObject *__pyx_r = NULL; __Pyx_RefNannyDeclarations __Pyx_RefNannySetupContext("create_fractal_cython", 0); /* … */ /* function exit code */ __pyx_r = Py_None; __Pyx_INCREF(Py_None); goto __pyx_L0; __pyx_L1_error:; __Pyx_AddTraceback("_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6.create_fractal_cython", __pyx_clineno, __pyx_lineno, __pyx_filename); __pyx_r = NULL; __pyx_L0:; __PYX_XDEC_MEMVIEW(&__pyx_v_image, 1); __Pyx_XGIVEREF(__pyx_r); __Pyx_RefNannyFinishContext(); return __pyx_r; } /* … */ __pyx_tuple__20 = PyTuple_Pack(15, __pyx_n_s_xmin, __pyx_n_s_xmax, __pyx_n_s_ymin, __pyx_n_s_ymax, __pyx_n_s_image, __pyx_n_s_iters, __pyx_n_s_x, __pyx_n_s_y, __pyx_n_s_height, __pyx_n_s_width, __pyx_n_s_pixel_size_x, __pyx_n_s_pixel_size_y, __pyx_n_s_real, __pyx_n_s_imag, __pyx_n_s_color); if (unlikely(!__pyx_tuple__20)) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L1_error) __Pyx_GOTREF(__pyx_tuple__20); __Pyx_GIVEREF(__pyx_tuple__20); /* … */ __pyx_t_1 = PyCFunction_NewEx(&__pyx_mdef_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_1create_fractal_cython, NULL, __pyx_n_s_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f9); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_1)) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L1_error) __Pyx_GOTREF(__pyx_t_1); if (PyDict_SetItem(__pyx_d, __pyx_n_s_create_fractal_cython, __pyx_t_1) < 0) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L1_error) __Pyx_DECREF(__pyx_t_1); __pyx_t_1 = 0; __pyx_codeobj__21 = (PyObject*)__Pyx_PyCode_New(6, 0, 15, 0, CO_OPTIMIZED|CO_NEWLOCALS, __pyx_empty_bytes, __pyx_empty_tuple, __pyx_empty_tuple, __pyx_tuple__20, __pyx_empty_tuple, __pyx_empty_tuple, __pyx_kp_s_home_jovyan_cache_ipython_cytho, __pyx_n_s_create_fractal_cython, 19, __pyx_empty_bytes); if (unlikely(!__pyx_codeobj__21)) __PYX_ERR(0, 19, __pyx_L1_error)
20: unsigned char[:, :] image, int iters):
22: cdef int x, y
23: cdef int height, width
24: cdef double pixel_size_x, pixel_size_y
25: cdef double real, imag
26: cdef unsigned char color
+28: height = image.shape[0]
__pyx_v_height = (__pyx_v_image.shape[0]);
+29: width = image.shape[1]
__pyx_v_width = (__pyx_v_image.shape[1]);
+31: pixel_size_x = (xmax - xmin)/width
__pyx_v_pixel_size_x = ((__pyx_v_xmax - __pyx_v_xmin) / ((double)__pyx_v_width));
+32: pixel_size_y = (ymax - ymin)/height
__pyx_v_pixel_size_y = ((__pyx_v_ymax - __pyx_v_ymin) / ((double)__pyx_v_height));
+34: for x in range(width):
__pyx_t_1 = __pyx_v_width; for (__pyx_t_2 = 0; __pyx_t_2 < __pyx_t_1; __pyx_t_2+=1) { __pyx_v_x = __pyx_t_2;
+35: real = xmin + x*pixel_size_x
__pyx_v_real = (__pyx_v_xmin + (__pyx_v_x * __pyx_v_pixel_size_x));
+36: for y in range(height):
__pyx_t_3 = __pyx_v_height; for (__pyx_t_4 = 0; __pyx_t_4 < __pyx_t_3; __pyx_t_4+=1) { __pyx_v_y = __pyx_t_4;
+37: imag = ymin + y*pixel_size_y
__pyx_v_imag = (__pyx_v_ymin + (__pyx_v_y * __pyx_v_pixel_size_y));
+38: color = mandel_cython(real, imag, iters)
__pyx_v_color = __pyx_f_46_cython_magic_a3593081874235a8f98aec77c6842da6_mandel_cython(__pyx_v_real, __pyx_v_imag, __pyx_v_iters);
+39: image[y, x] = color
__pyx_t_5 = __pyx_v_y; __pyx_t_6 = __pyx_v_x; __pyx_t_7 = -1; if (__pyx_t_5 < 0) { __pyx_t_5 += __pyx_v_image.shape[0]; if (unlikely(__pyx_t_5 < 0)) __pyx_t_7 = 0; } else if (unlikely(__pyx_t_5 >= __pyx_v_image.shape[0])) __pyx_t_7 = 0; if (__pyx_t_6 < 0) { __pyx_t_6 += __pyx_v_image.shape[1]; if (unlikely(__pyx_t_6 < 0)) __pyx_t_7 = 1; } else if (unlikely(__pyx_t_6 >= __pyx_v_image.shape[1])) __pyx_t_7 = 1; if (unlikely(__pyx_t_7 != -1)) { __Pyx_RaiseBufferIndexError(__pyx_t_7); __PYX_ERR(0, 39, __pyx_L1_error) } *((unsigned char *) ( /* dim=1 */ (( /* dim=0 */ ( + __pyx_t_5 * __pyx_v_image.strides[0]) ) + __pyx_t_6 * __pyx_v_image.strides[1]) )) = __pyx_v_color; } }
In [17]:
h, w = 2048, 3072
gimage = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.array([-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]).astype('float32')
iters = 50
create_fractal_cython(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, gimage, iters)
plt.imshow(gimage, cmap='jet')
CPU times: user 2.16 s, sys: 16 ms, total: 2.17 s
Wall time: 2.17 s
Parallel version with cython
In [18]:
%%cython --compile-args=-fopenmp --link-args=-fopenmp --force
import cython
from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
# All cdef functions need to be `nogil`
cdef extern from "complex.h" nogil:
double cabs(double complex)
# All cdef functions need to be `nogil`
cdef unsigned char mandel_cython(double x, double y, int max_iters) nogil:
cdef double complex c, z
c = x + y*1j
z = 0.0j
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if cabs(z) >= 2:
return i
return max_iters
def create_fractal_cython_par(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
unsigned char[:, :] image, int iters):
cdef int x, y
cdef int height, width
cdef double pixel_size_x, pixel_size_y
cdef double real, imag
cdef unsigned char color
height = image.shape[0]
width = image.shape[1]
pixel_size_x = (xmax - xmin)/width
pixel_size_y = (ymax - ymin)/height
# use prange in parallel, nogil context
with cython.nogil, parallel():
for x in prange(width):
real = xmin + x*pixel_size_x
for y in prange(height):
imag = ymin + y*pixel_size_y
color = mandel_cython(real, imag, iters)
image[y, x] = color
In [19]:
h, w = 2048, 3072
gimage = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.array([-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]).astype('float32')
iters = 50
create_fractal_cython_par(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, gimage, iters)
plt.imshow(gimage, cmap='jet')
CPU times: user 3.11 s, sys: 12 ms, total: 3.12 s
Wall time: 788 ms
Parallelism using ipyparallel
In [3]:
from ipyparallel import Client
In [4]:
rc = Client()
[0, 1, 2, 3]
In [5]:
dv = rc[:]
In [34]:
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def mandel(x, y, max_iters):
c = complex(x, y)
z = 0
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if z.real * z.real + z.imag * z.imag >= 4: # abs(z) >= 4:
return i
return max_iters
In [35]:
# @jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, image, iters):
height, width = image.shape
pixel_size_x = (xmax - xmin)/width
pixel_size_y = (ymax - ymin)/height
args = []
for x in range(width):
real = xmin + x*pixel_size_x
for y in range(height):
imag = ymin + y*pixel_size_y
args.append((real, imag, iters))
colors = np.array(mandel(np.array(args).T), 'float')
return colors.reshape((width, height)).T
In [36]:
h, w = 2048//4, 3072//4
gimage = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.array([-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]).astype('float32')
iters = 50
gimage = create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, gimage, iters)
plt.imshow(gimage, cmap='jet')
TimeoutErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipyparallel/client/ in _ordered_iter(self)
688 try:
--> 689 rlist = self.get(0)
690 except error.TimeoutError:
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipyparallel/client/ in get(self, timeout)
170 else:
--> 171 raise error.TimeoutError("Result not ready.")
TimeoutError: Result not ready.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
KeyboardInterruptTraceback (most recent call last)
<timed exec> in <module>()
<ipython-input-35-1fc9a5d0ad1f> in create_fractal(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, image, iters)
13 args.append((real, imag, iters))
---> 15 colors = np.array(mandel(np.array(args).T), 'float')
16 return colors.reshape((width, height)).T
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipyparallel/client/ in __iter__(self)
668 def __iter__(self):
669 it = self._ordered_iter if self.ordered else self._unordered_iter
--> 670 for r in it():
671 yield r
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipyparallel/client/ in _ordered_iter(self)
692 evt = Event()
693 for child in self._children:
--> 694 self._wait_for_child(child, evt=evt)
695 for r in self._yield_child_results(child):
696 yield r
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipyparallel/client/ in _wait_for_child(child, evt, timeout)
380 evt.clear()
381 child.add_done_callback(lambda f: evt.set())
--> 382 evt.wait(timeout)
384 # asynchronous iterator:
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/ in wait(self, timeout)
549 signaled = self._flag
550 if not signaled:
--> 551 signaled = self._cond.wait(timeout)
552 return signaled
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/ in wait(self, timeout)
297 else:
298 if timeout > 0:
--> 299 gotit = waiter.acquire(True, timeout)
300 else:
301 gotit = waiter.acquire(False)
In [30]: